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Everything posted by CardBoardBoxProcessor

  1. yes this has been fixed by the Awesome NoMrBond for the 0.25 compat. release MOARdv has been working hard to make something might possibly be released with the next release for alpha testing. I am glad station parts like this exsist. It makes my okay with leaving SSPP where it is currently. I wish i had made SSPP mroe stockalike like these parts. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/81537-0-25-Tantares-Stockalike-Soyuz-and-TKS-11-2-Crew-1-25m-Pod-Vostok-Release!?p=1512816&viewfull=1#post1512816
  2. Vernier engines can be done properly with firespiter plugin. these are a must for R-107 engine.
  3. eventually I might get back into SSPP. However space based things jsut have not progressed as I had hoped. We need a plugin that allows for crew moving about with life support and these sorts of things. Currently once you get a station up there is no real beneift or need to touch it again. it just looks neat. and If I am going to make something look neat it will be launchers not space hulks. The current plan is finish RD-0440 1.25M NTR, RD-175 (RD-170) family (for URM 2 diameter), URM 2 (2.5Meter tanks), several other URM 2 class engines, URM 3 (3.?? meter tanks with URM engine mounts), URM3 class upper stages (block D and KVTK with options for much variation and upper stage roles), the Gigaintos (N-1 and more)
  4. upgraded how? I am currently not a massive fan of doing anything to SSPP. there are a lot of great russian space station like mods out there currently.
  5. Small news update: MOARdv is awesome and developing something I think KOSMOS will benefit from greatly. NoMrBond is being awesome as always and geting all the cfg stuff for the NTR done as well as deserves all credit for making the next release 0.25 ready and balanced. I have been working on the NTR. it's model is now fully functional and texture work has begun. a large portion of its plumbing was exported to the RD-58SS engine. so it should take less time than typical engines but I work full time now so... it will take longer. General news: Hopeing to release the next release this weekend. Not sure when if at all. I have been invited to a social event for Halloween. Living comes before KOSMOS now. I need a social life.
  6. Thanks guys. I was fussing with the Truss structure and I think I found something more ideal actually. and MOARdV just informed me that he is awesome as can be. also, comparing 2011 KOSMOS to 2013 KOSMOS
  7. New NTR next to its old version. Quite a bit of evolution. What is the general opinion on the truss that holds the reactor? too bulky? Tried to make something sturdy but not over crowding of the plumping. Any advice would be welcome.
  8. the upgraded M-1 was 1.8 million. RD-170 is 1.7 Million pounds of thrust.
  9. How many? I ponder all the noobs that do not know KOSMOS. WIll probably split URM from SSPP Awesome to hear it. Glad someone is using it. I wish I had a plugin writer so you could do it right in the VAB. Well ever flown. M-1... had quite a leg up on anything.
  10. I think you have the thinking skills to determine what I mean when I say 0.25 release, as in KOSMOS's 0.25 compatible release.... hmm RD-170 family or RD-0124.. 0124 is boring it does not even have engine gimbals anymore.
  11. Not true. I am the original Dev. Normak just likes the thread handling. But yes a new thread I needed I think. We will wait till 0.25 release. LOL did you actually use the model{} to make your own parts? awesome.
  12. Well NTR is coming along. Has niffty way of Gimbaling now. Means more complex stuff to add to it but it will be worth it. After pipes for Gimbals are run just needs some stuff for the Extendable nozzle and it should be set for Maping.
  13. The engine is going to be real. They need it if they want to get moon bound.
  14. It isn't two RD-180s. They split the main pump into two. So one LOX and one RP-1. It's different.
  15. I happened Upon it while looking for RD-170 reference images. KOSMOS will be on Curseforge eventually unless there is a better site.
  16. Yeah I am always leaning towards the Newer Russian things. Space stations aside. -sigh- if only I had someone to make me IVAs lol. It is Ironic that the Russians are splitting the pumps On these. They always liked their mono pumps and simplicity but the power boost is massive enough that is it worth It I suppose.
  17. I am not a fan of the RD-0124 TBH. Though with single axis gimbals it is now doable. But it would be weak. RD-0146 has sort of taken its roll as a second stage engine as it was supposed to IRL. Now that the NRT is coming along nicely I have begun thinking about RD-170, 80, and 90. We alll know what RD-170 looks like and it is strong. But russia is designing the RD-175. It is basically two RD-180 stuck together. More powerful than RD-170. It has 2 pumps. form what I can see in the images of it One is LOX and other RP. should I make RD-175 or RD-170. and should RD-180 be RD-185 with the same 2 pump look Russia supports? Compared to
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