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Everything posted by Plusk

  1. Hi there. First of, mod is looking great and has lots of potential. A.02.b works just fine with 24.2, with only 20% of previous version size! Two things tho: - Solar panels are vastly op. 1x3 folding panel vs 2x3 stock panel. Yours 13% bigger, 34% heavier, yields 140% more power. Fixed panel vs stock OX-STAT. Yours 33% bigger, yields 113% more power. Same weight. - Antenas and probe core lacking RT signal range definitions. Am i missing something? Looking foward to future updates
  2. 2nd year Kerbal time. Using every dificulty enchancing mod there is: - Ive explored Kerbin system through and through with manned / unmanned missions. - Unmanned RT2 delay enabled sattelite network with 90% signal coverage (occasional eclipse here and there) @ Moho, Eve, Kerbin, Duna and Dres. - Self-reliant Minmus refueling base with 4 Kerbals, semi-reliant science/refueling station in HKO with 10 Kerbals (20 years between resupplying). Score: 36 / 20 = 1.8 Thats bad. I guess simply strapping an engine on my 100t+ space station and taking a jolly tour around Kerbol system will improve my skill level immensly Also, you should add a penalty for using Mechjeb. 8 out of 10 KSP videos on youtube feature MJ.
  3. Hi Beale, does this work in 24.2? I did !MODULE[ModuleParachute]{} MODULE { name = RealChuteModule caseMass = 0.08 timer = 0 mustGoDown = false cutSpeed = 0.5 spareChutes = 5 PARACHUTE { material = Nylon preDeployedDiameter = 2.5 deployedDiameter = 50 minIsPressure = true minPressure = 0.01 deploymentAlt = 700 cutAlt = -1 preDeploymentSpeed = 2 deploymentSpeed = 6 preDeploymentAnimation = Tantares_Parachute_A_Semi deploymentAnimation = Tantares_Parachute_A_Full parachuteName = Tantares_Parachute_A_Canopy capName = Tantares_Parachute_A_Cap } } MODULE { name = ProceduralChute textureLibrary = StockReplacement currentCanopies = Main chute } And chute is deployed on launchpad... At which line should i paste it? Thanks for a quick fix! EDIT: Retarded me forgot to save the file. Working like a charm. Thank you
  4. Tested against clean 24.2 - working fine. Tested against RealChutes - deploying wrong way. Kinda bummer, as FAR with stock chutes often can be hard on Kerbal`s necks, and KSP without FAR is like eating a banana with a peel still on As for nodes, ive noticed it also happens with other parts both stock and mods, so i guess VAB camera angles are at fault here. Sorry for crying wolf.
  5. Hi, im loving the looks of the parts, for a long time i was building my LKO crafts to look like Soyuz. Having a quick look, i already found that TST return parachute fires the wrong way, cliping through the pod. Tested with realchute and clean install. Also, attachment nodes on couple of parts are misbehaving. I ive spent at least 6min placing docking port on top of parachute on top of capsule. Other parts im placing like a boss. Ksp 24.2 32bit, Win 7. Will be looking into that further tommorow. Anyhow, best stockalike pack ive seen in a long time, keep them parts coming!
  6. So the other day, ive sent Lobas Kerman on a service mission to Minmus. With only 3 days worth of lifesupport. When he noticed that, he imidiently aborted the mission and, as the craft wasnt designed with reentry in mind, lined it for a randesvous with HKO science station. Pressed by ticking clock (less than 20min of o2), he made an perfect aproach, so perfect in fact, that collision was immiment. And all the fuel was gone. Coolheaded as he usualy is in such situations, at the last moment he went on EVA and deflected the craft just enough, so the station only lost one of its solar panels. So for now hes safe, on a wildly spinning space station (hey! artificial gravity!) at least until craft will come back for another try...
  7. @ kalrand My best guess is, that with LKO science multiplier its going to take much longer than that to generate any science. Also make shure cryostat holds Liquid Helium-4 not 3. Im gonna launch (hopefully) one this evening, and see for myself.
  8. Im experiencing just the oposite, engine is shut down, yet animation looks like its throttled up 100%. Any thoughts?
  9. 1 year 150 days since i began my spaceprogram, today for the first time i left Kerbin SOI. KerbolExpress Mk1 probe, packed with scientific instruments will do a flyby near Eve and very close (around 1.5M km) to the sun, overwhelming me with science! Unless i loose signal to KSP, or burn due to heat.
  10. Target it, map mode will show you AN/DN nodes, burn acordingly, then descend. Or even easier, Kerbal Engineer tells you time to nodes.
  11. Will do, thank you On last page.. how embarasing Next time im going to search backwards.
  12. Hi, ive looked around last 50 pages and havnt found this reported. Not shure if FAR couses this issue, but here it is. Test setup: KSP 0.24.2 32bit Windows 7 FAR 14.1.1a KV Rocketry 2.6c Deadly Reentry Continued 5.3 Remote Tech 2 Inside a KW fairing i have a payload equipped with RT2 antena for atmosferic comms dp-10. It isnt suposed to snap, even more so - inside of an fairing. No cliping whatsoever (tested with 3.75m expanded fairing and a probe core). Its always breaking to aerodynamic stresses @ 240m/s up to 7km altitude. Ive also tried to placing it directly below the payload itself, to no avail. Looks like the fairing doesnt do anything. In 23.5, same setup, i was used to launch deployed antenas inside fairings and it was working fine. So my question is, is it FAR (aerodynamic stresses) or KW (faulty fairings). RT2 cant be causing this, since stock parts are also afected. Further more, as the dp-10 snaps while unprotected, im myself partial to FAR, hence im reporting this here. Do anyone have any ideas, or in case this was reported previously, point me to a fix? Thank you. Edit on the fly: Not to be called lazy, ive tested it without FAR, and everything works as suposed to. DP-10 not breaking inside/outside of a fairing @ 450m/s 1km alt, stock/RT2 deployed antenas inside fairing do break, but to g-force, not aerodynamic stresses (not breaking during normal, not crazy ascent). So it is FAR thats cousing this. Id apreciate any help, my whole space program is on hold due to this :/ Edit 2: Creating a 1.1TWR 10km/s dv monster rocket just to put 4t payload into LKO isnt a workaround, i dont have enough money, nor strong enough CPU for such damn thing
  13. Great app, with lots of usefull things in one place. Now i can get rid of most of my paper notes. 5 stars in hope you`ll kepp it up to date. I have three thougts however. 1. I love mission planner, but its ackward to access (7 inch tablet, big fingers). Maybe a button on starting page? on top bar? like that trashcan? Second thing, in addition to sliders in "Pick destination" screen, it would be handy to be able to type desired altitudes in by hand. 2. It would be usefull if you`d add orbit ranges to orbital characteristics. Eg. Kerbin Low Orbit: 70km -> 250km / High Orbit: 250km -> SOI Mun Low Orbit 0m -> 60km / High Orbit 60km -> SOI Etc. On second thought high orbits are redundant, using precious screen space. Anyway, keep up the good work! Cheers.
  14. I too get stuck on loading kerbin1 file with high res version. Before reduction pack i was playing w/o errors on 3.4 -3.6gb footprint. With aformentioned mod i get 2.5 on basic and 2.2 on aggresive. None of those load the clouds. [EDIT] While typing this post i got an idea. ATM have to process new textures right? Well, after like 3min of proccesing it did load afterall Footprint 2.89 on basic. Give it some time Shragon, consecutive loads will be much faster. I hope. Now ill try to add Astronomers pack and see what happens. Again, HD pack seems to load just ok, however my clouds arent nearly as pretty as on Astronomers screenshots. Still flat and square`ish. Cant rly see the diffrence between HD and h-res. I even disabled compression and mipmaps in boulder.tcfg Tried on a clean install. Effect is the same. Merged VEM with stock KSP and then overriten with files from HD pack. Game is set on max. So straightfoward yet i must be missing something. Oh and how rude of me, since this is my first post i should say hello, so hello everybody and hail the probe (some mods will get this im shure )
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