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Everything posted by Clockwork13

  1. It's extremely hard to land from the surface of Eve and come up alive. I'm not even sure if Scott Manley has ever done it. However, it's a lot easier to land on the highest mountain of Eve and take off from there.
  2. I am sick of having 217 asteroids lagging up my game. I could manually stop tracking them. But that would take hours. And I don't want to stop tracking them, I want to delete them completely.
  3. I'm not sure what caused it. It sorta just happened randomly.
  4. Makes sense. After a few minutes of waiting, I started wondering if someone tried to DDoS the forums again like last April.
  5. When you mentioned how KSP used to be free, I'm now really jealous... Why pay $30 when I could have gotten it 2 years ago for FREE? Anyway, welcome!
  6. Because I wasn't able to get in for around 5 minutes.
  7. How is your ship not exploding!? My ships would always explode when trying to attach parts directly to an asteroid.
  8. Uhh well I want to edit planet positions for Alternis Kerbol, to just experiment, and that's in a DLL file
  9. I want to experiment with Alternis Kerbol, but to do that I need to look in the DLL file. How do I open it without seeing random letters everywhere?
  10. I already deleted the NASA pack though. With it I can't even use map mode without being drowned in lag.
  11. So a couple hours ago i noticed i started losing interest in KSP. I haven't even opened it or even considered opening it in the last 2 weeks. Any ideas of regaining interest? I probably can't do it if it's ARM related.
  12. I almost had an auto captured asteroid that passed through the atmosphere but never crashed. Too bad I was using timewarp so it never captured itself in Kerbin's SOI
  13. So, I want to know what you guys think about my first scenario. It's not some massive "base in every corner of the map" kind of scenario. This one contains 2 asteroids with the same name: One has a base and is orbiting the moon, the other is a ton of asteroids connected to eachother while I was messing with potato-like rocks in the VAB. This one is orbiting Jool slightly beyond Pol. Try it out here: [modedit: Adfly link removed] Do not click on the advertisement. Wait 5 seconds and click the "SKIP AD" button in the top right corner of the screen. The ads that you are tricked into getting are almost always viruses or just something that you wouldn't want to have on your computer. Download instructions are in the folder. Tell me what you think and how I could improve any future scenarios that I make!
  14. Please tell me what you think of this guide!
  15. I am also going to attempt posting something interesting.

    I have failed too.

  16. Yep. Didn't add struts though so it was fun watching them fly everywhere.
  17. If you haven't seen my original thread on how to unlock potatoroids, I recommend you go here first. Scroll down to see the potatoroid spoilers. They are classified as normal asteroids, but you can name them whatever you want in the VAB The asteroid in the VAB is smaller than the one that will appear on the launchpad You can attach clamp-o-trons and other stuff to them. but it will probably explode. You can actually land claws on these things like with real asteroids The asteroids seem to be class C. If you are on Kerbin, getting an asteroid surface sample will give you a sample from whatever biome you are in. Enjoy! Check out my full tutorial series here:
  18. Ever wished of having homemade asteroids? Might seem impossible without mods, but actually, it's really easy. You are just gonna want to do a back-up to avoid corruption risks... To help me explain how to do it, the entire guide is in the form of an Imgur album Here is the full guide Have fun! I will leave the secrets of what you can do with it up to you! Go here to see the list of secrets (spoilers)! Check out my KerbalGuides tutorial series here It seems like placing down this asteroid on any multiplayer server will crash the game. EDIT 6/2/16: This guide still works perfectly, although I've updated some of the thread.
  19. This happened to my flag once. It means you go under the surface of Kerbin to the core and then explode.
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