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Everything posted by 55delta

  1. Calling 911 to ask if it is possible to play 'the floor is lava' with rockets. (Operator: "Yes, but either you can't win, or you never lose.")
  2. Calling 911 to say that, if I selectively remove enough parts from my rocket, I'll finally get it from a 0.5 to 0.7 thrust/weight.
  3. Calling 911 because I'm making too much noise.
  4. Calling 911 because you have a fear of flying.
  5. From my dusty recollections of The Physics Of Star Trek and ST:NG Technical Manual (and elsewhere), the entire purpose of those inertial dampeners is to keep the the crew from getting killed whenever the ship accelerates to speed (be it a fraction of the speed of light or beyond it.) They're more something to enable faster space travel than a defensive system. Also, I'm told, the response time of the inertial dampeners is 60 milliseconds, and I'm sure there's plenty of examples of crews in the shows getting thrown 'a few feet.' I know this doesn't mean anything for a more generic setting, where you might change how the inertial dampeners work, change what their purpose is supposed to be, how much kinetic energy the shields are supposed to absorb or counter, and if there are other systems on the ship to cushion or worsen the effects.
  6. Calling 911 because my custom Kerbal OC (do not steal), who is the expert who knows everything about astronomy, physics, chemistry, piloting, explosives, and dozens of other very smart topics, while also being rich, universally loved, and a very cool dude, died during his first rocket launch. (Operator: "Oh, that old cliche.") (Me: "Wait...what?") (Operator: "Look up on TV-tropes, The World's Expert (on Getting Killed) after you hang up the phone.")
  7. Calling 911 to report that the world is a vampire. (Operator: "The Smashing Pumpkins aren't an emergency either.")
  8. Calling 911 to report a pasta crime. (Operator: "Sir, I only deal in emergencies. Hang up and find an Italian grandparent on your own time.")
  9. Calling 911 to say, "Alpha Bravo Gamma Delta Epsilon Foxtrot..." (Operator: "Gah! Stop it!")
  10. Calling 911 because I don't get it.
  11. (From E-Comm's 2024 list) Calling 911... ...because a neighbor was wearing too much cologne. ...because the drycleaners stained a shirt. ...because a McDonald's wasn't open. ...to get directions to a 24/7 Shopppers Drug Mart. ...to complain that the power is out. ...to request technical support. ...because a box of 38 avocados turned out to be rotten. ...because I left a phone in an Uber. ...to request help in removing a wasp nest. ...because a domesticated-looking rabbit was seen in the park.
  12. Calling 911 because no matter gas I pour on my ice block, my car won't start. (Operator: "Ice? You meant an internal combustion engine, right? Oh no...look, stop pouring gas on it, it's...you've...flooded it...")
  13. Calling 911 to invite people to Boxing Day Box Box Boxing. (Operator: "Stop, or I'm sending the joke police instead.")
  14. Calling 911 to ask how to use EDLIN. (Operator: "No, no, and no. Use a newer version of DOS, for everyone's sake.")
  15. Calling 911 to send over The Freelance Police. (Operator: "We never talk to them. Only the police commissioner does. You'll have to call him instead.")
  16. Calling 911 because I saw someone build a house out of dirt IRL. (Operator: "Big deal, I did that in Minecraft.")
  17. Calling 911 because I AM A MAN! *punch* (Operator: "You just punched your smartphone, didn't you?"
  18. Calling 911 for help after your gaming console just died.
  19. Calling 911 to say I produced nuclear fusion...in my pants. (Operator: "We all know you didn't, ask me how I know.")
  20. Calling 911 because I just learned that Newgrounds is still alive.
  21. Calling 911 to ramble about how the cats will save us.
  22. Calling 911 to announce that I've discovered that Higgs Boson is behind everything.
  23. Calling 911 to announce that the forum lives again.
  24. Calling 911 to say that Cat 9 is the purrfect cable.
  25. Calling 911 to demand that you be given a purrpose.
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