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Everything posted by BudgetHedgehog

  1. You're lying to me, Duo The latest version on Github, as of 22.49 GMT, is 1.5.0. EDIT: 22.55, and it's 2.0 time! Woo! Also, the CKAN link next to that goes to the MM thread, not the CKAN one.
  2. No - you can edit your persistent file (located in SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\Kerbal Space Program\saves\[savename]\persistent.sfs) with any decent notepad program (basic windows Notepad works fine, but you might want to get Notepad++ as it'll be easier).
  3. What? Did you download the plugins linked at the bottom, the StockBugFixModules? You don't need to open them, just drag and drop them into your KSP Gamedata folder.
  4. My point was that they're renaming all engines to have a code/key and a nickname, regardless of if they already have an easily memorable name like "Mainsail".
  5. Oh, talking of engine naming, you know how the Skipper and Mainsail are their actual names, and we'll now have the LV-909 "Terrier"? Like, the 909 is getting a nickname, whereas the Skipper is the actual name? Ted's confirmed that every engine is now getting a proper alphanumeric designation AND nickname. For instance, the Kerbodyne KR-2L+ "Rhino" Liquid Fuel Engine and the Mk-55 "Thud" Liquid Fuel Engine so presumably, we're getting a Rockomax LV-15K "Mainsail" Liquid Fuel Engine or whatever Ted's calling it.
  6. That would be NovaSilisko, who isn't a dev any more. That coupled with the fact you haven't heard of it since then likely means it's not coming for 1.0.
  7. If you downloaded it from the link in this threads OP (this one), it's the normal EVE. If not, it's the Overhaul (there's a thread in Add-On Development with it, can't find it at the mo).
  8. *~lolsokerbal~* Better contracts are needed, yes, but ones like these aren't.. to be honest, they're not a good idea.
  9. I could be wrong, but probably that engines are node attach only and KAS only radially attaches.
  10. Yes, I know that's how I can workaround the problem. What I want is for there not to be a problem in the first place.
  11. Yes, I know what's happening, I would like it to not do that. It's only in I think 0.90 that this was added.
  12. I don't wish to appear rude but you appear to be doing enough for the both of us.
  13. If I'm reading this right, then the blue highlighting in the parts list appears for non-researched experimental parts that you need to test for a contract, but not for already-researched parts that you need to test for a contract, right? If so, I agree - it'd be nice to have the highlighting appear regardless of if the part is already researched or not.
  14. The file located at TweakScale\plugins\PluginData\Scale\config.xml. Put Autoscaling and Scale Chaining to 0.
  15. EditorExtensions has the vertical snap back, you just need to place the part before pressing V, rather than afterwards. Agreed on the camera moving though, that's frequently more annoying than not.
  16. Karbonite (and Regolith) haven't used the orange spheres for months now.
  17. In GameData\Squad\Contracts\Contracts.cfg, for each contract type (ARM, Flag, Base etc), there's a MaximumExistent entry. Change it to 0 to stop those contracts showing up (like stock does for ISRU ones). But I agree, there should ideally be more control over it.
  18. Complete guess, but do you have configs for stock Mk2 and SP+ Mk2? Duplicate configs can cause such issues..
  19. Kaspervld did mention this to the devs so they know it's something people want.. I hope they do make it, because at the moment, I just don't feel connected to them. And the ones where it's like 'have a cupola, science lab and space for 10 kerbals on it', there's no way I'm launching that thing in one go, I'd bankrupt myself. So I need to assemble it in orbit but then I always forget which way round I have to dock them for the contract to click.
  20. Yeah, you did a good job. It's time like this I yearn for stock aero just I can fly stuff like this. Also, yup z-fighting. I honestly never thought to rotate them a little bit to stop it. I'm a bit simple..
  21. All I can say is that I doubt your problem comes from EVE. That NRE is just what I said it was, it shouldn't effect ships at all.. Have you played through a similar length in time on a save with just EVE and nothing else installed to see if it still happens?
  22. Yeah, that's the stock memory leak people keep going on about. FWIW, a while ago (on 0.90), I managed to play completely crash free for like 6+ hours on my heavily modded install. A huge amount of scene switching, launching, crashing etc.. Only when I went to have tea and left it on Pause did it crash. Never did find the cause.
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