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Everything posted by BudgetHedgehog

  1. There's plenty of camera and telescope mods out there - Hullcam, CactEye, Distant Object Enhancement (to make telescopes actually see things)...
  2. Considering how open and accepting Squad has been to the modding community, it would've been a monstrously idiotic move to make new stock fuel tanks incompatible with literally every single large mod tank/engine out there.
  3. Seeing as they're more crew members than passengers, I'd like to think they'd want to know at least a little bit about the ship they're being flown in. You get that kinda thing in aeroplanes and ferries anyway after all.
  4. Yeah, I noticed the other day that I think all the SRBs cost the same and all the engines do as well. I was presuming some change would happen for the next update
  5. So basically, N-Body physics? Yeah, they won't add it. Too much of a strain on an already overworked system and I don't think it'll be terribly fun for players either ("god dammit, gotta tweak my stations height AGAIN")
  6. KER can show price, MJ can show part count, both can show weight.
  7. I don't see how KER would affect graphics, but I can confirm that the test release works fine with Hot Rockets, as I use both myself.
  8. ... and then be left with a game they can neither update or fix if they do something wrong with another mod that breaks it. Unless they re-install this, obviously, but I don't think many people will want to.
  9. I don't think people quite understand OP.. he's not asking for the addition of Science to sandbox, but just replacing the demotivational results ("This is useless without opening the R&D Centre" etc) with the actual career Science results.
  10. Ah, here we go, a link Pre-loads textures, then KSP loads the compressed ones. Fingers crossed for progress!
  11. To be fair, your question was basically "it's not working. How fix?". What isn't working? Is it the right click menu? Hotkeys? The buttons you press in the right click menu?
  12. Maybe contact the dev of Active Texture management? The latest release loads the compressed files before the game does - maybe it can tell the game to skip them instead of loading them? I dunno how feasible that is though.
  13. Well, it's on the release notes (which are linked in the OP).. anyway, as I understand it, an update is in the works so the wiki will need revising anyway.
  14. The trouble with replacing stock textures entirely is that it's not future-proof and any updates (or Steams file verification) will re-install them. (I had that with the Squad Texture Reduction pack - replaces stock textures, next time I verify files, boom, all back to what they were)
  15. Not that shiny though ALso, just a quick heads up, a nuclear warning symbol should have a thin yellow border
  16. I don't entirely understand the forst part of your request, but rotating on other axes is already supported - left alt+b/n and right alt+b/n.
  17. I can't embrace the orangeness.... It just looks so out of place.. same as on the inspiration drawing/painting/picture thingy (though not so much because they have the same texture and it's literally a different colour paint. The in-game ones are slightly too different to match, if that makes sense..
  18. Heads up - latest Godspeed size tweak plugin has been released. Multiple nodes, maintain height on rescale.. fingers crossed!
  19. Psh, it's not like I even had time to test these, even if I ever wanted to grumble grumble only kidding, I can't wait for this to be released
  20. Ooh ooh, me too! I have a clean install with just HyperEdit to test in various places!
  21. Sweet jesus, 0.2 is a massive improvement on the initial release! Absolutely love it, especially the RPM screens.. makes it feel like a ferry or airplane Now if only I actually had B9 installed and could make a plane that actually flew..
  22. Ah, you said it was a strut first Haven't got Crew Manifest (haven't really seen a need for it yet) but if it becomes important in bases, I'll grab it. Anyway, how about IVA?
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