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Everything posted by BudgetHedgehog

  1. I'm totally guessing here, but 'because of your Interstellar radiators'. If you fold them in, you might get a smaller box.
  2. If it's any help, the node attachments are exactly the same as in 0.23.
  3. Because the update made destruction-by-high-dynamic-pressure possible. Basically, if you're going too fast for your control surfaces to cope, they'll break off. To fix it, you need to change your craft and/or your piloting skills.
  4. That can be fixed thusly (copy and paste this bit into the relevant section): CONTEXTREDIRECT { redirect = btn1, pluginScanSAT redirect = btn2, pluginSmartASS [B]//redirect = escape, menuPlugin[/B] redirect = home, menuDefault } Commenting out that redirection in the Vessel View section of the Page E functions section of the MFD40x20.cfg in Gamedata/Hyomoto/MFD fixes it. EDIT: Oh and I think the idea of IVA resource transfer is absolutely genius. Should totally be done for the next update..
  5. Correct me if I'm wrong as I don't 'do' planes, but why would you want to refuel and then launch a landed plane again? Surely you'd have to either recover it (to change it e.g. the contents of its cargo bay... even if you don't recover it, you'd have to launch a new one with the changes which kinda defeats the purpose) or, if it's a Kerbin explorer type thing, you'd need to build something that can take the Science data from it so why not make that a refuelling truck as well? You need to recover SOMETHING to get the Science after all... If you're in Sandbox mode then the first would apply to you and in Career, then either would apply. I mean yeah, with enough foresight, you could make a crane thingy that can replace the old payload with a new one but again, why not make that a refueller as well? Don't get me wrong, I like the idea of a fuel depot at KSC, and I'm sure you can MacGyver one together with a modded-to-contain-an-ungoldy-amount-of-fuel tank, wheels to move it out the way and KAS for the hose etc and I really kinda make something like that now, but I don't really see the need for it.
  6. Might be a nice idea - "Show detailed drag/lift values" checkbox in the settings menu. Ferram, get on it! EDIT: I should probably check what FAR actually contains before I start suggesting features for it..
  7. It was a debug option accidentally left in by ferram. Sure, it was nice to look at but ultimately, it wasn't intended for release.
  8. Much better suggestion. I knew there was some kind of science data storage box, and I just linked the first google result. Yours is better
  9. Indeed it's not. In fact, I've been using one for a few months now: @PART[*]:HAS[@RESOURCE[MonoPropellant],!MODULE[ModuleCommand]]:Final { @category = Control } Also: @PART[ionEngine]:Final { @category = Control } @PART[*]:HAS[@RESOURCE[XenonGas]]:Final { @category = Control } The xenon engines and tanks make more sense in the control tab. I have enough stuff in Utility.
  10. That's not what KAS containers can be used for. Sure, you could add a ModuleScienceContainer to the containers cfg, but this mod is a specialised part for those kind of things.
  11. Sweet! Time to get stuck into the debug menu and get those exhausts going. Thank you!
  12. Heheh, I find it funny funny the the post immediately after the one that says 'make the experimental version the official 0.23.5 to stop people having problems' is about someone having problems because they're not using the experimental version.
  13. You're using Hyomot's version, yes? Check the KSI thread for details on how to fix that (it's basically commenting out that button's function in the cfg).
  14. Geosynchronous polar orbit. Want to keep checking up on them every so often, after all.
  15. Upload it to pastebin or similar if it's small enough, or failing that, just on any file-sharing site like mediafire. Just somwhere where we can see what it contains (hell, if it's realy small enough, copypaste the contents into a post here between [CODE] tags.
  16. In the KSP_Data folder in your main KSP install folder. It's a .txt file.
  17. I managed to land a probe on Moho once. Once....
  18. Then you're piloting/designing your ship wrong. But yes, it can be changed in the setting but more than that, I'm afraid I can't tell you as I don't really 'do' planes.
  19. I'll stop you there and say no, there is not. Plenty of people have asked/requested this, it has not changed, nor do I see it changing in the future. Which is a real shame because as it is, keeping the scanner as the active ship is literally being forced to do nothing for ages. You can't change orbits, switch ships, warp too fast.. you just sit there and watch it until it's done. I usually just set up a scanner with an edited scanrate to be 0.01 or so, whack it on as high a warp as possible without missing hexes (I think it's 100x) and then just leave it going overnight.
  20. CONSPIRACY! It was planned all along, the Spaceport news was a fake!
  21. If you have no workshop attached to your ship, then command pods will act as crude workshops, providing you have ModuleManager installed too. Obviously, you need kerbals to make things, but make sure they're at least fairly courageous and are less than 50% smart (higher stupidity means lower production).
  22. Now I have Texture Replacer installed, I kinda want to make a kerbal head that has grey thinning hair, grey stubble, wrinkly skin.. just so I can look at him and think 'poor guy.. I hope his staff is nearby so he can EVA easily..'
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