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Everything posted by BudgetHedgehog

  1. And why would this be a good thing for KSP? I'm not saying it'd be a bad thing, but I honestly don't see the point of it.
  2. Indeed - K3 looks to have the proportions and internal size looking ok, I think two kerbals side by side is also possible (and preferred seeing as if they were inline, the back guy wouldn't have much of a view or room to do much).
  3. Why on earth are you deleting an MJ core and putting one back in? @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleCommand],!MODULE[MechJebCore]]:Final { %MODULE[MechJebCore] { MechJebLocalSettings { MechJebModuleCustomWindowEditor { unlockTechs = flightControl } MechJebModuleSmartASS { unlockTechs = flightControl } MechJebModuleManeuverPlanner { unlockTechs = advFlightControl } MechJebModuleNodeEditor { unlockTechs = advFlightControl } MechJebModuleTranslatron { unlockTechs = advFlightControl } MechJebModuleWarpHelper { unlockTechs = advFlightControl } MechJebModuleAttitudeAdjustment { unlockTechs = advFlightControl } MechJebModuleThrustWindow { unlockTechs = advFlightControl } MechJebModuleRCSBalancerWindow { unlockTechs = advFlightControl } MechJebModuleRoverWindow { unlockTechs = fieldScience } MechJebModuleAscentGuidance { unlockTechs = unmannedTech } MechJebModuleLandingGuidance { unlockTechs = unmannedTech } MechJebModuleSpaceplaneGuidance { unlockTechs = unmannedTech } MechJebModuleDockingGuidance { unlockTechs = advUnmanned } MechJebModuleRendezvousAutopilotWindow { unlockTechs = advUnmanned } MechJebModuleRendezvousGuidance { unlockTechs = advUnmanned } } } } Is probably the better option. Integrates it fully into the tech tree and makes a bit more sense.
  4. Apparently, that's due to the fact that KSP detects the deployed state of antennas and won't work if it sees something's not right.
  5. Could be "allowManualControl"? It's set to false by default, wonder what happens when it's true.. Mind you, that's in the same section as "startEventGUIName = Blink Lights" (this is the DTS dish antenna) so god knows what that's all about..
  6. Is it possible to turn an EVA'd kerbals lights on by default? I keep EVAing and wondering why it's so dark until I remember I have lights..
  7. We can extend solar panels and fix rover wheels on EVA, why can't we extend antennas? Squad, pls fix
  8. Just so you know, if I used the stock plane parts, I would download this so hard.. a fantastic edit of an edit of an edit of an edit of a now-stock part! Excellent work!
  9. Just gonna add myself to the list of people wanting airbrakes of some kind.. I've had to install B9 (shudder) to get some.. Looking forward to the IVAs though! Take as long as you want, don't rush because loads of people want them
  10. May I ask what changes were made? I don't want to load up KSP only to not be able to fly my beautiful spaceplane...
  11. Well, after much testing (2 minutes of it), I've found out the huh, I'm wrong. They already do come out in a line and it appears as though some are indeed rotated round. So yeah, a flat shockwave would seem to be impossible. I'm wondering then, what to do to make them not appear so round when viewed from the side. You said they rotate to stay perpendicular to the viewer, and that's nice and all, but I still get round shockwaves coming off a flat surface. I'm thinking maybe making them smaller to begin with or something, but unless someone ELI5's that to me, I've no idea how I would.
  12. Oh... I only thought it was possible because the particle coming out of the engine doesn't seem to rotate or come out in a different orientation. How about, then, maybe smaller round ones in a line? At least something not as obviously round. The rest of the effects are superb though, the stock effects look so dull compared to these.
  13. The RLA linear aerospike.. Is there a way for it to have a flat shockwave? It looks a bit weird to have round shockwaves coming off a linear surface and from what tests they did IRL of linear aerospikes, it's not realistic either. I don't mind the blue, it's the shape that I have a problem with. This may or not be a reason to show you my latest screenshot (actually, it does demonstrate my issue quite well)
  14. I have a feature request: can it not spam the output log so much? It's ridiculous how many "KerbalAlarmClock,Saving Alarms-v3" are logged.. Can something be done about it? Example:
  15. Launched my second comms satellite via my shiny new spaceplane. The first is geostationary, this one is at a 45 degree inclination. The third will be 90 degrees to this, the fourth will be polar. I'm getting the hang of this now.. I think my next task is building one with a docking port so I can refuel (note to self: build space station) and then take this plane somewhere. Want to try Laythe (and the transfer window is only a month away) but I'll need to send infrastructure there too.. Hmm..
  16. Two things: I recently started my spaceplane programme and having the dV displayed for the ACTIVE engines, not the ones in the stage is so helpful. I think that solves a lot of problems with incorrect dV/engines in another stage firing/action group controlled engines. Very welcome addition, it's nice to begin orbital insertion and see that I have over 2km/s left. Few tweaks needed to the plane but I can't fault KER while flying it, does its job perfectly. It doesn't trip up switching between jets and the aerospike or both, it's all clear and as far as I can tell, correct. Even with PWB fuel balancer that moves fuel around and everything. Second thing, what's the 'Dump Tree' option do? I saw it appear on the right click menu and looking at the craft file, it's from the Engineer module. My command pod right click menu is getting rather crowded (thanks in part to the GUI) so is it entirely necessary? Or can it be hidden and toggled from the KER window or something? Just curious.
  17. 5m parts wouldn't be overpowered in the same way that the 2m parts aren't - as long as you have a suitable payload, they're fine. Yeah, a Skipper/Jumbo/OKTO probe can easily SSTO but I wouldn't call the Skipper OP. Put an appropriate payload on top of the lifter and it's fine. The problem comes when people use the larger parts INSTEAD of smaller parts. Of course they're oing to be better, they're designed for more heavy-duty lifting. But I digress - why did we need 3m parts? To put 2m payloads into orbit. Why do we need 5m parts? To put 3m payloads into orbit But I agree, the 3m part list should be expanded (at the very least, a docking port, SAS module, probe core, command pod and a non-stupid size RCS tank) before any 5m parts are included.
  18. Well aren't I a silly goose... I had unlocked the node but no parts had shown up. I'd download PWB Fuel Balancer as well and that wasn't showing up either which is why I thought it was something to do with TreeLoader, but what do you know, I go to the R&D and it's available to unlock, along with all the other parts. Weird.. still, thank you! I was getting worried because some IR parts are available earlier.. Hey, here's an idea for Biotronic - how about restricting rescale by tech tree level? Rather like Procedural Parts does, it'd be cool if these rework parts followed the IR parts in size. Like, default at medium, then unlock small and then large. Just a random thought I had. Thanks again!
  19. They're not RCS jets. Porky had a post about that, trying to find it... EDIT: Duh, it's in the OP:
  20. So I'm having some trouble with getting these parts in my career. The thing is, I have TreeLoader installed (for Near Future Technologies) and the parts aren't showing up. Which is weird, because the normal IR parts are.. I'm having issues with TreeLoader messing up placements as well, but that's unrelated - the point is: is there something I can do make these parts load, or is it something TreeLoader or you has to do?
  21. Hooray! After a lot of testing and a lot fo help and advice, I made my first possibly usable plane, thanks to SP+! I'm so happy and excited to try it out! Although this was an empty test flight, it seemed stable enough to be able to cope with with a little bit of cargo. Now I just need to put a ladder on it so I can get in it
  22. I think they need to be within 250m of each other. Get the faster one off the runway to the side, launch the slower plane, take off, turn around and do a low pass over the grounded plane while stable, when you're within 250m switch to the faster plane on the ground, take off and catch up with the (hopefully still flying) first plane.
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