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Everything posted by Rakaydos

  1. Last thing I read said 5-6 year lifespan. That way they naturally get updated as technology improves.
  2. They arnt. These first two are hitchhikers on a paid flight to orbit, to test that the satelites work before starting mass production. if they dont, the redesign and send 2 more. If they do, Starlink will start chartering whole falcons to put 25 or 50 up at a time.
  3. At least 2nd mention from elon- the post Heavy press conference mentioned fairing recovery, and Fairing 2 is the one they really want back, but they've been having trouble with the fairing displacing so much air that it fouls the parachutes in flight.
  4. SpaceX believes that failure IS an option, and loves to learn from them.
  5. More than that... because they are testing the 6 hour delay for restart by launching TMI from eliptical orbit, the suit will be spending hours in the van allen belts. it's going to face radiation worse than interplanetary space, while still in easy comunication with the ground.
  6. Looks like an attach point for the ring in the picture above.
  7. The Rocket is ready, but they wont try launching it until they have another pad online in case this one blows up too. So... 1 month away for a month, 2 weeks away for 2 weeks, week away for a week, and then count down the days. Bet you a forum like they launch before febuary.
  8. Some serious effort into what would be needed for ISRU, not just for fuel but for plastics, fertilizer production, and more: http://forum.nasaspaceflight.com/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=42053.0;attach=1408769;sess=52089
  9. It's only 2 more. 4 are actually lighter because the large vacum bell is cut down to sea level nozzels.
  10. Or... you can run the BFS spaceship with 7 SL nozzles as an SSTO, with an "order of magnetude" reduction in payload... from 150 tons to LEO. (so 5-15 tons to LEO) Same payload range as your suggestion (though lower GTO payload), and tests actual flight hardware for BFR Booster+ship, using the same manufacturing lines they will be using for BFR. Over all, a true transitional step, not a diversion.
  11. I remember reading that the asteroid mining people (plantary resources) were a secondary payload on the AMOS rocket explosion. Perhaps they got a free rocket from spaceX for waiting?
  12. That doesnt prepare them to make methane on mars, though... (also, kerosene is C12H24) Edit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Power_to_gas#Power_to_methane It's good enough that car manufacturers are looking at it...
  13. Even if the grid was 100% solar power (again, you're leaving out wind) I believe the equation still balances on the side of renewables.
  14. Which is what the grid power is for. It's not about being as cheap or efficient as fossil fuels, it's about being carbon neutral (as much as the grid is, anyway).
  15. What does "How much methane would be required to power the electrolisys of water" have to do with using grid power to turn water+Co2 into methane?
  16. Why are you burning methane to electrolize water?
  17. probably solar, though theres a lot of wind energy in the texas grid... also, it's creating methane, not burning it.
  18. You joke, but Elon mentioned using the Sabitier reaction on earth to fuel the BFR with carbon neutral methane.
  19. Reminds me of the XKCD "lethal dose of neutrinos from a superova"
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