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Everything posted by NeatCrown

  1. Happy 360°/τ radians/1 revolution around Sol! I just like new years because it's an excuse to stay up until 3:00 (Which I do often anyways)
  2. Wait, how to I add rep? This new forum confuses me. I think It's the "Like this" thing, right?
  3. "Upsilon's Bad Ideas"? So, shouldn't it be called- ...OOPS-ilon?
  4. It's sad to see the old thread go, but we will fill this thread with rockets, planes, rovers, boats, submarines, space stations, rocketplanes, boatmarines, rockboats, revboats, roplovoats, sprockboatines, plonslopgas, haaarrrrejlems, yooochighvingrabooouts and other things! (sorry for my bad humour Oh, I'm archiving the old thread, and over 100 pages right now (8:45 PST) 200 pages! (9:15) 350(9:45) 410, All of them! 10:00! FINALLY! (I probably messed up and missed a few pages.) YEAH!
  5. I just made a whole lot of flags! I decided to make them simple and void of too many shades. Enjoy!
  6. How ingenious! I better steal this for myself... heheheheh
  7. As long as we keep out of actual political discussion, I think we'll be OK. Something Relevant
  8. Yep, It's the age-old docking port bug. There's a few threads on this already. This thread is for 0.23, but the bug's been around since the dawn of docking, and will work with any version.
  9. I'm actually in a very similar position as you are, but yet somewhat different. Personally, I think that I might have somewhat of a minor fear of getting ahead, so that may be one thing slowing me down. The more knowledge one has, the less likely one is to find people similar to them. For the first two years of secondary school, I was completely alone without anyone to speak to. My cycle was "Wake up, School, homework, free time, sleep". Further over time, I lost more motivation for schoolwork, though I still passed my classes. Though in school, I looked happy, cheerful, showing positive emotions, I was depressed over how I never had any friends. Though I have a very good companion today, I get depressed whenever I think of how in post secondary, any bonds made in high school will most likely be lost. After university, any bonds made will once again; likely be lost, since people go different ways. I learned so much more from the Discovery Channel, Nova, documentaries, and my own parents than I could ever hope to learn in school. Division was barely taught in grade five, and squares and square roots until 7th grade. Looking back to elementary and who I considered friends, they were more akin to "people who weren't anuses towards me". My somewhat unsocial behavior likely comes from the constant bullying I endured during that time, but I still wanted someone to relate to. Due to that, I got a very short temper. One thing that didn't help was mt 5th grade teacher that said that horrible little phrase that spoke of "sticks and stones" when any verbal torture occurred. Even before that, no teacher took my cries or the others' actions seriously since they thought that "Kids don't know what's right of wrong". Kids aren't idiots. It makes me both sad and furious that one of a few people I knew from elementary, who was an honor student; He received all As, and is the one carving male genitals in to the newly painted walls of the new school wing. At the moments that I'm pondering over things such as morality in philosophy, aircraft design, and whatever else; other (males) are having pissing contests and throwing obscenities seemingly every tenth word. I never pursued any friendships with females since my father constantly said that males and female can't have friendship and any sight of it simply means the male wants to seduce the female. (Now, that I look back, I'd likely be more able to connect with them) I, myself would like to do something beneficial to the world, but I'm slowly losing more motivation. Another obstacle facing me is what career to pursue. I want to do all I can! I'd like to become an aerospace engineer, quantum physicist, indie game developer, animator, astronomer, continue the family company- ...but all I have is 700,000 hours in total from beginning of life to the end. 550,000 hours left in total and about 377,000 hours when I account for time lost during sleep- ...I suppose I got a bit off track from the original topic... Sorry.
  10. Fuel cells have a "load" that allows variable charge rates depending on your usage and stops using LF+O when full or near full.
  11. Do you want to say something mean about someone without any horrible consequences? Are you sadistic? Are you just some person in this forum? If you answered any or none of these questions, then this is the forum game for you! So, It's basically a one-line roasting thread. Just remember to keep out of politics, religion, and swearing. Side effects often include high blood pressure, contracted veins, stress, cardiovascular palpitations, rage, deceasedness, rapid heart beats, repetition, corpseification, increased cortisol, anger, and/or death. Play now! Sidenote: Moderators, remove this thread if it gets a bit extreme or disagree that this should be a game.
  12. Bureaucracy. Where in the United States of Murica is the State of Emergency?
  13. Only if the woodchuck is in a superstate of both chucking and being chucked. It will collapse its wave function to one of the two if observed. Where in the world is the State of Emergency?
  14. Dank-ted, n0c0per. butt hte UltimateDankMLGWishCeptionTM are illuminati. (X-files theme song plays) I wish that Sanik would b 3slow5me.
  15. One thing that you should probably add is that a user will have to leave a reply to notify that they're in the process of writing (Like Ethan did) so no ninja-ing can occur.
  16. It's roughly day number 5,037,000,000,000. What should I ask? (There are already forum games using this concept, BTW.)
  17. Done. Thrice, actually. Now, I can be an animator, quantum physicist, video game programmer, _and_ mechanical engineer all at the same time! Thank you for the blessing! (Wait, did you mean real scientific clone, or sci-fi clone? Do I get three baby versions of me or three exact duplicates of me as I am right now? Crap.) By pressing the button, you rediscover the Starlite material. But, the person you dislike the most (someone you actually know in person) takes the credit (Includes money, fame)
  18. No, no, no, nononononononononono. I won't press the button. If everyone dies, Who'll be there to worship me? By pressing this button, you will be happy/have pleasure for as long as you live. The downside is that what you'll experience won't be "real".
  19. I quickly edited it after I noticed it myself, but you replied too fast! (Wordplay intended)
  20. Oh, you mean Luna. "Moon" itself nowadays is just a term for natural satellite that orbits around a small system body. What you mean is "the Moon" My favourite moon might be Titan. It has a whole earth-like weather system, just made from hydrocarbons instead of water! It's like Earth, but instead of ~180°K/-40°C to ~320°K/50°C, it has much lower temperatures (I'm not sure what). Itgets you thinking about the possibilities of non-oxygen based lifeforms! Who knows! My favourite planet in the Sol. system is probably Earth. It's the only planet that's known to be habitable to us.
  21. The reason is If Train A starts in the North Station and is moving South at 34m/s, while Train B is moving North at 45m/s starting 21.5km away at the South Station, what is the difference between now and twelve seconds ago?
  22. I found one a while ago, but I'm not sure if this is it. Also, this one's from 0.25, so it's likely not compatible (I haven't tried it out myself). But it seems someone made a patch.
  24. Then did you accidentally press "revert flight"? As I said last post, I did that a few times... If not, try reinstalling KSP.
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