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Everything posted by BudgetHedgehog

  1. I hope there's plans to make them useful - if anything, they'd be good for getting to different biomes on atmospheric planets (like Eve and Laythe) due to the impracticality of the standard rocket powered hoppers. As for updates to make the wheels non-frustrating, well again, I hope improvement comes. As for the bigger wheels, not really - they just make good heavy-duty wheels. Good for fuel transport or heavy loads etc.
  2. Guys, the stock toolbar is not going to replace Blizzys. He intends to keep developing it and is part of the experimentals team - if the stock one was going to replace his, he would know.
  3. Speaking entirely for myself here, but I honestly wouldn't mind if one update was solely dedicated to multi-threading physics calculations. The possibilities it would open are ginormous. Bases that don't suck, rockets with lots of parts, stations that don't become unusable because of unnecessary RCS thrusters and whatever, getting rid of physicsless parts, not having to worry about part count with everything you do.. EDIT: Also, entirely btw, but congrats on becoming a mod. We need mods that mod
  4. At the risk of going off-topic (sorry guys), the current settings for TweakScale 'surface' mode doesn't go that high (the description for the Huge cans says 6m, the largest TweakScaled TACLS can looks to be about 2.5m) - if you want the Huge ones, you'll need to keep its cfg. I don't know if 'free' mode will go any bigger, you're welcome to try it out.
  5. Welcome to the world of rovers in KSP. Their motto is 'why did you bother?'.
  6. Here, I made this: @PART[HexCanMetal] // Metal Hexcan { MODULE { name = TweakScale type = surface } } @PART[HexCanOre] // Ore Hexcan { MODULE { name = TweakScale type = surface } } @PART[Rocketparts7x] // 7x RocketParts Hexcan { MODULE { name = TweakScale type = surface } } @PART[HexCanRocketParts] // RocketParts Hexcan { MODULE { name = TweakScale type = surface } } Delete the Huge, Large and Small versions of the hexcans as this targets the normal size ones. I don't think there are any other parts that are resizes? I could be wrong though. If I am, please correct me.
  7. Assuming the part names are the same, it should work fine. I haven't tested though but I see no reason why it wouldn't. As for EPL, I can certainly do one, but you should be able to do it too - just basically copy the Hexcan section of it and replace the part names with, say, HexCanMetal and it should all work fine.
  8. I posted a config aweek or so ago. Search thread for TweakScale and you'll find it.
  9. Could be a conflict with ATM.. Trigger, are the filepaths changed or anything? Might need to update the exceptions/settings for ATM?
  10. I might end up doing that (editing the configs and what have you, as well as offsetting the CoM) if I ever use the thing, but omg, what mod is that ALS from?! I'm assuming Kerbtown or similar?
  11. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/85535-Let-s-face-it-the-Mk3-part-system-is-useless
  12. Is it this that's causing the StackOverflowExceptions? Because disabling the camera FOVs fixes it.
  13. Changing the addModule numbers to the following produces this: evaPartPos = (0.0, 0.00, -0.30) //the lower the number, the further away it'll be. I chose a happy medium between clipping and looking ridiculous evaPartDir = (0,1,0) Also, don't jump. And if you drop the seat, the kerbal falls out.
  14. Yep, works fine for me too. What do you mean by 'it wouldn't function'? Did you check your logs? Apart from 5.5, 6, 8, 9, 13 and 17, I have the mods in that list and all work fine together.
  15. To what? Anything else makes no sense. There's not one thing in the universe that is solar powered and doesn't have a battery of some kind if not for storage then as a buffer. If there is, it's poorly designed.
  16. Open up the saves persistent.sfs and search 'TAC'. After a few stacktricouplers and whatnot, you'll get to a heading under SCENARIO similar to the following: SCENARIO { name = TacLifeSupport scene = 5, 7, 6, 9 SavedGameSettings { IsNewSave = False [B]Enabled = False[/B] HibernateInsteadOfKill = False RespawnDelay = 9203545 I'm assuming changing the bolded to True enables TACLS on that save.
  17. Oooh, looking forward to the tracks! I shouldn't finish work too late tonight so I'll have a lovely few hours play time Excellent stuff!
  18. They're basically reusable struts. As MeCripp said, point them at a part you want to strut and it'll be held rigid. You can turn them on or off either by right clicking or with action groups. They only strut across one vessel so if you have some reinforcing a decoupler or docking port, once you detach, they will be put in 'standby' until you reattach something that hits their line of sight. Don't point them at each other or massless parts because Bad Things happen. If you use them reinforce an Infernal Robotics joint, be sure to deactivate them before moving the joint or Bad Things will happen. The strut gun and quantum strut are functionally the same thing, they just look different. You also don't need the core at all.
  19. Yes, but it's greyed out if the craft is locked. You can't select it which means you can't delete it.
  20. I just wish I had some in-game way of deleting locked crafts due to invalid or missing parts. I keep forgetting to go into the actual Ships folder and delete it myself.
  21. You really did though: I have more to say but I'm half asleep right now.
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