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Everything posted by Rakaydos

  1. You're talking about KSS/Kopernicus files/vanilla planets? Anything else I would need to delete?
  2. So that wont do something weird, like having Kerbin orbit the All?
  3. How do I restore the Kerbol system, in orbit around Kerbol, to stock planets?
  4. First two weeks of operation. TESS only transmits once an orbit, at periapse. And tess doesnt analyses it's own recordings- that will happen on the ground after first transmission.
  5. 50+ days before Tess is in the final orbit and can start actual science. So call it 2 and a half months for the first science return.
  6. Deleting the planet folders (but not the sun folder) made Kopernicus fail to load the mod. What went wrong?
  7. Yea, it's a wishlist. If spaceX got the military budget it would stop being spaceX as we know it. Bezos can basically outspend NASA for a decade, though.
  8. No propulsion? Only of they were designed with no propulsion... Back when this forum was proposing to launch our own cubesat, one of the proposals was an engineering test to see if we could go from an eliptical earth orbit to landing on Deimos with an ion engine, with enough gravity assists.
  9. BFR can put 150,000 1u Cubesats into orbit for $33.34 each. Mind blown. Edit: 1.33 kg per cubesat, not 1 kg. so 750 cubesats per ton, 150 tons, 112,500 cubesats for $45 each.
  10. I thought I heard the phrase "Hyperbolic graveyard orbit." Looking at the timeline at 3:00... looks like 62 days until science begins, with transmissions every half-lunar month after.
  11. TESS cannidates probably wont be available until at least the first, and probably the second, eliptical orbit periapse after the initial lunar slingshot. it's a 13.7 day orbit, so call it 27 days, an even Lunar Month from launch.
  12. Having a KSS install (which requires Kopernicus, but replaces the sun with a galactic black hole and adds other suns orbiting it, including Kerbol), I noticed that tracking panels default to the black hole, and reset to it whenever the ship loads. Logically, this would make the panels useless half the year, in KSS, but I dont know how it works in your particular Kopernicus install.
  13. Do NOT Quicksave when landed on Gilly. You will explode on reload.
  14. In kerbin orbit, I've been working on a large assembily. However, I found that the nuclear tug attached to the docking arm is not giving me the option to undock, from either the tug side or the docking arm side. I can undock the docking arm from the ship proper, which I've done in the meantime for base management, and all the other docking ports seem to be working as well as usual, but that one pair is not cooperation. This is a KSS install under Kopernicus, With Roverdude's stocklike warp drive and Kerbal Engineer. Base install is 1.3.1 I have of course attempted swapping ships, returning to space center, and even closing and reopening the game.
  15. The Mk 2 is quickly assembled- Noone wants to wait for the next conjunction to try again, and minor updates are incorporated before rendevus and assembily in less than a kerbin day. The new Scaffold includes two, updated Rotors, specifically resigned with an offswitch for their oversized reaction wheels for ease of transport, as well as more microtugs and chairs, and the asteroid miner modules and heavy lander now incorporate better power supplies for their ISRU equipment. With time of the essence, the Landing engines are used for the burn out to safe Warp distance. Soon they would be mking their own journey to Duna.
  16. My warpcraft was lost with all hands on gilly while mission control was on a snack break. At last report they were mining gilly while bouncing slowly down a hill at sub 1m speeds. The F3 black box gives no reason for the loss- the kraken is being blamed. And quicksave is reverting to AFTER whatever the incident was.
  17. So my first leg is a short jump to Duna to refuel on Gilly. I've got a lot more hardware than my initial tests called for for lunar refueling, so I'm going for an easier target. That means jumping warping to Duna. Warp navigation 101: when attempting to match velocities with an object in a different SoI... DONT TRUST THE NAV BALL's RELATIVE VELOCITY. If Kerbin and Duna are at the closest point, their velocities should be lined up, and there should be little more velocity to counter than Kerbinspeed-Dunaspeed. Duna is in a higher orbit than kerbin, so it is moving slower, Which means you should warp away from kerbin at the point where your orbital vector is retrograde. So at local noon, when Kerbin and Duna are aligned, warp directly AWAY from duna. Once you are out of Kerbin SoI, you should get a real relative velocity from the navball, and it should be the low thousands. Warp to duna, making sure to go around Kerbin's SoI. Then it's just a matter of warping into an orbit of Duna and doing normal orbit changes to land on gilly.
  18. After a mishap with overaggressive rendevus and a rescue from the nuclear tug, the Heavy Lifter arrives. Intended to handle anywhere from Stock tylo landing to Kerbin Ascent, the heavy lifter has 5000 vac DV and 4500 sea level Kerbin DV, with ISRU equipment to top off after landing and parachutes to keep it pointed the right way during atmospheric decent. Also visible is the scaffolding and the modular subsystems it brought up- The nuclear tug, Asteroid claw/miner, docking arm (doubling as extra fuel for the nuclear tug), 1 docking port adapter, 1 Mk1 command pod (that also doubles as a docking port adapter), Two Ant class microtugs and 2 OscarChair-class Kerbal Reentry Vehicals. (Also an expirimental Rotor design, but it's causing some problems with reaction wheel wobble, so I may end up tossing it.) Edit: Consuting with the astrocartographers, the Heavy Lifter is rated for the following worlds on Nova Kerbana: Vael: Insufficent DV/TWR (gas giant?) Silne: Yes Ilve: No Cal: Yes Sern: No Mirn: Insufficent DV/TWR (gas giant?) Hesmin: yes Sulph: yes Taythe: yes Vesp: yes Irnil: yes Keles: Insufficent DV/TWR (gas giant?) Orph: yes Kelin: Insufficent TWR. Esle: Unclear/draining tanks for sufficent TWR may not leave enough DV for orbit Alva: Probably yes Mork: Yes Blalo: Unclear/draining tanks for sufficent TWR may not leave enough DV for orbit Leyn: yes Rav: yes Alar: yes Elno: yes Phain: yes Kernim: No Dalne: Probably yes Erel: Maybe. Requires heavily drained tanks for sufficent TWR Iain: Require a 10 KM or taller mountian. (can hopper around with drained tanks above 4 km, barely) Narath: yes Dunem: Yes Um: Refueler's Choice (very yes)
  19. Because everyone who wants extra stars also wants 1/10th scale RSS as well. /s
  20. Scaffolding and support components in place. Docking it all was... interesting, as nothing in this fleet uses RCS. Unfortunately the heavy lander was too large for the warp bubble and I had to go back to the drawing board for it.
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