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Everything posted by NeatCrown

  1. My first OMK (Kraken, get it?) moment was when I docked my "Kerbal Space Station". All Manual . Well, the space station wobbles like there's no tomorrow...
  2. I posted this on whe WIP thread, but I'll post is here too just in case: Try this: [ imgur ] code[ / imgur ] (remove spaces and put the album code where is says "code", which is what is bold and italic http://imgur.com/a/pRlY6#0)
  3. Try this: [ imgur ] code[ / imgur ] (remove spaces and put the album code where is says "code", which is what is bold and italic http://imgur.com/a/pRlY6#0)
  4. Impressive, I normally get about 5% my crafts off the ground, or planning stages. I would never be able to make a base like that.
  5. I know that the test launch was unmanned. What I mean is for future manned missions, my idea was to make it so the replica has the mk1 pod, then paint it white
  6. Nice, a 100% stock, scaled down Orion rocket! Try installing KerbPaint. Using the Mk1 Command module, paint it white. You'll have a maned module (and the parts will be unaffected by the mod for those that don't have the mod installed.)
  7. Yeah, me too! Wait, you didn't call my name? Crud. I like stock STS replicas aswell, but the second one is modded, to let you know.
  8. I have the same problem. I spent about 90% of my time designing, 10% in simulation. I have such a crappy Processor, Graphics card that I never get to test my larger designs (200-300 parts) in a full test flight, since for me, it runs at about 1/4 to 1/5th the speed, even with an optimized cfg, Razer, Low Aerodynamic quality, highest ÃŽâ€Time frame, 0 shadow cascades. I have to keep terrain detail up at high. If I don't: I clip right through the ground and explode. I can barely run KSP with 18 parts without being on the edge of lagging.
  9. 1. Create a quicksave and copy that quicksave to a safe location. 2. Go into your "GameData\Squad\parts" folder and open the type of part the one you want to remove (or go here and find the part you want. click on the part you want, and scroll down to where it says "Part"(under "Since Version")). 3. Open the quicksave (in you save file (I recommend "Notepad ++")) 4. Use the find function (Ctrl+F) and search your craft name ("Find Next"). After you do that, "Find next" part name (from the GameData folder). It'll say "MODULE" above that name. 5. Delete the part and all of its information (for example, MODULE { name = ModuleReactionWheel isEnabled = True stateString = Operational WheelState = Active EVENTS { OnToggle { active = True guiActive = True guiIcon = Toggle Torque guiName = Toggle Torque category = Toggle Torque guiActiveUnfocused = False unfocusedRange = 2 externalToEVAOnly = True } } ACTIONS { Activate { actionGroup = None } Deactivate { actionGroup = None } Toggle { actionGroup = None } } } )
  10. Nice idea to use the Mk2 cockpit! I should use that concept! (I tried using the new SP+ Cockpit) I don't see any modded parts though... To tell the truth, I actually cried during the movie...
  11. I love it! It's such a cute idea! Remember: The rep box is at the bottom of the post
  12. SERIOUSLY! Don't post a challenge unless it's actually possible! Do it yourself first, and actually put some thought into it! Turbojets lose thrust at high speeds! Here's a chart illustrating that. Please get a mod to take this down.
  13. Banned for having a username meaning grapefruit, but an avatar with the Flying Spaghetti Monster (or whatever that is) holding a blow dryer.
  14. Banned for liking Panthera pardus.
  15. Starfighter? I don't believe you. This one can't crash as much! Yeah... Morbid jokes...
  16. Mmmmm... Recursion... Hey, Kerbonauts, Krakens and craft kleptomaniacs! I've been Playing KSP for a while now, and I've developed a little bit of a skill for making SSTOs. I wanted to make videos for my YouTube Channel, but my computer can barely handle 18 parts on my crafts at full speed on 32 bit, (1-200 on 64) so I've decided just to post things on the forums instead! I already have quite a few functional crafts (...and even more failed ones... ) Very Outdated Winspan SSTO 1. Toggle turbojets (Action group 1) 2. Release brakes, and keep on pitching up. There are landing gear to prevent tailstrikes, so no need for precautions. It lifts up ad ~50m/s too!. It has an overpowered TWR, so being unable to lift off isn't an issue. () 3. Get a Apoapsis of about 28km, and keep your prograde at the horizon. 4. Manually controlling the craft, you'd normally climb up slowly. So, When the turbojets start losing thrust, activate the nuclear engines (Action Group 2), and climb higher. 5. Surely but slowly, you'll be in orbit. Refuel the craft, and it'll be Mun/Minmus landing-capable. Maybe even interplanetary! Wingspan SSTO Dowload Starchan SSTO (Soon, very soon...) Probes (All subassemblies) Orbular Probe Bloxing Probe Download Kerbol Surveyor Download Splozzle Probe Download Hugyens Probe Download Tell me if there's anything wrong with the craft, or anything else. Soon to come (and to be updated(or abandoned)) BloxCoSigma
  17. Late reply, but... I do as well (I mistook the lengths and dimensions of the parts though )
  18. I've been playing KSP since Spring of 2013, SSTOs being mainly what I build. But, Still: I wasn't able to make a Skylon replica. I call it... ...Kylon! ([sarcasm]Yup, I know it's a creative name![sarcasm] ) I got it up to an orbit of Ap. 175 and Pe. 55. I have some balance issues and fuel flow problems as well. I didn't add landing gear yet. To take off, I used the microgravity cheat. (I thought it would have troubles with standing on some) http://imgur.com/a/nunua
  19. It's ALL in the FAQ, right here! P.S. "FIRST" -That Darn Commenter
  20. Ermahkrerkerhn! I was thinking to do the EXACT same thing as you! (more or less )
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