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Everything posted by trbinsc

  1. Lifter 2 just completed it\'s mission! It deployed three different 2.5 3.01 metric ton each satellites on one flight, one in orbit around the Mün, one in Kerbostationary orbit and one in low kerbin orbit. It can also land on the Mün if you don\'t deploy the satellites. All stock too. http://imgur.com/a/0Sh7u#97 Returned Mk 1 Pod-1-$1600 Mk16 Parachute-1-$422 Total-$2022 Satellites Fuel tank-3-$1650 Radial Decoupler-3-$3825 Strut-12-$3000 Total-$8475 Rocket Stack Decoupler-7-$6825 Stack Tricoupler-3-$2040 Adv SAS-1-$2300 Fuel tank-45-$24750 Fuel line-39-$9750 Radial Decoupler-9-$11475 Engine-9-$7650 Gimbal Engine-7-$6650 Strut-13-$3250 Solid Booster-12-$5400 R8 Winglet-3-$1500 Total-$81590 Complete Total-$92087
  2. I got the Lifter 1 to work again! It hauled 1.055 metric tons(?) into a orbit with an average altitude of 339,474 meters. I just need to see if the Testing Division can pilot it better than I can. The album is here, too lazy to add all the pics right now. (Maybe I need to have a second job in the procrastination department?) http://imgur.com/a/uRQVm#0
  3. Gentlemen, I present to you... THE LIFTER 1! Yeah, not very original. Uses Silisko Edition for the rocket and Probodobodyne for the satellite. Only worked once, explodes on the pad every time after, but we can let the testing department figure that one out. Unfortunately I didn\'t take any pictures on it\'s maiden voyage. Requires Silisko edition, Probodobodyne and the 0.13 fuel lines.
  4. Ooh, I\'m running low on HD space, I need some of those!
  5. I got a pop up that said, 'you must be logged in to view this advertisement.' That was it, nothing more.
  6. So kerbals are less than a quarter of a meter high?
  7. My new stock lander. Makes use of the new fuel lines. Very easy to land with and is able to get back to Kerbin with plenty of room to screw up.
  8. It isn\'t fun when you know what everything does. I started playing in alpha 1.2.2. I can remember how fun it was, doing everything for the first time, in a land of mysteries. I didn\'t know anything, and that\'s what made it fun. But then I read all the guides and learned what everything did, and Minecraft lost its mystery. It wasn\'t fun. The introduction of reliable multiplayer fixed this for a while, as did my discovery of mods. but by beta 1.7.3 I was done. So I waited until release, and I stopped reading anything about it, so the new things would be a mystery. And it worked. Minecraft is fun again for me. So yeah, wait like six months without doing anything Minecraft related and it is fun again.
  9. Keep an eye on the mission timer. it never starts because I never hit space. Made in unmodified KSP Silisko edition 0.6.
  10. Are there going to be different rounds?
  11. He edited the .cfg himself to make them balanced for the normal game.
  12. I found this on youtube, but the link was broken.
  13. Anyone else thinking that the kerbonaut holder looks like a good bomb bay?
  14. It\'s Silisko edition, and I didn\'t modify any .cfg files.
  15. Hey, could I get on the list for the smallest non-cheating Mün rocket?
  16. Don\'t you see his wheels. He was driving.
  17. If you go straight into the sun, no horizontal velocity, then it bugs out and spits you out at over the speed of light.
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