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Everything posted by trbinsc

  1. Yeah, If you don't have any jets on your plane, the best thing to do is just launch it vertically like a rocket.
  2. I just fly horizontally high and fast, until I decide to fire up the rockets, and then I just pilot it like a normal rocket, going nearly vertical and slowly pitching towards 90º.
  3. During Kurt's stream, did anyone else hear Nova say he was working on an electric propeller for use on planets where jets don't work? That sounds cool.
  4. Well, I know what I'm using for my interplanetary maneuvering! I got it into orbit without using a drop of fuel in it. Haven't tried to see how far it can get, but I'm optimistic about it.
  5. See that fuel tank at the back with the wings sticking out of it? Take off the wings, and put a structural fuselage on there, followed by that long tail thingy. Then add some vertical and horizontal stabilizers. I had the exact same problem on one of my designs.
  6. It's because sound doesn't really travel that well in an atmosphere 100 times as thin as earth's.
  7. I could easily do it with stock parts in the demo! Won't work in 0.14 and up though. Step 1: Get into an orbit around the sun. Step 2: Kill all velocity. Step 3: Drop into the heart of the sun. Step 4: Watch the Space Kraken fling you out at speeds much higher than the speed of light. Simple.
  8. I've found a bug. If you set the destination and the source to the same tank, it will fill the tank without draining it, allowing you to create infinite fuel. Awesome mod though, I've been waiting for something like this!
  9. One time one of the wings on my plane broke off, and for some reason that made it fly better backwards. I was forced to make a backwards landing, and the crew survived the impact without a wing or tailfin.
  10. I'm 14 and I'm still awake at 4:12 am. The newest image looked awesome. I wonder when the next downlink is. It's funny because I understand this stuff.
  11. Well, I'm not getting any sleep tonight! Too much adrenaline! That was AWESOME! Too bad I was too young to appreciate spirit and opportunity landing.
  12. I believe it is option+left click. Edit: Or alt instead of option, If you have a PC.
  13. It's easy, just hit control-alt-shift-D and click on the unlimited EVA pack fuel option.
  14. Either click on the EVA button in the top left (Maybe top right, not sure) of one of the crew portraits, or right click the hatch and click the EVA button next to the name of the kerbal you want to kick out. It only works on 0.16 though, so the demo or 0.15 doesn't have the capability.
  15. Back in 0.11 I was having a hard time sleeping, and I decided to look at some youtube videos. After a bit of time surfing youtube suggestions I came across this video: After watching the video, I instantly went to the KSP site and downloaded the game, but didn\'t check out the forum or anything. After a night of playing, and a tiny bit of sleep, and a day of school, I got a message in the game about the 0.11.1 update. After being overjoyed that the pause glitch was fixed, where the game would be impossible to unpause, I decided to check out the community. After about a week of lurking, I made an account. And that\'s how I came to where I am today.
  16. It\'s near the bottom of this page. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=1871.390
  17. I\'m willing to bet that there is also going to be some form of clouds in 0.17, although maybe not on Kerbin. There\'s really no way to have a gas giant without them.
  18. I\'m guessing that 0.17 will finish up the flight planning system that was pushed back in 0.15. That would make flying to other planets much easier, or at least knowing how to fly there.
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