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Everything posted by problemecium

  1. [quote name='Hobbes Novakoff']By the way, as of today's Devnotes, KSP will be using the Standard shader, at least for the parts.[/QUOTE] W0000T! *cheers*
  2. High to the five, man. Precise landings without parachutes have always irked me, and with parachutes I tend to just let them do all the work and land vertically xP
  3. Negative several hundred. In my current Career I have yet to unlock the tree, partially because my Jool-5 mission is taking up all my time and partly because a few of the later nodes I really don't care to bother to unlock, e.g. the one with giant plane wheels (the medium gear is plenty big enough).
  4. Also the fuel line, if I recall, had little black triangles added at one point so as to make it marginally easier to see which way it would crossfeed.
  5. Just do what I do and start out small. My "basic" rover is about the size of a Mk1 pod and weighs barely half a ton. Very easy to send to space.
  6. Ooooh, neat! I tried to do something like this when I discovered that Vectors work about as well as Aerospikes at high pressures (something I suspect is going to be nerfed, but that's a topic for another time), but try as I might I couldn't quite hack it. Putting enough fuel on the ship to get any significant use out of them meant making it so heavy it wouldn't take off, and adding enough to get it off the ground meant it burned up its fuel too fast xD
  7. Oh, okay, thanks xD In that case I rest my case as far as complaints go, but remain on the "save everyone!" side of the debate.
  8. It's not invincibility, it's the "BadS" trait. No seriously! "BadS", when set to "true" in a Kerbal's stats, provides a chance that it will survive any given fall that would kill a "regular" Kerbal. Also, I've been told, and seem to have confirmed through experimentation, that Kerbals have much better survival rates when landing on their helmets. To make this happen, turn on the EVA pack and then left-click and drag to rotate the Kerbal until it is upside-down.
  9. Everything listed in OP is likely to appear to some degree: - Unity 5 ships with a nice "Standard" shader that uses Physics-Based Rendering to appear nearly photorealistic. Parts and ships are unlikely to implement this off the bat, but background objects, buildings, or whatever might benefit. If nothing else, at least the primitives used in Whack-a-Kerbal will look better xD - Unity 5 includes a lot of optimizations as far as rendering, physics, UI, etc. and KSP is having a lot of code rewritten and thereby optimized for the next update. Total RAM usage is a mystery, but in all likelihood whatever RAM does get used will be used far more judiciously, and with built-in 64-bit support, you'll have access to ALL of your computer's RAM as opposed to only 4 gigabytes of it. - Physics in Unity 5 has been massively improved under the hood, now supporting multi-threaded calculations, so situations with lots of parts on screen will generally have much better framerates. There is suspicion that this may not apply to large single vessels, but it hasn't been clearly confirmed one way or the other by SQUAD last I heard. - Faster loading time is probable given the above code optimizations and multithreaded physics. Honestly, though, loading time got so fast in the last patch or two that I hardly care any more.
  10. My trick is very, very small ships. For one thing, this makes the ion engines more powerful by comparison, and for another, it means I can use Physics Warp in space with minimal fear of Kraken attacks as compared to larger ships.
  11. What I usually do is build a small reusable lander with a docking port and set up a station around wherever I'm exploring, so that I can land, ascend, dock, send the crew on their way and add new ones as necessary, and repeat.
  12. I'll see if I can look into whether I'll have time. I recommend finding someone other than me or doing it yourself xP
  13. Whoa whoa whoa - why does Zokesia Skunkworks get special treatment?!? I personally think Para-Sci Applied Sciences Division is awesome and deserves to be saved even if everything else gets thrown out ;P But seriously. The fact that's in the poll makes me suspicious.
  14. So uh, I've observed something suspicious. - The Gigantor Solar Array and some of the smaller deployable panels claim in their descriptions that they include "passive radiators on the reverse side for better heat dissipation" - but wait! There's no radiator module in the part CFG. So is radiator functionality included (redundantly) in both the radiator module and the deployable solar panel module? Or, since the addition of dedicated radiators, do solar panels not do anything about heat dissipation, and thus is the description lying? - Similarly, the Engine Pre-cooler claims that it cools engines to improve performance, but again, there's no module apparent that does this. So same question(s) here - is the description lying?
  15. Well if I'm taking anything from this thread, it's pleasure that they buffed the Aerodynamic Nose Cone in some fashion. The poor thing seemed all but outmoded after the advanced nosecones showed up.
  16. A: Everything is cheating. B: Nah. In general, if you don't need the debug menu to activate it, it's just a game feature. Same with the thermal overlay, although it may sort of slightly be cheating when I use the thermal overlay to see ships easily at night xP
  17. May I suggest / recommend a visual overhaul on the struts, i.e. change not simply the color but the model itself? A while back, for example, I made this for lolz (but never released it because I didn't feel like doing the work packing it into a real mod xD): [url=http://imgur.com/fWkxcwg][img]http://i.imgur.com/fWkxcwgl.jpg[/img][/url]
  18. Okay so does anyone have any data about whether it works with 1.0.5 or Blender 2.75 then?
  19. *resuscitates the thread* Okay so I'm having the same bug that a bunch of people cited earlier. I very carefully read all the instructions in the ReadMe and in this thread: - kspdir.txt correctly points to my KSP installation folder and ends with a "\" - the ZIP archive has been extracted directly to the Blender addons folder (C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.75\scripts\addons\) - I tried opening a stock ship as a test, and got nothing in the scene and a long list of unintelligible tracebacks like those quoted above. I've seen people mentioning that this does not work with KSP 1.0.4, so I presume unless I somehow still did something wrong that it also doesn't work with KSP 1.0.5. Does it also matter which version of Blender I'm using? It is indeed 64-bit, but I'm using 2.75 while the ReadMe mentions 2.73. Assuming I really didn't do it wrong, I'd really like an update sometime! ;)
  20. There is one thing worse than Vegemite: [IMG]https://i.ytimg.com/vi/am6fco14Gi0/maxresdefault.jpg[/IMG]
  21. Haha, good luck with this! It's a great idea in principle but I don't envy you the task of getting people to adhere to it.
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