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Everything posted by halowraith1

  1. So many real-scaled launcher add-ons but I am only able to find stock-scale N1 parts?
  2. engine still shuts off at high temp. in fact the engine barely runs; as soon as it is at a suitable speed it has already overheated.
  3. is there a way to disable the 'catastrophic overheating imminent' message for the engines?
  4. i tried using a newer version of OPT and i think the folders merged upon doing so may have messed something up. also tried to add the mk2 expansion so that wouldn't have helped either. always crashes on 'airplaneplus/parts/aero/flaps/straightslat/straightslat' output_log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/x2e1131asz3fspj/output_log.txt?dl=0
  5. alright, if you do decide to add turbine engines in, send me a PM or something. i have a bunch of books with stats for most german turbines, some of which were unbuilt (fuel consumption, airflow, etc)
  6. I dunno. jet engines are basically just tubes in terms of modelling; even less than that if it's just the exhaust section. i had a go myself not that long ago and it didn't take too long to make something accurate, albeit of low detail. somehow they never appeared in the parts menu at all so i gave up. anyway, the idea of using underpowered, unreliable engines has always appealed to me somehow, and the german jet engines of that era (built or not) were nothing but underpowered and unreliable, save for a couple.
  7. Actually i was talking about engines, not parts to build specific aircraft.
  8. hey i don't know about this but i have a suggestion.... maybe you could do some of the turbine engines (turbojets, turboprops) that the germans were producing or planning to by the end of the war, turning the pack into some sort of ''late war german aeronautical fantasy pack'. i have a couple of books with metric ton of data for even the unbuilt engines, just something that popped into my mind.
  9. I did literally acknowledge in my post that the 012 was an upscaled 004 (not entirely true though, the 004H was closer). Also, variety is the spice of life. The stock models are boring.
  10. i know, but there aren't really any other images. what i did when i attempted to make the models, was follow the outline of the exhaust section (and the exhaust cone) and leave to rest out, intending to have it as an inline part so i could just attach a procedural fuselage and make a cowling out of that. in fact they all follow a basic outline for their cowling (except for the Hes-011) in one way or another.
  11. Well, here goes. They're all german ww2 jet engines, since i kind of like the idea of working with crude, clunky and horribly unreliable motors. There's already a jumo 004 so i won't put that here. Additionally, i believe that most of these engines work best as an inline attachment rather than a radial part. 1. Junkers Jumo 012 2. BMW 003 3. BMW-018 4. Heinkel HeS-011 5. Daimler Benz 016 6. Daimler Benz DB-007
  12. is this mod still being worked on? i have bunch of engines to suggest since i struggled to make them myself.
  13. hey i was thinking... what you did with the older versions was make older prop engines and then move onto turboprops... maybe something similar could be done with jet engines. like maybe advance backwards or something; i.e turbofans first (CFM56, GE90) and then back to older types like turbojets (Heinkel Hes-011, VK-1, J47)
  14. are you only updating the pack or will there be additions in the future? i have a couple of ideas for engines if you are.
  15. what about propfans? kind of like a turboprop and turbofan mashed into one, with the fan outside of a casing rather than having a separate duct. apparently quite efficient engines. the sound they make is pretty ominous too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhJNllbXBXo
  16. If you do decide to add jets then I have a whole other bunch of engines to suggest..... again like the other ones I put up they're the old german types; so they're not particularly good engines (but hey, they fit with the era. clunky and bodged together), but pretty much all of them haven't appeared in a ksp mod yet.
  17. OK then, here goes with my suggestions. A lot of info here. Engine 1 Engine 2 Engine 3
  18. So you mean, by modern age, the next release will contain turboprop engines? If so, I have a couple of suggestions. Do you mind if I post them here?
  19. whenever i ignite all of the a12's engines, only the middle two actually fire and the game tells me that there are insufficient resources to ignite? this is the RO configuration. happens with the a11 too
  20. hey, i just had an idea. since the a-11 was proposed as a satellite launcher, would you be able to make an approximation of such a satellite and some sort of fairing for an unmanned V2 to contain it?
  21. one time i did manage to glide the V2 down from orbit in RSS, but that was using a pair of procedural wings; the all-moving ones i think. i basically did the rollercoaster glide that the A-9 would have done to get to the US east coast
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