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Everything posted by CardBoardBoxProcessor

  1. veyr little free time. few poor download numbers in the last release. i've not seen one image of RD-170 family or URM tanks posted anywhere. thusly I am not planning on working on it.
  2. whoa. that is a super high poly RD-180 0_O you migth be interested in http://www.npoenergomash.ru/swf/193_out.swf http://www.npoenergomash.ru/swf/180_out.swf and http://www.npoenergomash.ru/swf/175_out.swf
  3. The LK engine actually had a single landing engine in the center. the other 2 are backup engines.
  4. anyone have the old SSPP models? The ....ty blocky ones? I need them for something.
  5. should I release things even though they are not totally complete and a tad buggy? that is the question...
  6. lol. Love how the RD-191V uses the same Nozzle as the RD-0440s Memory saving FTW Decided to make the default KOSMOS URM colors what they once were in like 2012 in KOSMOS mod. Beige.... Looks nice though and I always preferred this color scheme. Don't worry though! like I said before you can change them to your desires in the VAB
  7. IDk. when squad offers modders positions the mods tend to die and the modders never really come back to mod. and it would be sad if that happened to such a great stockalike(which is the best style of mod, not a put down) mod.
  8. looking for someone good at photoshop to convert SSPP to color changing textures. PM me. it is not too hard just tedious.
  9. I had not launched anything for some time. I had forgotten how awesome the NTR was thanks MOARdV for making it possible. Also, if you note the tank. in the VAb they are pure white. they now offer you to change up 4 different parts colors to whatever you would like.
  10. Good news. I've actually opened 3ds MAX and the RD-58ss files. started KSP. I might be recovered @_@ Just realized I have not Dev-ed since I got two monitors. So much more awesome!
  11. if $30 gets you through college I'd question if anyone would take the degree seriously
  12. I've been over this many times before. I am not changing the scales of anything nor do I really care about what scale they really were. MOARdV and I have been in discussions aobut how to make things scalable for the user but nothing but thought currently. We'd rather wait til 1.0 comes out to bother. and I am not very concerned with SSPP at all currently. Honestly I'd like to reboot the whole lot or deferre you to Vostok mod. I really prefer tanks and engines TBH.
  13. you hardly get them sooner. They are not 100% complete. It is not so much get parts sooner as it is I feel terrible for these people donating money for no reason. I should at least give them a little early access or something. It is very rare to get donations anyway so it is in need of a reward I feel. anyways, I can stand looking at 3ds max again.... still deciding if I am burned out now.
  14. That's hardly PC. You'd be amazed how quickly you get something awesome done, turn around and go "whoa.. that thing I made last week sucks and does not use my current skills at all... REDO!" I already hate the engines I did lats time I modded for KSP lol.
  15. I am making a 3.25meter diametere rocket piece. Just make it 1m. humans are very keen to incorrectly tapered angles.
  16. Oh Color customize will not be in the next update lol Maybe i should convert the RD-58ss to the new system haha. Perhaps I'll do that tonight... Though, Currently I and eyeing resizing the RD-170 Family. They are currently 83% of what they should be at based on the fact that I originally was going to have URM-3 be 3m diameter but now they are at 3.25m diameter. This has them smaller than the NK-33 but almost twice as powerful. It makes no sense really. The only downside is that a few engines that fit under 2.5m tanks will no longer. However this is where the 1.25 engines will comeinto play I think. RD-180 does not fit properly under an Atlas V anyway. so I think this is acceptable. It should require minimal work and perhaps Axing an engine or two lol.
  17. possibly. When ever I feel like working on that again. Currently it is not my favorite subject. if a have an IVA designer I would be down for it. but IVAs just annoy the devil out of me. so I don't touch the things. I would imagine as MOARdV completes more of his awesome work I'll reveal my other thoughts I would want if i could program like a God like he can. Though this is all setting the stage for possibly uses in SSPP. Engines are my favorite thing to model. the ISS style solar panels were fun though. But like I said Currently focused on the launch side of things. Once you have the ability to launch a KOSMOS thing to space using KOSMOS then you need the thing to launch to Space. I am sort of doing an Elon. sure there are plenty of launcher mods out there. but I want KOSMOS to be the best and show technology that should be stock. like modular sub part stacking, optional accessories, and customization of color. Unity engine allows for all these things. why not take advantage of them?
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