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Everything posted by BudgetHedgehog

  1. I believe "hideflow = true" fixes the NaN/ElectricCharge bug. I would rather that weren't changed as it has some pretty serious knock-on effects if encountered. Also, thanks for the saved-as-close feature, much appreciated
  2. [threadjack] You do know that's because no-one bothers to write viruses for Macs, right? The only reason Windows gets more viruses is because more people use it. That aside, Macs are no more prone to viruses than Windows - you get stupid people opening a 35kb exe files when all they really wanted was Darude - Sandstorm off of Limewire, regardless of operating system. [/threadjack]
  3. I have zero experience with Macs, but is there an option to copy paste? Just be sure to paste into the right place.
  4. Because it teaches me stuff I never thought I'd be able to learn, because it's fun, amusing at times, frustrating at others, but overcoming those obstacles gives such a huge feeling of satisfaction. Also, it can be damned pretty... Granted, most of what makes it pretty is mods, but without the game, there wouldn't be any mods, so.. you know
  5. All sounds ok. Don't worry about dropping support for mods which haven't been updated - the onus is on them to keep up. You can't be expected to update this and still maintain support for things that haven't been updated for months. One thing, if it's not too late - could you make it so 'hidden' is the default? Well, not hidden, but closed-because-you-clicked-the-toolbar-button.. I've forgotten the word for that right now :| Or at least keep settings persistent - every time I switch to a ship or back or load one, the window is open and in the same place. That would then be all I can think of to make this lovely little mod a million times more awesome. EDIT: one question - are the engine alternators supported in flight too? When the engine's running, obviously...
  6. .... ... No. There is no-one working on this mod any more, and the past 40 odd pages certainly haven't been about the various bugs, the fact this is broken in 0.23.5, testing with a beta, encouragement towards sirkut (who isn't working on updating it).. nope, none of that. This is an orphan mod.
  7. You'd still have lag though, because while their physics is disabled, the game still needs to load them, as well as their texture and position etc. Not mention the frequent visits from the Kraken (go ahead and make a big craft out of physicsless parts and see how far you get).
  8. Until 64 bit comes (and even afterwards) it'd need: - better part organisation - less memory overhead - a texture change (I do love the B9 texture, but it's not stockalike. If things get made into stock, they need to look compatible with previous stock parts) - less part redundancy (two colours of exactly the same landing gear and RCS thrusters just means more memory used) - to actually work in 0.23.5 without any fixes/patches/dependencies. I mean, it's a great pack - if I could make a spaceplane at all, it'd be with B9 - but right now, as it is, it's suicide to make it stock. What they actually need to make stock is the Goodspeed size tweaking plugin and the FS texture switcher - this would cut right down on the sheer amount of parts in the VAB. I totally agree that the plane parts need an overhaul and some TLC, but replacing them with B9 would be a bad idea.
  9. You really don't want to do that. The Mun has such low gravity that to use it for what you want (an inexpensive Kerbin escape), you'll end up not too far from Kerbins orbit which means a very expensive manoeuvre later on. If you're planning inter planetary transfers, at the speed you need to be going, you'll be in and out the Muns gravity well far too quickly for it to have any major effect on you. TL;DR - Munar gravity assist for planets is not a good idea. Is a very good idea for a Minmus transfer though, but I'd rather spend the extra 200 m/s dV than wait for the exact point they're in line for it.
  10. Well, in nutshell, yes. But they won't update until the next release of MJ. That's the nature with downloading dev builds of anything - it breaks links to the official one. RPM won't update to keep up with the dev builds of MJ for two reasons - sarbian pushes new builds so often, it'd be hard to keep up and also because (as mentioned), it'd break compatibility with users who don't have the latest dev build. It's the same reason they're hesitant to push a SCANsatRPM dll to work with the toolbar one. Not everyone uses the latter which means they won't be able to use the former.
  11. The last version of MJ to work with RPM was 217, or whatever version was in the official 2.2 release. What happens is that Mihara and the authors of RPM compile the MechJebRPM dll against the actual MechJeb dll. If the latter changes, the path is broken and it won't work. Same thing with SCANsat - the latest dll that includes toolbar support (thanks to DMagic for the update) breaks compatibility with RPM due to SCANsat being compiled against the official SCANsat dll. Heh, listen to me, going on like I know something about coding But yeah, that's the gist of it. Haven't loaded KSP yet so I can't comment on the lag though.
  12. Awesome, thank you. I only ask because having downloaded KSPRC, I got 2 crash-to-desktops in one morning thanks to lack of memory. I'm already using the Aggressive version so clearly, more is needed. I don't really mind if graphics suffer, I just want the game to not crash :| Thanks again!
  13. But then, couldn't the same be said for stock parts that were originally mods? I'm mainly thinking of wheels here, but surely, back in the early days, people made mods that eventually got included into stock.. that said though, I think it's safe to assume that wheels were going to be in stock sooner or later, it's not exactly a unique idea. Robotics on the other hand.. If they do become stock, it'll be pretty clearly "inspired" by IR. Talking to ferram might be a good idea though. Got nothing to lose, after all. Worst he can say is 'I can't say'
  14. Always wondered - what do these configs do? Cos it looks like they set aside certain things to not be compressed.. What things are these and how much memory would I gain from compressing them? Because believe me, I need all the memory I can get.. c'moooon 64bit Windows Unity...
  15. God damnit... I've already had 2 CTDs this morning thanks to KSPRC.. I feel like I'm going to be getting a whole lot more now.. this is just too brilliant to NOT download.. thanks Alex!
  16. No, they get unlocked gradually like any other mod. But the functionality, like grabbing things, is obviously available from the start. Pipes are in Fuel Systems (same node as stock fuel lines) and all the other parts are KAS-specific i.e. have no stock analogue.
  17. Damn you... KSPRC was the pack that finally made KSP too much for Aggressive ATM to handle... two CTDs in one morning... I think Soundtrack Editor will be the first to go. But the new textures and skybox are so gorgeous.. I didn't realise you'd retextured some stock parts too! The Mk1 and Mk1-2 pods look gorgeous, I love the landing legs.. Fantastic work, Proot! It occurred to me today.. This, KW, blackhearts retextures, FAR all make a game that's extremely different to stock.. I prefer this one for sure.
  18. For absolutely ANY planet imaginable, you'd need to know the sidereal day, gravitational constant and all that. For any planet/moon in KSP, the info is all on the KSP wiki. (EDIT: Side note - some geosynchronous orbits lie outside the bodies SoI so it's not possible and semi-synchronous orbits are needed instead)
  19. Well.. if you want a perfect geostationary orbit, yes. Geostationary is a special type of geosynchronous in that it stays above the exact place on the planet (i.e. no inclination or eccentricity). Geosynchronous means that the orbital period is equal to to the sidereal day. But there are other options, like Molniya or Tundra orbits, that work just as well in KSP. When I get RT set up in 0.24, I want to try them.
  20. That's great until KAC tells you you're 44 days away from a window, so you set up the node with MJ and it tells you the next window is over 2 years from now. But if I did it be hand, I got an intercept with the node being about 5 days away with an increase in dV needed of only about 50. So yeah.. what I'd love is for MJ and KAC to talk to each other to come up with some agreement though. Normally, I'd miss the windows, because KAC is telling me to go, but MJ's automatic node is years away so I just make the node myself and go anyway, it usually turns out fine.
  21. Well, I thought this would work, but it doesn't :/ @PART[seatExternalCmd]:Final { CrewCapacity = 1 } MODULE { name = TTSeatFixer airlockposition = 0,0,0 airlocksize = 0.25,0.25,0.25 airlockrotation = 90,0,0; } The crew capacity is added, but a kerbal doesn't appear (and the 'no control module' box still comes up).. hmm...
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