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    “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated”

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  1. @linuxgurugamerleft you an open issue (non-critical) on github,there is a wrong url in the version file
  2. yeah....hope you can fix them easily, i am off to testing some other mods in 1.12.3, see if i can find you more bugs/stuff to fix
  3. @linuxgurugamerwhile your at it please check the "sputnik/ball" one also, i think i tested it but it literally slipped my mind to mention and now cant remember if it also spams nullrefs or not
  4. I did that ,SAT is still attached to the box in the VAB, was testing what the other guy wrote and it spammed the Nullrefs
  5. @OrbitalManeuversare you by any chance using any planetary mods? also are dependencies up to date? edit: did a quick test and got the same result @linuxgurugamer
  6. Hi @linuxgurugamer...long long time since i have been on the forum and i see you are still rocking strong! just stopped to say hi...and now on to updating all the mods from ksp 1.8 to the newest version...ohh boy!
  7. Ahhhh yes @blackrack so our hero returns, thank you sooo much for this! now i can stop cooking my dinner on my gpu
  8. Hi @Angel-125 here is an idea...how about (if possible that is) you leave the current limit to 1year (active simulation) but add a "passive predefined trigger" if we say add enough snacks so it amounts to say 4 years...then the simulation window could say 4 years of snacks (excluding the recyclers,just raw amount) and it would repeat every say 4 years worth of snacks added or when a predefined line is crossed, in this case 4yrs with an upper limit of say 20-30 years don't know if it;s possible code wise,just throwing ideas around,maybe with a configurable option so the user can tailor it to it;s own needs
  9. try editing SimulatorSettings.cfg see what happens....i did not try that but as written it will tax your cpu if you put in some ridiculous number (i would guess so) maybe increase slightly to a bigger number and my guess is it will show you beyond 1 year limit,again i did not try this as i am taking a break from ksp until they fix some bugs as for without simulator...hmmm maybe add exactly the amount snacks that corespondent to 1 year,remembering the number and then doing math gymnastics in the head :D
  10. this is by design....there is an explanation why, somewhere on this thread (forgot where exactly) Edit here found it https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/149604-minimum-ksp-181-snacks-friendly-simplified-life-support/&do=findComment&comment=3823518
  11. Uuuuuu Shiny new parts Nice!
  12. @Stone Blue thx for this, i also was searching for it....this should be archived somewhere as to not get lost
  13. some scanners do require that the planet be lit otherwise you will get blank lines/stripes and yeap as far as i can tell they do draw power constantly no matter the situation
  14. 1 and 3 should have different frequencies 2 should have same as 1 and 3 the way of doing this slap some more antennas on probes and configure them accordingly, and be sure to set the probe core to say default 0 frequency that should work so 1(Freq. 2) 2 (two antennas 1&3) and 3 (Freq. 2)
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