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Everything posted by Camaron

  1. Here is my my full submission. Terranova V drops off two satellite missions, one around Kerbin, one around Minmus, and successfully lands safely at home. It breaks two jets on landing. It's a design flaw that would be nearly impossible to avoid, so I didn't make a take-two for the landing. I'll design better next time! Enjoy some random Pandora music with Ads while you watch. Here's some old school 90's style links. I am well aware that there were many huge flaws in some of the methods I use. Less than efficient burns, use of LV-N's to reach orbital speed instead of a long high-atmosphere acceleration, and an overweight plane that takes off like a beached whale. (It takes off way better without the extra tanks I added to the LV-N's.) My general policy is: If my ship can't do the mission through my impatience, lousy timing, etc, it ain't good enough. It's like a constant design challenge. I've just realized that this plane won't qualify at this point, because the two satellites it dropped off gave it fuel - Breaks the "no fuel from payloads" rule. Sorry about that!
  2. I think that's what he meant by "some refits" Hey boolybooly, is a Cargoy bay required to drop off a cargo achievement, or can I drop it off any way I choose?
  3. Most versions weren't even compatible with past save files. Don't prevent progress and improvements because old designs might become obselete. That's a Microsoft mistake. If anyone can't live without a certain spaceplane, they will either play an older version or rebuild. When I lose designs to the fact that newer designs render them pointless or useless, I don't even hesitate to go on an all new adventure of design.
  4. Preview of Terranova V (Which will probably get renamed, since it doesn't fit the VTOL characteristic of my Terranovas) Already qualifies as LKO SSTO. Has also successfully landed on Minmus. Unfortunately it Kraken-burst on the return trip. In any case I hope to record a mission video of Terranova V's entire trip tomorrow. Terranova V is loosely based on the wildly successful Terranova III from about a year ago (below). Both crafts feature the double-dock with fuel routing that enables them to automatically prioritize and feed from any fuel docked to the expansion. You could strap on two big reds and pretty much go anywhere in the Solar System. The original Terranova III could drop the Jet and change for anything that fit the space. I will finish building Terranova V and document what it can do tomorrow.
  5. I watch the bar and then start the game. RAID 0 SSD's. ....Really? Mine only just started to load while minimized, and never did before 0.90. I thought it was a new fix. I wonder what that's about?
  6. That plane is pretty awesome, but I refuse to believe its your first SSTO.
  7. My first new Ion craft in a while. Kruphix VII, built for use on Gilly, for surveying contracts. Can make up to 50 separate landings before heading back to the station to refuel. It uses a number of Near Future Propulsion's battery, Xenon, and Solar parts, with stock Ion thrusters.
  8. How is there any debate whether or not that photo was from KSP or not? It's absolutely unmistakable! The whole article is likely a scam of some kind, or some sort of pitiful attention grab. Seriously. If you believed for a second after seeing that photo, that it wasn't a (LOUSY) KSP plane, and that these people are actually trying to do something real, you have been a fool. I REALLY hope a mod shuts down this thread. No offense to the OP. Squad should not want to be associated with a scandalous story like this.
  9. I just wanted to bring this back into attention. A year and a half after this thread was made, my friend blew single LV-Ns which were mounted to Orange Jumbos. By some miracle I personally never mounted an LV-N to an orange Jumbo myself, so I had no idea this issue existed. HOW is this still a thing??? This is a TERRIBLE bug to have, and then allow it to continue to exist all the way to 2015!!!
  10. I had one named Theory Kerman. Can't find the pic for my life.
  11. "How much KSP do you play per day?" What do you mean? All of it, of course.
  12. So, was the Kerbal photo meant to be funny, or is this article actually attempting a scam?
  13. AVOID 64 BIT KSP AS IF YOUR LIFE DEPENDED ON IT! If you cant survive without your mods and they take more than 3.3 GB of memory, then use this texture compression mod. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/59005-0-24-Release-3-3-1-Active-Texture-Management-Save-RAM-without-reduction-packs!
  14. Quicksave All the time. I've been playing for at least 1,000 hours and I have never had a save file totally corrupt like this, but I have had kerbals ejected into deep space after a safe landing for no reason. The last time I failed to complete a mission as intended was the day I discovered just how strong Eve's gravity really is, over a year ago. The last time I had to reload thanks to some devilish little bug, however, was yesterday.
  15. I find the explosion graphics in this video to be better looking than they are now. They had dynamic physical particle sources spawning on death? why abandon that?
  16. A few of you may notice I just posted basically the same thing in the thread about Elon playing KSP. But here's a perfect SpaceX Flag I made not too long ago. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/81474-Who-would-like-to-fly-a-perfect-SpaceX-Flag
  17. I can help you with that. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/81474-Who-would-like-to-fly-a-perfect-SpaceX-Flag
  18. Wow, a true rover / true ion craft. I think that's a first for this thread. Very cool.
  19. Way back when I was relatively new to KSP, I was returning from my first ever successful Duna visit. I came home to Kerbin and entered the atmosphere at the North Polar Cap. Re-entry went well, everything went as expected. I parachuted gently to the ground and touched down effortlessly. Jeb emerged, victorious, and as he set foot on the arctic tundra to bask in the admiration of all Kerbals, the Kraken decided to football-punt him into deep space at around 24,000 m/s. He was last seen entering Rigel's SOI.
  20. I'm a bit surprised so many people have such difficulty getting to these planets. I landed on these worlds with an Ion craft. In fact, I hit Dres and Eeloo in the same trip, with that Ion ship. Kruphix III - Moho Version Kruphix III on Dres Sry, no pics from Eeloo.
  21. No, this is false. I've been playing it for two straight weeks and it isn't any more buggy than its ever been. (Which isn't very buggy at all), Unless you're using the 64 bit version, which has been wreckage from it's very beginning. So still, not any more buggy.
  22. My best Mk3 craft.... DOESN'T EXIST YET! Still unlocking the tech in hardmode career. I'm close, but the 6.36 million dollar price tag on the research facility is making for a decent barrier. I'm up to about 5 mil atm.
  23. I feel like the other planets intended for KSP should have been put in place long before calling it a Beta. That said, Having biomes on every existing world was a great step in the right direction.
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