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Everything posted by helaeon

  1. Still was having problems, so made the following MM patch and now the KBPS MK2 habitat shows the workshop and recycler GUIs as expected. I noticed that these items are in the casa & hacienda part configs not template configs. Getting them added to the part config for the KBPS part fixed my problem. @PART[KKAOSS_Habitat_MK2_g]{ MODULE:NEEDS[Workshop] { name = OseModuleWorkshop ConversionRate = .45 // How much of a parts mass needs to be processed until it is done ProductivityFactor = 0.1 // How much units of the resource a processed per second UpkeepResource = ElectricCharge // This resource will be consumed 1 per second during processing InputResource = MaterialKits // This resource will be used to process the items MinimumCrew = 4 // Amount of Kerbals needed for the Workshop to work } MODULE:NEEDS[Workshop] { name = OseModuleRecycler ConversionRate = 0.45 // How much of a parts mass will be recycled ProductivityFactor = 0.1 // How much units of the resource a processed per second UpkeepResource = ElectricCharge // This resource will be consumed 1 per second during processing OutputResource = MaterialKits // This resource will be created MinimumCrew = 4 // Amount of Kerbals needed for the Recycler to work } MODULE:NEEDS[Workshop] { name = OseModuleCategoryAddon Category = Pods IconPath = Squad/PartList/SimpleIcons/RDicon_commandmodules } MODULE:NEEDS[Workshop] { name = OseModuleCategoryAddon Category = FuelTank IconPath = Squad/PartList/SimpleIcons/RDicon_fuelSystems-advanced } MODULE:NEEDS[Workshop] { name = OseModuleCategoryAddon Category = Engine IconPath = Squad/PartList/SimpleIcons/RDicon_propulsionSystems } MODULE:NEEDS[Workshop] { name = OseModuleCategoryAddon Category = Control IconPath = Squad/PartList/SimpleIcons/R&D_node_icon_largecontrol } MODULE:NEEDS[Workshop] { name = OseModuleCategoryAddon Category = Structural IconPath = Squad/PartList/SimpleIcons/R&D_node_icon_generalconstruction } MODULE:NEEDS[Workshop] { name = OseModuleCategoryAddon Category = Aero IconPath = Squad/PartList/SimpleIcons/R&D_node_icon_advaerodynamics } MODULE:NEEDS[Workshop] { name = OseModuleCategoryAddon Category = Utility IconPath = Squad/PartList/SimpleIcons/R&D_node_icon_generic } MODULE:NEEDS[Workshop] { name = OseModuleCategoryAddon Category = Electrical IconPath = Squad/PartList/SimpleIcons/R&D_node_icon_electrics } MODULE:NEEDS[Workshop] { name = OseModuleCategoryAddon Category = Ground IconPath = Squad/PartList/SimpleIcons/R&D_node_icon_advancedmotors } MODULE:NEEDS[Workshop] { name = OseModuleCategoryAddon Category = Payload IconPath = Squad/PartList/SimpleIcons/R&D_node_icon_composites } MODULE:NEEDS[Workshop] { name = OseModuleCategoryAddon Category = Communication IconPath = Squad/PartList/SimpleIcons/R&D_node_icon_advunmanned } MODULE:NEEDS[Workshop] { name = OseModuleCategoryAddon Category = Coupling IconPath = Squad/PartList/SimpleIcons/cs_size3 } MODULE:NEEDS[Workshop] { name = OseModuleCategoryAddon Category = Thermal IconPath = Squad/PartList/SimpleIcons/fuels_monopropellant } MODULE:NEEDS[Workshop] { name = OseModuleCategoryAddon Category = Science IconPath = Squad/PartList/SimpleIcons/R&D_node_icon_advsciencetech } }
  2. @Bosun Do you have any other engines activated or RCS turned on? Everything but the AD should be off when it's running. Specific impulse should be 1. That turbo number is weird too are you playing in a scaled system? Because that Turbo@ suggests your max warp is 15-16 instead of 6. (which is curiously close to the old max warp) I changed nearly every file on this upgrade, but I didn't move anything... Need to replace it all not just WarpDrive.dll. There may also be some issues if module manager changes some stuff thanks to another mod because I did add some more configurable parameters to the warp engine module (though they are set by default in the dll so if not in a part .cfg it will still function). All of this together is suggesting that you're running an old set of part configs but the dll is installed correctly.
  3. @Aelfhe1mThank you sir for looking into it. I'll make your change to my game and figure out where my conflict is at if it doesn't magically start working knowing that it should work.
  4. @Angel-125May have found a problem. KBPS to Pathfinder patches I might be misbehaving. Things seemed fine until I tried to make a Mk2 habitat from a ponderosa to blacksmith. Things looked fine and the blacksmith's converters work, but the OSE GUI won't load. Things are just fine if I use a Casa or Ponderosa part directly from Pathfinder. Any ideas? I am willing to and should have the skills to track down what's going on with the MM patches if desired and pass along the info. Using MM 3.0.1 with the removal of the :FINAL so things work well until the next release. Just would be starting from zero so if anyone had some ideas what was up or changes from OSE to OSE Continued or recent changes in pathfinder that might have broke it I'd like to start there. Now I have a looootttt of mods installed so it might be a conflict if no-one else is seeing it.
  5. @Jesusthebird It really could give you a silly number now that I think about it. Delta-V will always work on your most limited fuel, and I guess I could see how if you had a ton of everything it might come up with a big number. Then again though... should be a thrust of .001 and ISP of 1, that is unless you're on an old version. I know for my use I ignore that delta-v number and set up my ship such that I'm getting a read-out for my reaction mass propulsion.
  6. @Jesusthebird Probably. We use the xenon thruster at a piddly piddly thrust output to allow throttle control. DV should be vanishingly close to zero due to the new changes. I made the thrust .001 kN and the ISP is 1 so it would show no or very little delta-V. Also check how your staging is set up. I think both KER and Mechjeb show your current stage not necessarily activated engines. And even though it isn't documented... weird stuff happens when you use your normal engines with the warp engine - another reason I made the thrust tinier.
  7. FWIW I have the USI warp drive in Ultra High Energy Physics as well. It seems that is the place to put it.
  8. @The man on eloo installing things from github (not from the releases tab) you clone repository zip - it's a big green button on the right about the middle of the screen, find the gamedata folder in the for-release folder, and merge like normal. You should then have /GameData/UmbraSpaceIndustries/WarpDrive/
  9. @The man on eloo and everyone else.... The release version is broken. That's version 7.0.0. If you're using the current official release... I can't really help you because likely it's caused by one of many problems I fixed when I made version 8. Here is the link to my git repo. Use what's in the "For_release" folder and install like normal. https://github.com/helaeon/WarpDrive, you can also use https://github.com/BobPalmer/WarpDrive If your warp part menu doesn't look like this when the drive is activated http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1235271551 (same screenshot as above) you're on an old or improperly installed version. If you have FarFutureTechnologies, NearFutureElectrical, KolonyTools (USI-MKS mostly), or DSEV installed you are under the advanced electricals rules. That makes these warp drives use something like 25x the electricity vs stock. You will need a big fission or fusion reactor - this is intended. You're going to want to generate the power for the warp drive on demand. Unless you have tens of millions of ec of battery storage you're going to have a bad time if you're not feeding the warp drive on the fly.
  10. Also... exotic matter is supposed to be generated extremely slowly. It should burn down all of the electric charge (for most ships) and then generate exotic matter based on the electrical production rate alone.
  11. @Jetski In the screenshot you're showing no electric charge available to the engine. You're also not using the latest dev version from github (either mine or roverdude's should work). Should look something like this http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1235271551
  12. @capi3101 I don't always fly warp but when I do, I fly exclusively in AM mode... I take advantage of the fact that in AM mode gravitational forces still affect your ship and the warp bubble and that gravitational assists work properly. So yes, I do the warp towards-away maneuver and I fly it intuitively in map mode rather than calculating a value or doing some complicated maneuver. The plug in uses the state vectors pos and vel and sets the velocity vector's magnitude directly. I go to my destination and make the adjustments needed upon arrival so I end up in an acceptable orbit rather than having one in mind. In OPM I will sometimes stage the journey like go out to Jool and circularize there (so I can steal some orbital energy from Jool), then the adjustments at Neidon or Sarnus are not so extreme provided Jool isn't on the opposite side of Kerbol. Sometimes I will also warp somewhere that it will quickly change the direction of my velocity vector so it is more alike to the planetary body I am travelling to. This is usually only really worth it when the destination is opposite my origin. I do this by making the orbit a very narrow ellipse then hitting warp again once I've turned appropriately. When warping inside systems like the gas giants where orbits aren't extremely long I'll wait until I'm sitting parallel to my target body then warp.
  13. That sounds almost exactly as I intended. Maybe the 3.75 should be more power needy, but stock is massively nerfed energy wise anyway so I think it's okay. Angular momentum mode is supposed to conserve h (direction and magnitude). Direction of velocity vector remains unchanged. Happy you're enjoying the changes. I think it's much better than it was personally.
  14. Just like adding more parts to make bigger bubbles... the fixed bubble size is meant to be a balancing constraint, as far as balance can be with a warp drive. That's from RD so I'm not messing with it. Also, if I was feeling like fiddling further I'd figure out what the real bubble vs model bubble is, and make the model bubble ever so slightly smaller than the real one so they're in effect the same, so the model is a better guide vs now with the mystery fudge factor. However, I'm not feeling like loading up KSP enough over and over and over again to test that in game. If someone wants to use the USI 2.5m drive and change BubbleSize to something smaller to narrow in what model size 1 actually equals. I'm happy to convert and push the rest of the configs if you don't want to do it yourself. Personally I'd start at bubble size 16 and build a ship with parts extending evenly from both sides and increase by 1 until parts stop being clipped off. Of course if 16 doesn't clip things off increment down until something does fall off. Personally the fudge doesn't bother me that much. The plug-in uses the same value for this will blow up, and this moves. I don't really think it's worth it to have 2 different values, just adds complexity and things that can go wrong. Myself I've never made a warp ship so wanting for power it doesn't keep 100% EC for the whole trip and there's plenty of EM for going just about anywhere from anywhere even in an OPM system. (You guys know you're not supposed to leave the EM converter on while warping right?)
  15. The bubble model is just for show/effects and as a guide. The real bubble used in the plug-ins calculations cannot be seen. If you're inside that bubble you would move when all is working well and blow up when you're activated and run out of a fuel type. The kerbals would survive if they were outside the real warp bubble and you warped away, thus leaving them stranded there. The plug-in is supposed to clip off any parts that are outside the real warp bubble as soon as you activate the warp drive. Then if you warp away those parts will be left behind (provided you do not collide with them).
  16. @Space KadetShip is supposed to blow up when you run out of power and are throttled up or at least disassemble itself violently. The parts out side of the bubble thing... it may be outside of the bubble model, but not outside of the real bubble radius that's being fed into the program (which is defined in the cfg). I've been using that a model size of 1 = bubble size of 20, but I know that the bubble is actually bigger than the model by some amount from my own testing. The warp drive isn't supposed to kill every ship in physics range anymore. I would like it to do that, but it was generating NREs that weren't really worth hunting down for a specific use case and it was also burning up a lot of CPU cycles for something that happens rarely. Also, for the lore of this particular piece of technology... it's experimental wild stuff. If it does something unexpected or seemingly unintended... that's what RD and I want. It's up to the player to engineer around it after discovering the quirk. Feature rather than a bug (to a point). For example with the new gravity brakes I'm totally cool with people getting stuck in gravity wells even with the warp drive throttled all the way up because they're only able to generate like 0.000001c of space warping.
  17. I was thinking precisely of that. Much like how MKS has engineers, scientists, and pilots that are missing traits to be the Kolonists. So you'd have the 3 cross train classes (no idea what to call them) and maybe possible super class. Ideally only accessible through training so one couldn't hire or rescue them. Basically use the training part and/or contract as a way to change the class of the Kerbal, then the kerbal inherits the traits of the changed class. For example Mechanic to Engineer to Test Pilot (Engineer + Pilot) or Medic to Scientist to Specialist (Scientist + Engineer). Of course when playing stock, you wouldn't have the Kolonist classes so you could start from there. Ideally one would be able to write a compatibility config that would say something like. KerbalClass = Engineer AllowedUpgrade = TestPilot, Specialist Or some other layout that would make it easy to modularly configure with module manager. Thanks for looking into it.
  18. Would it be possible to extend that via MM patch or a new template config so one could train other classes of kerbals to something else? Like a Mechanic (or other engineering track Kerbal) from MKS to an Engineer? Maybe add cross train classes? Like a Spock type that was a scientist but also has some of the engineer traits? Or a Scotty that is part pilot part engineer? or Uber Kerbal that is all three (only accessible by repeated training missions and long base stays - could totally be balanced somehow)? Yes I have a strange install, and that's totally something I'd be willing to make the configs for if it were possible via the parts and programming. If it's not worth it to you, or it turns out to be harder than you'd like, then don't tackle it. Just an idea.
  19. Are you playing on battery? You might want to plug into the wall and check your power settings to make sure your processor isn't being throttled in order to get your battery to last longer. Even if you're plugged in you might want to check those settings. Some manufacturers don't ever kick into "High Performance" even when plugged into the wall. Check your GPU drivers as well (if you have them), you can also have it turn off power throttling for KSP. May help may not.
  20. The new Elite. Basically how the new USI Warp Drive works is that as you get closer to a massive body you slow down. Drastically actually, like from 6c down to .000001c. It all works on exponentials math so the speed ramps up and down very quickly. I also lowered the cutoff to 1/2 planetary radius. It's much much more controllable now. There's also a turbo function (not in elite) that when you hit a certain warp factor you start going much much faster like 50c+. This is all configurable in the part's .cfg so you can tune this mod's warp drive to behave with those parameters however you like. I was about 5 minutes to Neidon in stock, 3 minutes to Jool. But it was way way easier to drive around the Joolian system in warp than it was previously. Oh! Other new thing. If two USI Warp Drives are active at the same time it blows up your ship - weird unintended stuff was happening with 2 warp drives installed and active. So, for this mod you want that rear warp drive ring to be something else or just for show.
  21. @Denko666 I recently finished making some major changes to the USI Alcubierre drive. You can pick it up from my github. Now it behaves a lot more like the frame-shift drive from Elite. https://github.com/helaeon/WarpDrive RD already pulled my changes into his repository so it will be part of the next USI complete release. You might want to take a look to make sure it doesn't break what you're doing here.
  22. I've done it myself in previous versions. Works just fine. Big thing though is making sure you have an extremely small amount of torque on the ship so be super cautious about clawing. Also you should not use RCS in warp as it causes compounding errors in the calculations in both energy conservation modes. They're not really errors... more you're adding more energy into a system that should be having its energy remain constant. But due to how KSP works it is pretty hard to set that number at the beginning and not look at it again, so your final velocity at your destination will be unexpected. Did you re-name the part (so you have two?) I think re-scale factor doesn't work well. Use the scale in MODEL { }. so if they're all 1 set them to 2. Also set the nodes. So if you scale by a factor of 2 multiply every node number by 2.
  23. MKS has some colony rewards that give you funds, reputation, and science for having a base staffed appropriately. Pathfinder allows you to sell science from labs rather than transmit it for science. You can also use Extraplanetary Launchpads to build ships off world then bring them home to Kerbin for profit. ETA: Pathfinder and MKS both introduce new resources which can be mined and sold, and products you can create from mineable materials to sell.
  24. Pro graphic designer and tech guy... Shadowmage has it. DDS is special as far as file compression goes because the GPU has special hardware functions to make it do magical things (in effect). Any standard decompression uses CPU cycles on load and then the true file size in RAM (which will be the same as if it were an uncompressed TIF or TGA). Generally compression is lossy, you're approximating the file format for in order to use a mathematical function to describe it that takes up less space on disk. When your CPU reads the file it essentially re-draws the pixels from that math. I have a special hate for JPG because of that lossiness. Most of my work involves large format printing (things that are feet wide and high), so the flaws of compression are something I deal with daily. Here are some videos about what your computer is doing if you want to know more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AqscP7rc8_M - Resizing Images https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_uNPbdenRs - JPG and Color https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q2aEzeMDHMA - More on JPG Compression
  25. I asked the original author way back if it would be possible having the cover for the docking port cover on the dragon be configurable so it would flip 180 or possibly be non-present and be a separate part. He didn't want to, and that's cool, but thought I'd ask you as you may have a different opinion. It would make it a more versatile command part to use rather than just as pod.
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