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Everything posted by BudgetHedgehog

  1. EVE - Environmental Visual Enhancements RSS - Real Solar System (a mod that scales the Kerbol system up to realistic proportions e.g makes the planets bigger (so any clouds that fit around Kerbin would actually be inside an RSS Kerbin/Earth)) RCS - Reaction Control System (the mini thrusters)
  2. In the bit of the cfg that has the Title, Description and everything, the editor parameters, add the following: TechRequired = XXXXXXX entryCost = YYYY Replace XXXXXX with whatever node you want the part unlocked at, and YYYY with a number from 0 to a bajillion.
  3. Indeed you are. Many a ship has been saved by getting close with a doner craft and transferring over solar panels that some stupid guy forgot to put on in the first place.
  4. Well I want you to.. but that's just me I like your Jool and think the Minmus clouds are a great idea, they should stay for sure. As an aside, you wouldn't happen to know why I get a circle of clarity around my craft when it's "stormy", would you?
  5. It's like one mouse click when you land with a rover to bring you back to m/s.. I get that it could irritate you quite a bit (and clearly has), but it can't affect your gameplay THAT much, can it? Either way, you can consider my suggestion withdrawn fully, as there is now a mod for exactly what I want (speed changing) and you want (it's not automatic).
  6. Would it make you happy if I edited the OP to specifically say 'manual switching'? I honestly don't care if it's automatic or manual or whatever, I just wanted the option to look at something that felt more natural to me while driving a four (or whatever) wheeled vehicle on the ground.
  7. So I just got remind of an idea I thought of a while ago. You know how kerbals on EVA can repair wheels? And you know how, after a rough landing, sometimes the static solar panels get broken? Well, it'd make as much sense to be able to repair broken static solar panels on EVA as it does to be able to repair wheels i.e it absolutely makes sense and I don't know why it's not already happening. Yeah, the deployable ones get broken off and are obviously beyond repair, but the static ones never have any visible damage. I'm asking here because KAS does a lot to do with EVA activities and maintenance, thought it might be nice to implement before the stock game does..
  8. Whenever I go to another planet, I send two things: the tug/lander combo (the tug has a lab, 4 NERVAs and enough fuel to get into a stable orbit around the destination) and a refuelling ship (terribly simple - one probe core, a large SAS (buffed with TweakableEverything to have more power), a couple of RTGs to power it (so no batteries or panels), and two KAS pipe connectors. The same amount of fuel as the tug, but with the lander and lab's weight in fuel too, with a bit extra gives about 10km/s of dV). Send both off and when I get there, rendezvous, transfer fuel across (I could do it by docking of course but after so long spent in the ship, I like to give the little guys some time to stretch their legs) and I have enough fuel to get home. I usually don't bother getting a stable orbit around Kerbin - the lander has space for 3, but only one pilot. The lab guys get in the capsule and when I get close to Kerbin encounter , I put the periapsis basically on the ground (hooray for no DRE!) and decouple. All completely doable without mods but they do make things easier (launching the 40t refueller or lab/tug in one go, for instance, is a lot quicker with KW Rocketry). In fact, as I type this, I have a couple of guys that were going to go to Dres with this exact method. Turns out Jool was in the way so we're taking a detour, which'll be fun. I've only ever done a few flybys of Jools moons, would be nice to land on one for the first time.
  9. I'm not sure how many new bugs I'm finding because I'm sure I didn't use IR to its full extent in 0.23 so apologies if you already know any of this, but weird things happen when you attach stuff to the ends of the Gantry Rail... Also on the gantry rail, the lower grey attachment box thing is off to one side and also doesn't reach the end (which is odd because it's an Alt-click copy of the top one which does) And I'm not sure if this is a bug with IR or KSP, but in IVA, the view remains resolutely in the middle of the craft i.e. it's not where it shoudl be - you can see the shadow of the capsule in the top right Craft file.
  10. There's a PAPI mod floating around... I'll link it when im home.
  11. The MK2 Rotatron doesn't have bottom stacking node (did it before? I never used it).
  12. I can't tell you how happy it makes me seeing these parts in the part list again.. Anyway, I noticed that if you make multiple groups of servo, it seem like if you put more than two servos in a group, it disables highlighting on the primary group. Adding more groups doesn't have any more effect, either on the primary group or any above or below it. Hard to explain and you wanted pictures anyway, so: I don't know if this would change with other parts, but I'm guessing it would, as it seems to be a bug with the base code. Also, when we go to launch, we get this: I don't even know. Craft file here.
  13. Any updates? Or are we waiting until 0.24? Because I have a suggestion: SCANsat parts aren't recognised either
  14. Using the latest EVE? The previous version had trouble with saving..
  15. So basically, I don't need to worry that much about it. Groovy, thanks guys EDIT: mind if I use that single use lander? I always plan an Ike visit every time I go to Duna so I usually have to make my lander multi-use, BUT if I dock one Sc Jr and goo to the top of the tug, I can bring that down with me to use. Or, I could just not jettison them when I leave Ike.. all depends on if I visit Ike before or after Duna, I guess..
  16. Either that or he's burning straight up and at apoapsis, has to burn prograde for 2000 m/s. But I'm inclined to agree with you..
  17. So I'm stumped.. I have FAR installed but for the life of me, I can't figure out how to make an aerodynamic looking lander with enough dV to land and orbit again that ALSO contains all the science sensors AND has a docking port on top to rdv with my orbiting lab. What I usually end up doing is keeping the nosecone I used from my Kerbin ascent, attach it to the front of my tug and then, when I'm about to deorbit at Duna, I reattach it to the front of my lander (Mk2 lander can, decoupler, Sc Jr, 2m fuel tank, Poodle with all the sensors and goo pods and stuff on top of the fuel tank) ready for ascent. But that still, to me, doesn't look right.. Compared to my vacuum lander, it's huge and ungainly and could be mistaken for an actual spacecraft.. So I'm curious - what do you guys use for landing on Duna if you want to take off again in the same thing?
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