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Everything posted by problemecium

  1. I have indeed noticed that while reading the forum only triggered 502s every few minutes, actually doing anything, such as trying to log in or post, seemed to be a 502 magnet and the forum would instantly go down for several minutes as soon as I hit the button. Wait. Does that mean I broke the forum?!? O_O
  2. The title is pretty self-explanatory. You know how for the past two days there was that landing page that said things like "Playing Fallout 4..." "Running around babbling like an idiot..." "Allowing neutrinos to pass through..." etc.? The point of this game is to make up silly reasons why it took so long for everything to pan out. You can also post reasons for any of the forum's current... symptoms. I'll start: The reason the upgrade took so long is because SQUAD was crushed under all the old posts. The reason the upgrade took so long is because a wild cow of paradise stampeded through the server room. The reason we still have Bad Gateway errors is because the new forum's server gateway is a salvaged gateway that turned out to be the one Sauron had been using for Mordor. Get it? BAD Gateway? ;P Bonus points for creativity and pure hilariousness.
  3. "intermittent 502 errors" COUGH hack cough cough hack wheeze GASP COUGH cough ahem. *inhale* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! I've been staring at either a "your account has been locked" message, an email inbox with no password reset email (they worked on the old forum, oh well), or a 502 error page ALL FLIPPING DAY. "Intermittent" errors my flaming solid rocket butt. Okay, I got it all out. Rage finished. I'm glad the forum's finally back xD
  4. ^ This seems to have been posted in the wrong thread, unless SkyTonemapper has sound for some reason. ;)
  5. I've seen all of Firefly and Serenity and the director's cut of The Lord of the Rings, but not all in one day. Woof. - I have a light green rep blob. - I have driven in the rain without working wipers. - I have stood up so fast I went blind for a few seconds.
  6. Heh, it happens. By all means, feel free to play around with it and let me know if it works as advertised in 1.0.5 ;)
  7. I play Career on pretty much all normal: - no auto-hire - Science, Funds, and Rep rewards at 100% - 0 starting funds - missing crew respawn (but I take painstaking efforts to not kill anyone anyway, so it hardly makes a difference) - no rep penalty for declining contracts (I hacked my persistence file for this) I use KAC to run multiple missions at once and do my best not to timewarp too much at a time, and I use HyperEdit as an anti-Kraken measure (e.g. return a Mun base to KSC if it bugs out and starts blowing itself up for no reason). Other mods I generally keep around are the Docking Port Alignment Indicator and the SQUAD official mods (Asteroid Day and Kerbin Cup).
  8. Sweet name for a sweet SSTO. Now I want to build an analogue of my own.
  9. It's similar, yes. I was already familiar with those, but my dumb idea involved a much more literal railgun.
  10. [quote name='More Boosters']That blackhole will evaporate instantly. It would also have, for a 100 kg human, an event horizon radius of 1.485 x 10^-25,[/QUOTE] Why yes, yes it would. So prepare for some serious G-force ;P
  11. Simple: oodles. 1. Place human inside giant ring-shaped nuclear-powered electromagnet. 2. Use a magnetic pulse to compress the human to the size of a virus, causing it to form a black hole. 3. Harvest Hawking radiation from said black hole to produce enough energy to level New York City or accelerate a small spacecraft clear out of the Solar system.
  12. Yep. I'll rehash what I brought up earlier - advanced civilizations have plenty of reasons to phase out high-powered radio communications, so the survey proves pretty much nothing other than the fact that they haven't spent the last thousand years trying to kill us with a giant EMP cannon ;P
  13. I can't be arsed to draw it at the moment, but this: 1. Get big railgun 2. Put it in space 3. Instead of bullets, feed it a stream of liquid hydrogen. 4. The high current will turn the hydrogen into plasma, and due to the railgun being... a railgun, it will blast it out at ludicrous speed, providing a high thrust and high specific impulse as long as you can provide enough current. 5. Pluto in 5 days or whatever. Tell your friends to buy a telescope.
  14. 2/10 because while it is presumably a spaceship I'm too lazy to click the link ;P [url=http://imgur.com/nmJpM7S][img]http://i.imgur.com/nmJpM7S.png[/img][/url]
  15. 658: The R&D facility comes to the conclusion that Kerbalkind isn't quite ready for nuclear power in the conventional sense. Instead they find small-scale, non-explosive ways to exploit nuclear energy. While this leads to dismay among Kerbin's large demographic of pyromaniacs, it also leads to the development of prototypes of two important technologies: nuclear thermal rocket motors and radiothermal generators. 659: After extended deliberations, representatives from various rocket building companies finally reach a consensus on what to do moving forward. First, an agreement is made not to pursue any rash actions such as mass resignation, nuclear apocalypse, or interstellar wars with any rumored "monkey" creatures. Second, rocket builders will have the option to resume business after a short delay under a new unified bureaucratic structure, wherein they can publish designs and distribute craft blueprints in a sort of "Spacecraft Exchange." Third, [b]since the mysterious event has been covered sufficiently, no further records are to be made of it in the official Kerbal historical records[/b]. 659: Later the same year, Rockomax corporation, concerned about their future in the space industry, demolishes the Great Kathedral of Khalesm and builds a large supermarket known as Rockomart.
  16. I have also stayed up until, and well past, 5:30 AM. I have built a mothership with over 1400 parts. I have landed on Tylo without MechJeb. I have made a KSP mod. Yes these did all end up being about KSP. Deal with it 8P
  17. Your duct tape has been marginalized by an anti-bullying campaign. [IMG]https://craftsncoffee.files.wordpress.com/2015/06/duck-tape-stick-together-anti-bullying-tape.jpg?w=640[/IMG]
  18. You know you play too much KSP when... ;P
  19. I had something that sounds pretty similar with Kerbal Alarm Clock. It was caused by loading one save, then switching to a different one at a later time that was beyond one of the alarms I had set. If you have Kerbal Alarm Clock, try removing it and see if the problem still occurs. Also, in the future, please post requests for help in the Support forum.
  20. [quote name='Renegrade'] [img]http://alpha.renegrade.net/images/JustBeforeDisaster.png[/img] [/QUOTE] HAHA! lol very true.
  21. Ugh. I've continued to fight with it and as of now I can manage to get the model and a bit of material data for whatever is the first part in a .craft file. I don't get any textures (although I can manually assign them from DDS files) or additional parts past the root part. Anyone else have advice?
  22. Oh dear. It may be too late, but I have learned through watching my forebears' tragic mistakes that you should NEVER name a ship "Kraken." While some have come close, no Kerballer has ever produced a ship truly worthy of the Kraken's name, and consequently anything that gets named after it inevitably suffers its wrath.
  23. YES! A Jool mission, just as I'd hoped! Or at least I presume the actual plot will be about Jool and there won't be some huge plot twist in the next page that sends us all to Moho or some such xD P.S.: You deserve infinite rep for using "your" and "you're" a combined total of six times in a row flawlessly. FLAWLESSLY. By internet standards you are a god and deserve undying respect. *salutes*
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