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Everything posted by BudgetHedgehog

  1. Little request: When I use Smart ASS to point to a node, manually execute the node, then remove the node, MJ points to where the node was. Is it possible to just stay where it's already pointing? Also, any update on turning on stock SAS after a burn has been automatically executed or SMASS is turned off? Those questions aside, loving the updates. I've been holding back on dev builds because I wanted RPM integration and I eventually got so messed up with MJ, RPM and SCANsat, I just went back to basics for a while. But after installing the RSS.dll, I got 253 to stop any incompatibility and yeah, loving the updates to it
  2. Running TE, MM 2.1.2 and metric s*** ton of mods with a brand new career savegame - no problems so far.
  3. Don't think it's DOE as I've used that before without RSS.dll. My guess is I can't see anything there that would need it, so you should be safe to delete it...
  4. It is however, the IVA that appears when there's no IVA for ALCOR installed. I had a similar problem here that was due to ModuleManager not working correctly (no RPM because it depends on MM to work as well). Perhaps it's related?
  5. How about something like drawing the lines during transmission. Even if they're pretty useless, they'll still be pretty to look at and if there's any break in the chain, maybe show where that break is so we can do something about it? I mean, if you can get permanent lines drawn without a noticeable performance drop, I'd totally be down for that, but if it's too big of a hurdle, that's cool.. I guess I don't really know what I want specifically, I just want lines Yeah, very helpful, I know
  6. Oh sweet jeebus, I want this... what's the performance hit with it? Night-time at Laythe is amazing... Very well done and I'll probably be installing it in the near future (once I get too fed up with the FPS drop caused by KSPRC )
  7. If it helps, I've found that launching, testing and reverting a lot is most useful. So just design your payload with the first couple of hinges/rotatrons/pistons done, launch, see what happens, then revert and change stuff as necessary. Launch again to make sure it's doing what you want, revert, add on the next 'layer' of servos, launch, test etc etc.. it's tedious, but it gets the job done.
  8. Hmm... So it's just one of those things then, I guess? I'll try that dll out, thanks. But it's of course entirely possible that it was just a one-off thing that I won't be able to replicate or know if your dll fixed or what.. Ah well, these things happen. My thanks to both you and sirkut for being patient and helpful
  9. One thought that hasn't been brought up.. why add another projection that can handle the hex layout of Kethane? Rather than squishing either the poles or equator, why not add in some variation of a Goode homolosine or something? Yeah, it might have disadvantages in other areas, but it'd keep the hexes fairly accurate.
  10. Sirkut, I'm getting framerate drops whenever I use the telescopic pistons in the editor. I recorded a video of it (shame you can't see the FRAPS counter in the left though - it went from 40 normally to about 8 in the drops) so you can see when the lag occurs. Also, I didn't notice it in game, but you see that somehow my Min/Max boxes had gone from the GUI. I don't know if it's related or not. I checked the output_log and KSP.log and sure enough a whole bunch of errors were happening. output_log.txt and KSP.log here (relevant section at around 13:02 in the KSP.log. Also, sorry about the different hosts, Google Drive wouldn't accept the output_log and I'm too lazy to reupload the KSP log to mediafire)
  11. As someone who makes musical mashups, I agree wholeheartedly with this sentiment. I make mashups for me first and if other people like them, hey, that's groovy. But I didn't set out to please them, I made this mashup because I wanted to.
  12. Little clarification: If they are more than 2.3 km away from the active vessel (or otherwise on rails) and are in an atmosphere with more then 0.01 atm of pressure, they will be destroyed. On Kerbin, 0.01 atm is about 23 km high.
  13. Module Manager won't do anything with that. Your problem is because you're basically making a new part, but as the name is already used (by the normal toroidal tank), chances are that's loaded first and this is ignored. For MM to have any effect, you'll want this instead: @PART[toroidalFuelTank]:Final { @RESOURCE[LiquidFuel] { @amount = 50 } } { @RESOURCE[Oxidizer] { @amount = 62.2 } } I think.. I've never written a MM cfg from the start before, heh.. Oh, and don't forget to save that as 'cheatyfuelindoughnuttank.cfg' or something, not the original 'part.cfg'
  14. Providing they're withing rendering range, MJ will execute a node on another ship. I know it can dock by itself for sure, I like watching it dock from EVA, I like to pretend it's one of the other guys piloting inside.
  15. They need to each have different numbers assigned to them - putting cameras on in symmetry assigns the same number to all of them.
  16. I did here, although that was made before the quad nozzle bug was fixed so some engines don't have the exhaust effects. But, every tank and nozzle (aside from quad nozzles) are working fine, just pastes those contents into an cfg file and you're good to go (or rather should be.. is this where I say I'm not responsible for any game-breaking bugs after you install this bit?). Have fun!
  17. Also, AntennaeRange doesn't contain as many save-breaking bugs To be honest with you, I can quite happily live without the above. Apart from the cool lines, I really want them, but otherwise, most of what you listed is more of an annoyance or a non-issue for me.
  18. Holy carp, Batman! That look amazing! No longer will I have to move the camera off to the side for launches, I can just move the navball blocking the bottom of my rocket. Amazing stuff, look forward to it!
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