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Everything posted by Holyvision

  1. Disappointed. No mods for ps4, crazy controller game for sure. Would of rather had a mobile version announced to be honest. Still waiting for PC fixes btw... I bet they rely on the small touchpad on the controller for building and such, this will not end well.
  2. Don't forget about his newest USI-life support mod that adds basic and easy life support to the game! Perhaps it's clamshell stock fairings, who knows. Regardless at least we know it will be cool!
  3. If you are using a mod such a mechjeb's autopilot or smart A.S.S., it will fight any pilot-driven SAS commands they are using (eg, telling Jeb to hold ship prograde and telling mechjeb to hold you retro). Behavior like this can also trigger from certain part clipping -- be wary of the storage bays and clipping wherever possible. These may not be your issue, but it's stuff that I've found to cause similar symptoms. Good luck, --Holy
  4. This would be a lot easier to locate if it was added to the USI catalog download page! Thank you!!
  5. ...did you read the mechjeb release forum pages at all??? Start at the end and read backwards, you have to edit your ascent profile because of the new aerodynamics. Short answer: read! :-P
  6. "1.0.3 is days, not weeks away."
  7. Of course in America they are red, white, and blue colors though! I would say the Easter egg here is that you haven't crashed from memory leaks yet! (But also that fruity flavored ship, I hope the Kerbols don't start eating away at it)
  8. Hopefully soon, but I'm sure squad wants to make sure it's a nice clean latch after 1.0.2; I've been staying with 1.0.0 until at least 1.0.3 releases.
  9. I always play with the transmission range mod or remote tech, so that gives it a reason for me
  10. Have you tried the brakes? I find most breakable things in KSP break for me without issue. Maybe you accidentally cleared the actions out of the brake action group?
  11. Stage lock and caps-lock for fine controls are great assets for sure.
  12. +1, terrible thread. If you don't like tweaking and redesigning ships KSP isn't for you anyway.
  13. Is it still not working? So a full download is required?
  14. A lot of the posts in this thread make me sad. Thanks you for the amazing game Squad, and keep up all the hard work!
  15. I'm noticing the same thing in my games with the latest version. When you EVA, it will say that there is no communication device available to transmit from. Not a big deal regardless though, thanks for the great mod!
  16. I'll try some trials and check with Alt+F2, but I'm 100% positive that I have been able to grab Tundra Biome's EVA from low Kerbin orbit on a newly launched (not loaded) ship. I would just warp to near a shore area (there's only 1 or 2 on all of Kerbin that will trigger it for about 1-3 seconds), stop warp, and spam-click on the science alert window to trigger the EVA and then report; which will say EVA report from just above Kerbin's Tundra. If I never captured the Tundra report on said ship and just kept orbiting, I would get the same 1 or 2 rapid ScienceAlert sound warnings every orbit. Again, not a loaded ship, but a newly build, launched, and orbiting one. I'll try to run some better experiments tonight with the Alt+F2 log tonight.
  17. This is correct -- there are areas near Kerbin's shores (around islands and stuff) where you can detect a very small patch of the Tundra biome. If you are in a equatorial orbit and experiencing this near shores/water, then this is what you are experiencing! To confirm this is your issue, toss a ship into a polar orbit and make sure you grab the Tundra and Pole biomes, and see if it still happens. Hope this helps.
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