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Everything posted by Plusk

  1. Altho im playing 24.2 - never. Im using throtable engines, and my SRB`s are set up so they decouple and fly clear of the craft, straight up or due east. I have NEVER hit any of the ksc buildings, since 0.22 while i was playing with Rods from Gods.
  2. Depending on how far apart they are, and how different ejection orbits were, either set manouver nodes correctly, or simply target the thing you need to chase down and BUUUUUURN As long as there enough dv and youre far away from Kerbin, there shouldnt be a problem. But to be honest i never done that, as im always planning my missions ahead in detail. One cannot underestimate the power of pen and paper (and a calculator) in KSP Edit: Its 110% doable on interplanetary orbits, however on the timeframe you have during inter-Kerbin orbits, it all depends on how much dv you are willing/able to spend.
  3. Them mods are disabled in x64, so people dont come crying and bothering the mod developers about things that they cant fix. As i understand ferram4 requested a name change for this fork, to prevent just that. So do as requested, if you insist on catering to that playerbase, under your own name, so development of actual FAR isnt slowed down due to that. Also, going against the developer wishes wont get you any credit in this community. Do that on your own peril. I wouldnt blame ferram4 for changing the license, although it would be a terrible loss, if such essential mod would cease to develop if anything happend.
  4. Somehow (by chance?) i installed this with recommended quality and it barely impacts my performance (well, 20% less fps for stunning visuals? i can live with that). Previously it murdered my framerates (like from ~80 to ~10). Lovin` the airless bodies haze. Objects in space reflect light. For hum.. em.. kerbal eye, there always be a haze ( or "atmosphere" as you call it) around them. Your eye is not a camera lense, you know
  5. As an early concept on Orbiter forums long time ago. Then again, around 0.22 ive stumbled onto Manley`s channel, and bought the game.
  6. Ditto. With forced openGL game doesnt start at all (HD 7850). Im tired of crashing every hour or so. And them mods keep getting bigger and bigger. Edit: Nvm, found it. " -force-d3d11". No impact on ram usage, nor fps. It just messes the geme up for me. No water, no lighting effects, no EVE clouds on Kerbin.
  7. @Tarmenius Terrific design. Looks like a spider from the front. Loving it
  8. I transfered to Minmus as i normally do. Saved the game. Done other stuff, game crashed (3.7gb ram footprint). Ive reloaded my save just to find my craft with Bob onboard on a interplanetary trajectory that i cant fix. Ive downloaded Hyperedit, returned Bob to the nearest spacestation, deleted that jinxed craft and forgot that it happend at all. Not really my fault, but thats at least half a sin
  9. I believe older i7`s are 32bit cpu`s. Use 32bit system, and 32bit version of ksp. I also have an old cpu, phenom 2 x4 @3.4ghz and im getting avg of 80fps unless i clip parts, go over 40parts per vessel, or use Mk1-2 command pod. Just a single Mk1-2 is capable of cutting my fps from 101 to 9 on launchpad. Hell if i know why. So i bet thats not cpu thats giving you troubles. With that amount of ram id stick to WinXP and some older KSP versions. Get Active Texture Menagement and forget about mods.
  10. Curse? Kerbalstuff? Some of the good old stuff is hard to get tho. Someone may even have a backup of his 23.5 gamedata folder with 40+ mods in it
  11. Havnt played the tutorial, but if the Mun transfer takes more than ~900m/s dv, you doing it at the wrong place. Try setting the node when the Mun is just rising over Kerbins horizon.
  12. Im missing only last weeks update. Catalyst 14.4. Im heavily bottlenecked by my phenom2 955 @3.6ghz. Installing BA cuts my fps from 70-80 in orbit to ~10.
  13. My biggest regret with KSP is that i cant use any visual enchancements. Murders my framerate no matter the resolution on HD 7850. Those pics look fabulous
  14. I wouldnt bother with being super precise about geostationary. Floating point will get you anyway. Ive spent hours manualy synchronizing my relay, achieving 6:00:00:01 h orbital period with 0.2something mm/s relative velocity. After 2.5 years of karbal time 3 of the satelites were about 150km offsync. Not a big deal, just sloppy looking. Also, using RT you might find this useful: link
  15. ^What he said. Turorial 1 is a apollo style mission. You tried burning lander engines. If you really insist on doing that, EVA a kerbal from main capsule to the lander, right click -> "control from here". Navball directions will switch automaticly.
  16. Please make me unsee that Vostok... I swore i wont update from 24.2 until unity5 or stable x64 comes out... This pack is getting too awesome too fast
  17. @Youen: So it was an user error after all! Now i know, and with some practice, i made them pods land in spitting distance from the marker. Also, im happy to inform that from the look of things, mod is already DRE compatible*. Ive done 5 reentries with diffrent trajectories and pods/heatshield configurations, all of them landed on target. No issues at all. Thank you for your help *at least with v5.3.2
  18. Some command pods have ablative shielding integrated in them by default, that you can edit like any other resource. Ive got rid of it in VAB before launch. So no deadly reentry shielding is present on the craft. This is one of the crafts ive used in testing. Edit: I usually do my reentries without SAS assist, but i suspected that the wobble might expose something to the airstream that will couse additional drag, so for this particular test ive left it on. I forgot to put that in screenshots, those small rtgs arent causing any drag. Sorry about the size, im new to imgur thing, album was set to thumbnails only. Silly thing ate my navball. Im pointing retrograde all the way down Im too tired tonight to try a clean install without DRE altogether, as some other dre mechanic might be at play here. And to be honest its just slight inconvinience. I understand that mod is in beta, and not yet DRE compatible. Pease treat my post not as a bug report, but as just an observation of wierd part behavior, that my ocd couldnt left alone That might or might not be of use to you in future development.
  19. So ive done my testing on new 0.4.0. Lag is completly gone While quite substantial (mk1 pod +250kg), weight of ablative shielding seems not to have any impact on landing marker movement. I tried with and without. Mk1 pod, 80x80km -180deg AoA at entry, deorbit burns 180, 90 and 45 deg off ksc. The closer you are, the more accurate it is, everytime missing by 50%. 180 with 90deg miss, 90 with 45deg etc. 45deg try didnt survived reentry. Marker seemed to be a fixed distance away from the end of trajectory, no matter how steep or shallow reentry was. Like it doesnt count for Kerbins rotation. So ive tested that launching straight up on a 400km Ap balistic trajectory. Landed on the dime like a boss. That only leaves aerodynamics. That, or im not using the mod corectly Ill try later on vanilla. Edit: Just now i tried reentering whole craft (that did initial burn) and it lands on the spot. Ditching engine compartment recalculates impact short of the target (as it should due to decreased mass), but then marker moves as described previously.
  20. Ive tried the 0.3.1a version on 24.2 32bit. Extreme lag in map view, even when disabled in game (from green to yellow x3 time slowdown). Also, using FAR / DRE 5.3.2, ive burned 180deg from ksc and placed marker on top of it. Ive landed 45deg short. Works just fine on airless bodies. v.0.3.0 landed on the marker every time. So if the mod calculates things fine, that means that the pod had to become lighter during reentry. Does ablative shielding weights anything? That would also explained the lag, as its recalculating every frame when in the atmosphere. Gonna test that.
  21. Ive spent a weekend on designing self sustaining mothership to finaly get me interplanetary. Flawless design. Looked so good on paper that i didnt think twice about putting a fixed engine compartment on it. Ive assembled it, fueled it, supplied it. Launch window happened, and ive noticed it doesnt go anywhere, actually, it barely turns... So i dumped most of the supplies, and had just enough dV to send it to the Mun. At least i have perfectly viable space station...
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