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Everything posted by Alewx

  1. I'm using Stock Visual Terrain and Kopernicus including ist dependencies, but right after gamestart I get an Exception: [EXC 11:32:25.293] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object Kopernicus.Components.KopernicusStar.LateUpdate () Full Log
  2. Got an Exception in GravityTurn, where it throws an exception about not beeing able to load a Skin. The actual log containing the exception
  3. Simple one flight missions, ferry two VIPS into orbit and back, so was not really a difficult task. started the mission, landed back on Kerbin, took next mission, started..... and each time I got one more button for flight plan, that is a rabbit button, it reproduces too fast^^ But good to hear you already have a solution planned.
  4. Got this after doing 3 missions in a row, without going back to mainmenu, including some rabbit buttons:
  5. Ouh that is an evil exception, I try to access the root object even though the actual object is already the root. Quite possible that it is already fixed with a newer version. Which version do you use?
  6. looks correct, but still it depends on the original part and material; haven't used B9 in long time, so I can not really tell where something is broken.
  7. the meshswitch that I included does deal with the meshes, because most creators change meshes and textures, only texture change within single mesh is rather new to me, and I'm afraid you can not really fix that. And yes normally that could be fixed with a line 'texture = materialname "folder/subfolder/moresubfolder"'.
  8. sure there is the MODEL module, which contains the texture part, you just have to Point that at the correct folder. But does the welded Meshswitch not work correct? you should be able to Keep the preweld selected textures and meshes.
  9. @stupid_chris only reposted download links, he is not the author of the mod.
  10. Wait what, why the new name? Or is this seperate from CommNet Constellations?
  11. Nope, not the EEX debug window, just that it is useful to work around such extreme radial attachments, because it includes no offsetlimits. Changing the textures can be done in the partfile of the weldments, but as the part still work when Vens are installed, I believe it is using a patch to exchange parts of the model or the whole thing. But still now clue, don't play with Vens, I prefer @Porkjet part designs^^ Will have to investigate the MM patches of Vens to know more what is going on there.
  12. EEX includes the limits from moving parts around, you can not directly change the collider or the position where parts are radial attached but you can move the parts until it looks pleasing. Would need to see the real gameobjects in the game of Vens parts to give any more appropriate answers.
  13. You use some VenStockRevamp parts in it, I have no experience with them, but so far the part itself Looks fine. It could be that the scale of the Revamp parts with 2 is causing Problem with the SP automatic cylinder collider to scale insalny big, but I don't know it for sure. You could try the same with completly stock parts and see it it reacts the same, then the collider Generation would be a Problem. Also I can see you are using EEX so you could bring in the radial attachments manually.
  14. But I also was using NRAP, and shouldn't that be using a button in SPH/VAB? UPDATE: double checked it, and nope, it was my mistake. NRAP is used different. Sorry false alert.
  15. I made a fresh CKan install, and used CommNet to not get clouded in a spagethi Network, but now no kerbal can make a EVA Report. I only have MM and CommNet installed as Mods. [LOG 21:41:45.565] [FLIGHT GLOBALS]: Switching To Vessel Jebediah Kerman ---------------------- [LOG 21:41:45.566] [PlanetariumCamera]: Focus: Jebediah Kerman [WRN 21:41:45.573] [Part]: kerbalEVA (Jebediah Kerman) holds crew but has no interior model defined! [LOG 21:41:48.363] [Experiments]: Setting FX Modules to 1... [LOG 21:41:48.364] [Experiments]: FX Modules set: 1 [EXC 21:41:48.376] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object ExperimentResultDialogPage..ctor (.Part host, .ScienceData experimentData, Single xmitBase, Single xmitBonus, Boolean showTransmitWarning, System.String transmitWarningMessage, Boolean showResetOption, .ScienceLabSearch labSearch, .Callback`1 onDiscardData, .Callback`1 onKeepData, .Callback`1 onTransmitData, .Callback`1 onSendToLab) ModuleScienceExperiment.reviewData () ModuleScienceExperiment+<gatherData>c__Iterator87.MoveNext () UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (IEnumerator enumerator, IntPtr returnValueAddress)
  16. What I noticed is, that the toolbar seems to not be loaded in SPH/VAB, CKan Version. But no exceptions in log.
  17. With newest Version of Unity and KSP welding is more of a cheat for physics, because it will treat the parts as just a single object, making them more rigid then they normally would be. FPS is no longer really saved and Memory also not. There is a fork of it integrated in welding but it can lose compatibility with newer Version of b9ps ifs or mft.
  18. I mean, the craft file of the thing that will be welded, and the resulting weldment file in the mods part folder.
  19. I can't Keep up with everything. Best is the list of mods that are included and a pre and post welding file.
  20. Welding mutliple batteries, never really was a problem, does your part have more than 2 resources?
  21. Hmm no CoL is another thing, the problem with IVA is rotation with quartnion and vectors.
  22. Kind of, it is preped, but only recompiled no bug fixes. there are still Problems with the IVA. but didn't find a solution for it so far that I why i just pushed the recompile. But you are right should get a release out. Update to UbioWeld Continued 2.5.2 Recompiled for KSP 1.3.1 Download version 2.5.2 for KSP 1.3.1
  23. Ok I have to add wheels to the list of "do not do this". If you just want to remove the parts from the weldment, then just go into the file and look for the models you can remove them or just comment them out with // Didn't you save the structure as a preweldment craft file? If the wheels are just like the engines, then no no plans not by me. That would be above my league.
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