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Everything posted by Rakaydos

  1. Initial warpfield tests. As predicted, nothing explodes. I'm thinking some zero-G scaffolding next.
  2. First suport ship. All solar panels and the aircraft are within the warp bubble, according to a failsafe test.
  3. They're the landing engines, for ISRU. The launcher is an extra layer at the bottom, below the interstage fairings.
  4. I'll wait till I've got a good "busy space station" shot. Perhaps an SSTO or other lander.
  5. Had some ISRU bugs, so this isnt the flight article, and I havnt actually tested this versions warp drive, though it SHOULD work without blowing up engine bells. the 8 survey/relay probes are part of the warp system, containing both extra Xenon, and the fuel cells needed to recharge the warp core. Each probe has enough fuel cells and liquidfuel to run the ion drive flat out for the 3 hours straight needed to deplete the tank. (the warp drive, of course, has no shortage of liquid fuel)
  6. Testing isnt yet complete, but everything in this shot should be able to survive Warp Field activation. Warp testing is scheduled for after KSS Mun ISRU tests. 32 kerbals, and 8 survey/relay probes, along with 3 accessable docking ports and 3 more difficult to reach docking ports.
  7. Names for these things already exist. 2017 BFR is Nova Class because it's more powerful than the Saturn 5 but can still use the pads built for Saturn and Nova rockets. the 2016 ITS is a bit small for"Seadragon Class" but I'd say it squeaks in. (seadragon was a 450 ton to orbit proposal) and for something too big even for seadragon class, theres "Orion Class."
  8. ...Having technical issues getting through kerbin's atmosphere. I think it calculates atmo drag for the whole warp bubble, even when inactive. Withdraw that entry.
  9. My prototype, intended either for slowboat travel or with a drop-in size 3 warp drive. Not an SSTO, it spent another bottom layer of onion stages to successfuly land on KSS's Mun for ISRU. Unfortunately for the prototype, I failed to include an ore container, so actual ISRU is impossible. This will be fixed for the production model. https://imgur.com/ZgW2c14 Design was based on an old .90 era Single Launch No ISRU Jool 5 mission, but without the universal lander I built for that mission. Added ISRU and potential warp drive capability.
  10. I built my first rotor, based on a microbearing I got as a craft file, 2 small reaction wheels and 6 blades. It lifts 2 tons (including itself). Is there an optimum blade/reaction wheel ratio?
  11. I built my first rotor, based on a microbearing I got as a craft file, 2 small reaction wheels and 6 blades. It lifts 2 tons (including itself). Is there an optimum blade/reaction wheel ratio?
  12. What about a Ringworld "planet"? Basically no SoI, but something you can land on the inside of because it's spinning around the star so fast?
  13. So, apparently this NOAA regulation was written in 1990! There's a bill in house comittiee that (among other commercial spaceflight related things) fixes it, but this may well have been a publicity stunt to bring attention to that bill.
  14. So I picked up the Kerbal Solar Systems mod, tweakig the kerbol system and adding other stars (with planets) to visit. After some initial expirimentation, however, I discovered that severl planets, including Eve, have been given atmospheres like Jool, so dense not even aerospikes work. So before planning my grand expedition, I need to build a lander capable of returning kerbals from the depths of such a planet. A simple "spin the whole craft" design keeps going unstable before 1000m on kerbin. I looked up a stock propeller tutrial on youtube, but the reaction wheel turbine dropped straight through the fairing when I released the docking port, so I'm clearly doing something wrong. Mods are KSS, Stocklike Warp Drive, and Kerbal Engineer, none of which should affect this, I would think. Help?
  15. So have you done a KSS Eve return yet? I mean, if it's as interesting as stock eve return...
  16. (after spending the last few days trying to make a stable stock spin-lifter) The problem with "realistic" in this case is it's not interesting from a gameplay standpoint. Stock eve is harsh enough that precision landings on Mount Subscribe are considered part of eve return designs, adding to the challange. Setting the values so that rockets dont work at all is just taking away options.
  17. Er, when I said "ISP of nothing", I mean literally 0 ISP at anything below something like 22 KM. The only way to leave Eve surface is with propellar shenanigans or modded parts.
  18. The super jool mission was back in Beta. I'm just upgrading it for an interstellar explorer. Possibly slowboat, I havnt decided yet.
  19. Did this mod make Eve more difficult? Kerbal Engineer is saying every rockets ISP drops to nothing well above the summit of Mt. Subscribe.
  20. Every star becomes a planet, every planet becomes a moon, every moon becomes a magic boulder. Orbital calculations likely becoe a PITA. In other news, I am currently rebuilding my old Single Launch No ISRU Jool 5 launcher, and adding ISRU and a warp drive. My first test successfuly landed on the Mun for refueling, whereupon I found that I needed an ore tank to use the converter. *sighs*
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