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Everything posted by Walker

  1. I won’t be original, but I would like to express strong support for some of already posted ideas: parts from the Making History expansion - I really can’t live without those 1.875m parts! all those cool features from Breaking Ground Expansion - surface features, robotics parts, surface science parts, other features that were in KSP 1, and which are still missing in KSP 2: comets, asteroids, IVA, Astronaut Center... And besides stock KSP 1 features, there were some essential mods, that made the game complete (like SCANsat, Outer Planets or life suport mods) – I’d love to see features like ScanSat or OPM in KSP 2. This or making KSP 2 fully modable – let modders mod :)
  2. That's what I'm talking about. I've launched series of more and more complex missions to Kerbin orbit and Mun, now I'm plannig trips to Minmus; not a single crash. Worst bug - fairing all messed up after vessel reload. Beside this, I had issues with parachutes animation (tough it slowed me down properly), camera behaveling odly, sun completly dissapearing in map mode - etc. nothing game braking, I was able to finish all my missions. My specs: laptop with gf 3070 (mobile), 32 gb ram, Core i7-10875H. Even the fps drop at launch isn't really a big issue. So - issues are really different on different machines...
  3. So I am, I'm having great fun with it. I've encountered some bugs, but nothing game breaking, performance is really good, fps only drops shortly after liftoff and only with large launch vechicles. Much, much better than KSP 1 at 0.15 version (when I started playing it). So I was shocked by amount of negatve comments. I guess that the game plays very differently on various machines and systems, with more bugs for some than for others...?
  4. First off, thank you so much for taking care of this mod, I think it is really fantastic and you are doing really great job with it. If I can suggest something - I wouldn’t make a poll. The mod has "planets" in the name - maybe the basic version should contain dwarf planets, and the addition would include other objects? Or you could break the mod into two parts: objects from outside Eeloo's orbit and from inside of the solar system. Also, you could recommend the "Too many orbits" mod to be used with MPE. Ps I remember one user suggested in an old thread that Makemake's analogue could be called Brakebrake. I like that idea
  5. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU...!!! Now, with this final update, this game is truly complete. Yes, it's sad that it is the last one, but I really feel it's complete. Flickering lines fixed, wheels fixed... Now with transfer planner, alarm clock (or dV stats from previous updates) there is no longer any need to use mods that fix the game. Now I, problably as many others, will use mods only to adpot it to my playstyle, to make it perfect for me. Really, from the bottom of my heart thank you for making this great game, for supporting it for so many years! It was really great ride!
  6. Hi, @blackrack I have a bug to report - it affects only rescaled systems. To reproduce: 1) Fresh 1.11.1 install 2) Install Sigma dimensions with dependencies and 6.4 rescale 3) Install latest Scatterer 4) Launch a vechicle up to 110 km altidude. When a vechicle crosses 30 km altitude (exact number depends od rescale factor) some parts get a blue hue: On higher altitudes it is more apparent: Effect disappers afcter crossing 110 km altitude (with 6.4 rescale). Some parts (like fairings) are not affected. Any help would be appreciated
  7. I'm very curious, how SVO plays with rescaled systems. I hate those "washed out textures" and I use rescale mod a lot. On the other hand, I don't really want to use Spectra. Does SVO fix those issues also in rescaled systems ? I'll check it out when I have some time, but I'd be greatful for any info
  8. For some time I was wondering whether to take part in this discussion, but after the @Thomas P. post - I have to. I would like to thank him and also I’d like to draw attention to a fact that is, in my opinion, quite important. I mean how important mods are - not just for those who use them, but for all KSP players and even for the devs. You know, the more mods are developed and updated, the better it is for the entire KSP community, even stock KSP players. We all know that KSP has a lot of potential. Mods not only make use of it, but they make KSP a game that may be interesting for almost anyone… No matter if someone wants a super realistic simulation of Mars landing, or interstellar travel in SF style. The more mods there are, the more players will stay with KSP for longer, the more expansions or sequels will be sold. The more mods there are, the longer KSP will be supported by the developers. Dangit, I know I’d have abandoned KSP years ago, were it not for these new worlds that I could discover thanks to Kopernicus. What I mean is that Kopernicus is one of the greatest, most popular and important mods that has been created for KSP. I've been playing KSP since 2012, I remember times when new planets were just a community dream. Thanks to Kopernicus, they have become almost casual in add-ons forum. That is why I am very grateful to @Thomas P. (and other Kopernicus supporters and authors) for developing this mod over all these years. I am afraid that the @Thomas P. statement is a turning point in the history of KSP. But I believe it was also necessary for the good of our community. I am also grateful for it. I hope that Kopernicus will find a good new home. Once again, thanks @Thomas P., and fly safe!
  9. I really love this, thank you Any chances for JNSQ comatibility?
  10. I'm sorry, I should've been more specific about the issue. Since I noticed this problem quite a long time ago, I assumed that you probably know about this too (you know, KSA inspired me to use graphotron for telemetry ). So nothing can be done – I guess should live with that Thank you for the assistance, I really appreciate it EDIT: at least it seems that people from the kOS team will solve their problems thanks to our misunderstanding, and that's something
  11. The problem is that if I install Kerbalism, these data are not even visible as a data source in the Graphotron menu. The menu looks like this:
  12. I remember habing this problem on KSP 1.4.5 (and the appropriate version of Kerbalism, i.e. 1.8). I have now checked that the problem still occurs on KSP 1.7.1 and Kerbalism 3.0.2
  13. @Ezriilc Graphotron seems to have a slight incompatibility with Kerbalism - when both mods are installed, Graphotron can not see data from a thermometer or barometer. @Drew Kerman I ping you, because you use both Kerbalism and Graphotron, have you encountered this problem?
  14. I'm going to try DX11, but JNSQ indeed seems to need lots of RAM. It takes (with only EVE and Scatterer added) 7,5 gb of RAM on my PC, while 1.7.1 with all DLC, all of Nertea mods, restock, SVE and Outer Planets mod eats only 4,5 gb.
  15. I'd like to make sure - this means dMagic Orbital Science is not compatibile with JNSQ, am I right?
  16. If I understand correctly using surface features requires starting a new save? So, if I start a new career now with the current version of JNSQ, then I will not have surface features even when new JNSQ with surface features support is out? So I should wait with starting new career until new JNSQ is out if I'd like to play it fith surface features?
  17. I believe that everybody is hoping for surface features on OPM bodies If you consider adding new features to OPM (not just maintaining it), then probably I will open the appropriate thread on github. Also - now when Eeloo got surface features, is OPM compatibile with 1.7.1? OPM modifies Eeloo by adding craters, so...
  18. I'm not sure, I really hope there will be 1.7.1 Kopernicus update two weeks after 1.8 drops, so...
  19. Hi, @blackrack I had some time, to test latest release more carefully - I still get scatterer effects overlayed on ships, but now it lasts only for a while - on altitudes between 90 and 110 km. Same recreation steps (clean 1.6.1 install with sigma diemnsions set to 6.4 and scatterer). Anyway, now it disappears without scene reload, so I can live with it
  20. Have I said that I love you? Seriously, that's amazing job! Thank you! I may donate something again next week, but... I live in Poland. It's annoying that you'll get less than half of what I send because of the different purchasing power in our countries EDIT: I'll think of bitcoins. Never used them before.
  21. There are three problems here: 1) missing sphere you mentioned, 2) small, flickering black artifacts (one can be seen on shore, just below missing sphere) - those relatively minor, and 3) scatterer effects on the vehicle. First two dissappear at high altitude, third after scene reload and therefore is more troublesome. What should be done to increase "camera01" far clip value? Is this Sigma Dimensions issue then?
  22. @blackrack Really thank you for the release! Unfortunately, I also have a bug report - this effect appears with rescale mod. I used fresh 1.6.1 install with just sigma dimensions set to 6.4 and newest scatterer release, it seems easy to reproduce. I know that you don't really support resized systems - any chances for fix...? EDIT - after Phineas Freak explained to me KSP camera problems - this concerns scatterer effects on the vehichle. Thanks for help!
  23. Hello. I would like to thank you for coming back and developing this amazing mod. It's great that the last significant bugs will be fixed. So I bought you a small beer via paypal Cheers
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