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Everything posted by BudgetHedgehog

  1. A bi-elliptic transfer involves raising your apopasis (the furthest point of your orbit to the surface of the thing you're orbiting) to a ridiculous amount, then burning at the new apoapsis to move your periapsis (the closest point of your orbit to the surface of the thing you're orbiting) where you want, then again at that new periapsis to circularise. It's only more efficient when the target orbit is roughly 12 times (or more) bigger/smaller than your current orbit (this is due to the Oberth Effect - you may have noticed when burning for Minmus, the time it takes to raise your apoapsis to Minmus height is much much shorter than to raise it to Mun height, despite them being roughly the same distance (Kerbin to Mun roughly equals Mun to Minmus). The reason this works is because, as explained in the next paragraph, you'll end up travelling slower at apoapsis which is a good thing in this case). This is because dV changes are much more sensitive at higher speeds. That is the Oberth Effect in a nutshell. Bi-elliptic inclination transfers use this to their advantage - in contrast to the Oberth Effect, changing your direction costs less the slower you are travelling (because you have less velocity to kill in one direction and less to gain in another). At the apoapsis of a bi-elliptic transfer, you're travelling much more slowly than you would be in a circular orbit so it costs much less to change direction. Then it's just a normal circularising burn at periapsis and you're done, as opposed to burning anti-normal for ages. For a KSP example, if you're going to Moho, it can be more fuel efficient to burn to Jool height, lower your periapsis when you reach apoapsis and then burn at periapsis for an encounter. You'd end up using less fuel than a stright up Hohmann transfer orbit down to Mohos height (even less if you pull off a Jool gravity assist instead of a burn). EDIT: if you're wondering where the name 'bi-elliptic' comes from is because you make two elliptical orbits - the first is to raise your apoapsis a lot, the second moves your periapsis. If your periapsis goes to the same height as your apoapsis, it's a Hohmann Transfer orbit.
  2. As orbital velocity is around 500 m/s, I'd hazard a guess at a tickle over 1.2km/s (500 to kill your orbital velocity and land, 500 to gain it again, 200 for spare). I know it's not exact, but I always bet on 1.5km/s when making a Mun lander/rdv vessel (but then, I do overbuild almost everything). I think my last one had about 1.2km/s but I was cutting it fine and only had about 50m/s in the tanks when I docked.
  3. Ohhhh... See, my patched conics mode is always 0, I can see why it'd be confusing in the default mode 3. I guess I'm just very used to it then.. The only time I can get confused is rendezvousing with polar orbits because those DO change direction (relative to the surface). But I mean, as I said in the last thread, it doesn't take a lot to look at the entrance/exit points and see which one is which (again, patched conics mode 0.. I'm just so used to it now, I forget there's other kinds). At most, a couple of seconds, but yeah, I'm not adverse to direction indication per se, just adverse to something that generates screen clutter unnecessarily like arrows - fading orbital lines is a great idea that fits my personal criteria and I would have no complaint if it got added.
  4. Well, yes. Is it so hard? But it does work right. Providing you actually use a bit of common sense about installing game-changing files, it works perfectly fine (EDIT: I would say something along the lines of 'I bet you own an Apple product' right now, and in fact I will - I bet you own an Apple product.) I don't see the relevance here - sirkut hasn't bundled anything without you seeing it, it's all in the open for you to look at (which you should in any case. Game changing files and all that..). Not to mention that you've kind of contradicted your own point here - if a part in your car needed changing to make it run, that's be the equivalent of telling people in the OP that they need Toolbar, right? Well, sirkut has gone above and beyond that and actually driven you to the repair shop and got you the part you need. Granted, it's not the most recent part, but it's the part you need. It's not his fault that if you go elsewhere, other people might drive you to a different shop and give you a different part. You're more than welcome to decline his offer of the drive and the part with a 'no thanks, I'll get it myself to ensure I get the right one'. Having worked in the customer industry for too long, I guarantee you that even if you tell people 'you need this part and you can get it here', you will always get someone who comes back to you the next day without doing so and they'll be complaining that it doesn't work. Either they didn't listen, didn't hear or just plain ignored it (i.e. "I don't want ANOTHER mod, my game is full already"), but the point is bundling the toolbar with this mod because it has a hard dependency on it is entirely the correct thing to do. End users should always ALWAYS double check contents before installing because the author has done the best they can already (see anything I've already written if you disagree with this, to wit: adding in most recent toolbar/editing OP). I've said all I can say on this now. It's clear you don't care to check zip contents before copying across (why on earth would you not?!) so I don't think I can convince you to. I'm done. I'm gonna go ahead and carry on playing around with IR now. I can, because I installed it using a gram of common sense.
  5. How on earth can you even do that.. you were the one who put them there. WRT your question, I don't see the harm in fading the orbital line a bit to show direction, but I do object to arrows and stuff which generate screen clutter.
  6. Oh. My. God. Please don't tell me that people just blindly copy across Gamedata folders without even seeing what's inside them.. "oh, this mod I just downloaded? Nah, don't need to check the contents or anything"... Simply because of the inconsistency between authors and the lack of a standard folder layout is the reason I check every single folder before I even unzip the thing. The amount of times I've seen people post on the Toolbar thread with a problem and it turns out they copied across the Toolbar 1.x.x folder instead of actually looking inside it, seeing the gamedata folder and inside that, the 000_Toolbar folder and copying that across. Mod authors should not bear the burden of making an install as easy as possible - the onus is, as always, on the end user to actually look at what they're getting. It's like blindly clicking on checkboxes when ordering a pizza online, then ringing up and complaining the toppings aren't right. Sirkut has done the most he can with the folder structure here - IR depends on Toolbar and until it doesn't, it'll continue to be bundled in the download. If you already have Toolbar, don't copy the folder across. And as I said, the onus is on the end user to actually look at what they're in for. If the user isn't sure if the bundled version isn't the latest, here's a radical idea - don't copy it across and get it from the Toolbar thread instead. If it wasn't bundled, the amount of people posting saying it doesn't work would drown out any conversation, despite the fact there might say in big letters in the OP you need Toolbar (you can see in the the ATM thread - "ATM freezes the game!", "have you tried waiting longer, just like it says in the OP?", "oh yeah, it works now!"). It's a lot easier on everyone if it's bundled with it. I'm entirely on sirkut's side on this - people who don't check before installing probably shouldn't be downloading mods in the first place. It's really not difficult and saves a lot of time for all parties involved. Right now, it is as simple as it can be. The only way it could be improved would be bundling the latest Toolbar, but seeing as IR just requires ANY toolbar, is a test version anyway, and the fact sirkut would have to update HIS zip every time Toolbar was updated, I'd say this is a fair compromise. TL;DR - look before blithely copying across Gamedata folders. Now that isn't rocket science. Can I go and play with robots now?
  7. So that's why! I always wondered! Thanks for the explanation Mihara, that sounds a real PITA.
  8. Forget inclined orbits, I just want inclined planet rotation :/
  9. Or rather than installing a completely new mod that requires a whole new in-game infrastructure to use and without the hotfix is pretty bug-filled, you could just download a mod that edits just the antennaes and their ranges.
  10. Ask alexustas from the ALCOR pod - that has toggleable internal lights (that even show through the windows on the latest update).
  11. It's a screenshot of Mystery Science Theatre 3000: The Final Sacrifice episode (season 9, episode 10). The main character is called Zap Rowsdower.
  12. No idea. Course, it'd help if I knew what your rocket looked like. (this is subtle way of asking for a picture so I can help)
  13. Hey, so these decoupling docking ports... Yes, they default to non-decoupling, load as non-decoupling, that's all fine. But when two crafts dock together, it's back to being staged as a decoupler. I'll see if I can get screenshots and a craft up for you soon, but it's easy to replicate.
  14. 1, No 2, You need MJ 2.2.1 (the one from Spaceport), not one of the later dev builds, for it to work. 3, This is Vessel View
  15. Green Skull - the folder structure of ASET ALCOR pod has changed in the recent update and your config for it is no longer being applied. Could you possibly make a new one for us? For reference, this is the new folder structure: As you can see, the props are in a different folder (to save memory for people who don't want the IVA of ALCOR for some reason), so I'm guessing the new ATM config would have to point to that. ALCOR thread here.
  16. Wow, a 2m inline pod?! Looks awesome! I take it they'll be provided seats though
  17. Wow, thanks for the interesting read! Didn't know it was so complicated. But then, I don't know what the Module-That-Must-Not-Be-Named problem is either, so who knows
  18. Manoeuvre Planner window -> circularise -> (Schedule the burn) at the next periapsis.
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