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Everything posted by Meecrob

  1. Good to know! Awesome launch the other day, can't wait to see what fixes are in store Sorry, I'm taken designing my cargo pods
  2. How's it going losers? I haven't been by in a while. You guys razzing @Exoscientist for me while I was gone?
  3. Lol you all think I'm trolling. You guys have no idea what is coming.
  4. If that is your real name, I get your analogy, but you seem to be scared of spaceflight. People have more balls than you, and want to maybe die to explore. Humans are awesome! Having said that, I don't believe Elon wants to go somewhere off Earth to die
  5. Exactly! Cuz flames don't do nothing to steel, duh.
  6. You idiots think I be trolling, lol Dude, he's just a closeted Blue Origin lover...leave him alone I mean, I take the liquid out of him all the time, but he is actually smart, just unguided kinda thing.
  7. I gotta give him credit for loving KSP....thats about all the credit I will give, but seriously, I talk smack about him, but he loves KSP...I don't hate him THAT much
  8. Yo Homies, I've just done a deal with Elon
  9. I'm just clowning with you re:autopilot. You're a cool dude It's the glareshield
  10. Look I'm a real life pilot 10,000 hours. I love that you love Calvin and Hobbes!
  11. Look Robert, the N-1 failed because they couldn't test their engines before flying them, and thy didn't have the advanced computer controls that we do here in the west. Let them flight test. And its not like NASA is up to speed
  12. No, you are doing it right! Those tools are just crutches. Toss them aside and fly seat-of-the-pants Pfft, okay, you can all be losers while the real people make some conversation
  13. Ok, here's what I did during my all semester in college for Aeronautical Manufacturing Engineering: Hope everyone is doing well! Catch you all on the flipside
  14. Yo, thats it? Ok, here's what I did during my all semester in college for Aeronautical Manufacturing Engineering: Hope everyone is doing well! Catch you all on the flipside edit: Oops, KSP2 , not KSP. My bad
  15. So are there clues to find this, or do you have to be one of those players that plays "Kerbal Within-Atmosphere Program" and spend all your time flying around Kerbin? I must be new then
  16. More to come, I've got a Duna mission planned the way I think Kerbals would do it.
  17. Sorry, gotta keep it on topic. And thanks, I'll have to check them out!
  18. That's why I own my own logistics consultancy firm. I'm just clowning around. I wish New Glenn all the best!
  19. Of course. Let's watch New Glenn, then demolish it with IFT-5
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