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Everything posted by Claw

  1. Okay, I grabbed them early this time. Hopefully sometime this weekend! Cheers, ~Claw
  2. At least the important part made it. I might have to build a data logger for this bug or something. Seems to be hard to really track down. Cheers, ~Claw
  3. Val is correct. Even using jets, the CoM will shift. In fact, with the current fuel flow rules, it's kinda hard to determine exactly how the CoM will shift. That's because tanks are drained equally by units, rather than equally by something like percentage. So the tanks are actually draining unevenly in regards to a simple linear CoM shift from wet to dry. Instead, it sort of moves back and forth. Cheers, ~Claw
  4. Sounds to me like your Physics.cfg has been modified in some way. If you are using steam, you can delete/rename/move the physics.cfg file and verify your game cache. That will download a new one. Alternatively, you can download the stock physics.cfg here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ddxz1gi4r6zvzky/Physics.cfg?dl=0 If that doesn't work out for you, we might need some example craft files with pictures, and maybe even a log file to see if there is some other error going on. Cheers, ~Claw
  5. Yeah, there's some confusions still about Jet fuel flow. So anything behind decouplers is drained first. However, you can't stop it from draining. (As Red is saying.) So the real (quite annoying) problem is that jets happily drain the payload's fuel. And in fact, if the payload is attached via decoupler, it will drain it FIRST. This is optimal for drop tanks, and a complete pain to deal with for payloads. Cheers, ~Claw
  6. FYI, that's a StockPlus option (so people aren't looking for it in stock). And if that option is showing, then the parachute was indeed staged at some point. Cheers, ~Claw
  7. I'm sorry...I didn't get them, but I am still very interested. Sal gave some good examples. if those fail, you can also use a text sharing site (like pastebin) to just paste the text up also. Or file dropper again, and I will try to grab them tomorrow. Cheers, ~Claw
  8. You can fit two, but definitely not three...unless you go the serious clipping route. Here's a picture from one of my challenges. This is a recovery vehicle (unnecessary for the challenge itself), so I made it very minimalist. You can see in the upper right how the two kerbals fit in. I recommend placing command chairs inside to prevent the kerbals from bouncing around, slipping out during time warp, and generally summoning the kraken. On occasion, it still quivers when the doors are closed, but in general works well. You can place two command chairs with radial symmetry and rotate them so the head end of the seat points inward to the bay. They will naturally snap the the vertical midpoint of the bay opening with some fiddling, but you'll have to use the offset gizmo to sink them inward slightly horizontal to prevent the kerbals/chairs from clipping through the doors (which invites bad things for service bays). Cheers, ~Claw
  9. I see this come up as a stock problem, but it is still often triggered by add-ons, which I see in your pictures. It was a stock bug in one of the versions, but was triggered by clicking through the staging icons when exiting the VAB. As sal mentions, it's an input lock problem. So what we really need from your replication steps is more detail about where your mouse is and what you are doing when you switch applications. I say this because I run stock KSP and ALT+Tab extremely frequently, and I have never run into this (in pure stock). It may be that it's triggered based on the application you are switching to, if it is somehow grabbing mouse focus differently than other programs. Or perhaps it depends on where your mouse is when you are switching screens. When you say "when it loads" are you saying to click away while it is in the process of loading? Or after? And is this a big save file? (Timing may also be important.) Cheers, -Claw
  10. Thanks Fengist. My Joolian adventure is on hold for the time being. Hopefully that'll change in the next couple weeks. Cheers! ~Claw
  11. Not sure if I'll add it to StockPlus or not. Suppose I could, though it's only had a little more than a dozen downloads. ...And use the existing ALT+H key that I use to toggle the extended/debug highlighting in the editors. Cheers, ~Claw
  12. The cyan line mismatch is a bug with the aero overlay. There is a bug with mismatched drag, but that is usually associated with cargo bays being used on the sides. Another problem is if your cargo bay is actually the root part (that can cause problems on revert). You can verify it isn't asymmetric drag by turning on the right-click drag info in the Debug F12 menu. Then ALT+Right-Click on some parts and check the drag cube numbers to make sure symmetric parts match. Cheers, ~Claw
  13. The only difference in the test that you ran is where the final force is applied. All of the drag calculations work the same, but the final product is passed up to the parent to be applied, vice being applied at the physicsless part. Being physicsless doesn't really save or cost any different than a "regular" part. Where you will notice a difference is if you attach several physicsless parts to only one side of a craft (so it's asymmetric) and fly it. Then do the same with a bunch of small "regular" parts (again, asymmetric). In this case, you'll see a difference in the stability of the craft. The positioning of non-physicless parts on a parent will affect stability a lot more than for physicsless parts, which is really the main purpose now. (Both for mass and drag.) i.e. so you can put a ladder on a small ship, or a science part on a small probe without making it annoyingly difficult to control. Cheers, -Claw
  14. The cyan lines aren't the cause of the problem, that's a result of what is happening. The lines are showing you the forces that are going on while flying. In this case, something is causing yaw instability, which causes the craft to start to yaw until the body lift and drag forces are enough to overcome the craft's yaw authority, causing it to spin out. Flat and wide designs like you have there often suffer from not enough directional stability. That's usually because the plane is simply not very long, which means drag forces on the front and back have very little margin with regard to their distance from the CoM (lever arm). Also, the tails are usually much less effective because of how much closer they are to the CoM. It helps if you can shift some drag back (like moving the FL-T800s back, and the wings a little forward). Or add another vertical fin as far back on the central tank as possible. Or use the all moving tails (instead of the ones with the small tabs). The other thing that might be happening is that the engines might be suffering from asymetric rollback. The game has a quirk with intake air generation that can cause one of the engines to starve of air, depending on the flight profile. To help avoid that, place one intake, then one engine, then the other intake, and then the second engine. (Symmetry off.) Perhaps that will help some. Cheers, -Claw
  15. It might feel cheaty, but as sal said, the mechanics are there on purpose. At high warp values, the resource system calculations can outstrip capacities of the ship, even if a sufficient (and positive generation) situation exists. This could lead to the opposite situation where the entire operation immediately shuts down at high warp due to lack of resources, even though more than enough exists. The "cheaty" system is the lesser of two evils, instead of crippling vessels that shouldn't be crippled. Cheers, -Claw
  16. Yes, this is all true (drag and mass). Cheers, -Claw
  17. Those are all excellent points. I can fix the highlighter, though it may be a little bit before I get to it. Definitely not this week. Possibly next week, though I anticipate that being overly busy also. :/ Cheers, -Claw - - - Updated - - - Huh, weird...but I think I know what's going on there. I should be able to fix this in the next update. Cheers, -Claw
  18. Your rocket idea is the most solid, if you want to test drag on the wings (vice lift rating). However, as someone with firsthand knowledge, I can say that a lift rating of 10 is a lift rating of 10, regardless of what kind of wing pieces you used to get there. Wing drag is tied directly to lift rating and is not affected by wing shape. All of the stock wing pieces should be pretty close in lift per wing surface area ratio, so there isn't really much of a lift/mass or lift/size difference either. I explain in detail in the two links posted by the op. However, that doesn't mean you shouldn't test and explore. There is still a lot to find buried in KSP aero. Cheers, -Claw
  19. I have seen this a couple times, though I think it's something more than just "the Mk3 parts are still weak." Can you upload that .craft file for me to tinker with? Thanks, ~Claw
  20. Hey, not intentionally ignoring you. Just been busy with life and some other projects at the moment. Perhaps now that 1.0.5 has been announced, you can guess what's been keeping me busy. If you are using Steam, it's possible that the files didn't fully update. If that's the case, you can force it to update the files by right-clicking KSP (in steam) and going to properties. Then "Local Files" and verify the game cache. If that's not it, then a copy of your .craft and/or some pictures might help out. Cheers, ~Claw
  21. Oh nice. I remember seeing you start with this thing. Was curious if it would make it all the way around. It's a rather unique design. Nice job. Haha. Yeah, I've been missing from the forums a bit lately. Working on a variety of projects at the moment, and even Elcano has slowed a little. I think my friends are planning an intervention this weekend. Cheers, ~Claw
  22. That might be a mod conflict. What other mods do you have installed? Anything else that affects engines?
  23. Ah, yeah. That might actually explain a few things. Thanks for narrowing that down, I'll have to take a look. Sounds like disabling the heat fix for EVA kerbals might fix a couple things. Yeah, I might be able to swing something like that. I'm also considering combinding all the StockPlus .cfgs into one master that is downloadable with the StockPlusController. Awesome, I'm glad they are helping you out. Cheers, ~Claw
  24. If quicksaving isn't working after loading a specific quicksave, sounds like there is an issue going on with that save. If you can, please start KSP and cause the problem again, then upload the log file. You can find instructions on where the log file is in the help sticky in this forum. Also, might be helpful to upload the quicksave. Cheers, -Claw
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