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Everything posted by Meecrob

  1. I know this is in jest, but there is an element of truth to it. In the example above, the "real life" way to attach the decoupler would be circumerentially, directly to its parent part, but the Kerbal way is a floating node in the middle of the circle the decoupler forms. Its a shortcut taken to not simulate each and every fastener on a craft. Anecdotally, I have had luck in not running into these issues by avoiding connecting two parts of different sizes together. YMMV I bet once the devs attack some lower hanging fruit, they will address this, but as it stands, it works, but looks awkward. It does not affect the simulation part of the game though.
  2. I am not talking about anything to do with airworthiness. I 100% get that C-suite members are not part of the maintenance department. I am talking about public perception. I'm sure all of us who work in aviation have heard the sentiment of" I'm not flying on that "dangerous" turboprop, I'd rather fly on something with "reliable" engines!" My point is the Executive knows that the general public do not have the time or interest to actually get into the details of the malfunction beyond some news bytes, so to those people she is saying "This is NOT a design flaw, this is an installation error. I know you will not take me at face value since I have a conflict of interest in the public thinking this aircraft is safe, so I am personally sitting in the seat." Actions speak louder than words, especially when the "words" usually end with "The described maintenance has been performed in accordance with the applicable airworthiness requirements." What does that even mean to a layperson? They are definitely not looking up the FARs referenced. Its the same way when law firms talk to the press, they speak in English, not legalese. They are trying to communicate a point to a group of people who do not speak the language of the trade.
  3. The solution is to make biomes more obvious, not dumb down the overall science mechanic.
  4. Look, I was making a bad joke. The poster said they needed to look up online a guide to tell them to land in the big crater on the Mun. I was honestly dumbfounded they needed to be told to go to a crater. Again, I was out of line making a joke, I apologize. This is text and nobody can see my body language or tone of voice to tell I was not being serious, and its not my first day on the internet and should know better, so sorry. To take away from my own point, lots of things that were biomes in KSP1, are not in KSP2, so I get checking a guide. Or if someone is a new player, I get not understanding what is generally considered a biome. When science dropped in KSP1, I just launched a rocket really high thinking "well its a sounding rocket, the higher it goes, the better, for science," and had no clue you had to click on the experiments to run them. I had no clue why I was getting zero science til I checked online for help.
  5. Its not his construction or descent profile. I and a lot of other players get the same thing. For me, it seemed to disappear when I staged the parachutes within 2000m of their opening altitude, but the bug still pops up from time to time. I would have to agree that it makes the game unplayable when it does pop up because it causes a mission failure even though you did everything correctly. Yes, the game did not CTD or anything, but the frustration level is in excess of what is reasonably considered fun. Terminology may differ, but we are all mature people here, we can understand that one person might not be going by the dictionary definition, and is merely expressing their personal experience...and they, in-fact, stopped playing the game due to the bugs. No matter what you call it, when bugs make people rage-quit, its not a good thing.
  6. I'm being 100% serious here, you might be running the same resolution as the devs. I honestly think that if they could see what it looks like on some monitors/resolutions, they would prioritize the font issue. I have decent eyesight and I am having the same issues as lots of other people such as difficulty distinguishing a 0 from an 8. The font looks like it used to be a proper font, but someone resized it and it didn't scale properly. Yes, I just talked about UI, flame me, sorry, lol. I'm done.
  7. So you agree that our opinions differ? Lets agree to disagree. You aren't telling me anything I have not heard before and I imagine vice versa. I'm done arguing UI in a thread about Science.
  8. Fair enough, I was incorrect in my diction. Rather than use the word "listen" I should have used the phrase "do something about" Everyone hates the font and they have done nothing about it other than "listen" I apologize, I should not have assumed that people would have known I meant I wanted to see action. Edit: Sorry for the derail...my opinion on the new science is that I could put all my science experiments on one action group in KSP1 but I didn't cuz that seemed lame. I really hope that the current science is a placeholder. We will see how the balance goes once colonies come out.
  9. I'm referring to the ones that are obvious. I'm sure I would be surprised at the bugs that are not obvious. I asked the Devs to post about how they fixed non-obvious bugs in previous threads, lol. My point is that someone would have to be kidding me to tell me with a straight face that the Devs didn't know that, for example, wobbly rockets are bad. I don't need to list all the issues, but surely you can agree that lots of issues do not need thousands of players testing it, they are simply obvious. To your point, there are also other bugs that are not obvious, but I was not addressing those ones. You replied, here is my reply: That sounds complicated, but lets remember they have Take Two behind them, I'm sure they have resources to deal with something like a font. Don't let the team feed you nonsense. They are trying to keep us engaged so we spend money. They will tell us anything so they don't have to admit a mistake. They have admitted this to us. I honestly believe they are busy working on fixing other parts of the game. They assessed that the font was less of a priority than the players think it is. I'm not saying they suck as devs. I'm saying they have not fixed it. I don't care what Dakota says, 11 months and counting to fix a font? It is obviously not a priority..
  10. My point is that the majority of players do not like the font, and to change it is simple. Its not like its a bug they have to track down. I get that there are other issues to fix, but to have such tunnel vision that they do not go for the lowest hanging fruit raises my eyebrow.
  11. 100% agree! You can't curate a real KSP experience...the player has to find what they like. Missions definitely have their place, but all the decent youtube videos are of players doing stuff a bit beyond any mission requirements.
  12. Lets be honest here, most bug reports are kinda obvious. Having said that, the font is not a bug. It is an obvious design choice. My point is that they know everyone hates it, yet they keep it in while they find a better one. I would honestly prefer comic sans at this point if it was legible. We all told them we hate the font. It is still the same. They didn't listen. Its not complicated. Either way, we will disagree, I am not shy to say that I don't like how they decided to just change stuff for the sake of change and not improvement. Font is an example. Maneuver node is another. VAB controls...I could go on. None of these things actually improved anything...they changed it from KSP1, yeah, but it isn't better. This is a sequel. If you can't improve on a certain thing, leave it alone. The wheel was invented with KSP1. All I see is devs trying to re-invent it to be honest. KSP1 wasn't perfect, I'm not asking for a remake with a graphics upgrade, don't get me wrong. I just don't get why they changed stuff nobody complained about.
  13. I apologize to Constance for assuming their gender. Having said that, are you serious? Figurehead or not, she sat in the seat where she would arguably be sucked out of the fuselage and plummet to her death if a similar failure were to occur. This is the crux of my point. Most bosses sit behind a desk, this boss is sitting in a seat that could have been lethal, putting their "own life on the line." I put it in quotes because there is not a single 737 with missing door plug bolts anymore. The real question is if there are other bolts missing elsewhwere. You are correct when you say she is not taking on any more risk than any other passenger, but what you don't get is that that is the point. She is showing that sitting in that seat is just as "safe" or "dangerous" as any other seat by sitting in it. Surely you can see the point of showing customers that she is confident with the plane. The issue is an installation error, not a design flaw. Its not good, don't get me wrong, but it is a known issue that has a known fix*. * Before someone razzes me over the fact there isn't a final report out yet, yes, you are correct. But there is an FDR and CVR and an intact plane and intact door. This isn't a mystery. If it was, the planes would still be grounded.
  14. My honest opinion is that votes don't work. The Devs work on things in their own order. Proof is that they could have replaced the text the day after they released, after everyone rightfully said the font sucked...its 11 months later and its the same font...the Devs don't listen. Before people rag on me...remember what this game costs for it to have: -Better graphics than KSP1. -Awesome music -..? I don't mean to be a jerk, but lets face reality. The game is only getting good reviews because it is now sorta close to KSP1. This dev team is barely able to re-create something their parent company bought at this point.
  15. Edit: laugh at me, I misread your post and replied like an idiot.
  16. I apologize for making a joke out of your situation. I agree with your point overall. I meant my joke to be one of those things where you get it like "Oh, ok, I land in big craters to get science? Cool" So yeah, go land in craters, and other things that look interesting. They have science. Go exploring! You will probably find science points. Especially in craters...I'm not trying to rub it in, I'm being straight up, they put science in big craters. Not all of them, but think..."does this one stand out?"
  17. Look, I get "Science" in KSP1 was not perfect, but since last Feb, when this game dropped, lots of people here told me "yo, bro, its EA" This implementation of science/exploration is definitely "EA" As has been said before, they chose the low hanging fruit to fix, not the stuff that makes the game fun to play. If you can ell me how to focus on a planet with a satellite around it without focusing on the satellite first, and zooming in to the body, I'm all ears!
  18. Look buddy, they put a giant crater to mark the spot with all the science...maybe someone can make a mod that has a giant glowing arrow? I dunno lol!
  19. So do I, but in order to build rockets to do the missions I wanted, I couldn't invest in them. I ended up just cheating the science in so I could use them before I got to Jool or whatever. And I play with 200% science rewards. (Biome hopping holds no interest to me. If I can land reliably a single time per mission, I can add some Dv and land multiple times kinda thing.) I much preferred the tiered buildings from KSP1 limiting your part count or mass for example. That forced me to get creative. The current state of exploration mode isn't bad, but after KSP1, it is a definite step backwards, to me at least. Having said that, I must give the devs a shoutout for the aim of their attempt; trying to prevent players from sticking to the Kerbin system because interplanetary seems too daunting. Once we get a stock launch window planner and cleaned up maneuver node interface, they won't have to rely on putting most of the science behind an interplanetary "wall" to entice people to go there. Ideally, players will try out the new tools and be like "oh, so its like a Mun transfer, only I have to inject during a certain time window and spot on my orbit? That's way easier than I thought!" I used to be that player stuck in the Kerbin system. Alexmoon's calculator is great and all, I understood it, but alt+tabbing around was asking for a crash, lol. Cool part was that when I got a new computer, it was like getting the best DLC ever. I don't disagree, I just hope the emphasis is fair. If the devs do a good enough job with the game, all new players will soon be old timers and want to do more complex missions.
  20. Its way more than a token gesture. He is saying "I have complete confidence that the incident was caused by an installation issue and not a design flaw. To prove this, I will trust it with my life" Many potential travelers have no idea how the door plug was engineered and what went wrong, they just saw a gaping hole in the side of a plane...and to be honest, if I was just your average traveler and not an aviation enthusiast, I'd be demanding to see someone from the C-suite sit there before I'd ever consider it myself after this incident. As an aviation enthusiast, the thought I cannot let go of is "What else did the bean-counters at Boeing/Spirit rush their technicians to do in order to meet corporate targets?"
  21. That is precisely the problem. You must be mistaken, there are less science parts in KSP2 compared to KSP1. The latter also made you run each experiment as opposed to having a "science hotkey" plus removing most experiments and putting a couple behind a timer. People want something to do on their missions that is more complex than "click button, science done!"
  22. Give it a rest. I am conceding it is a work in progress, and am just saying they could hurry it up a little. Untwist your underpants. Edit: @The Aziz I didn't say anything about the camera, but now that you accuse me of complaining about it, they do suck. its like 8 of the same camera angle. Yes I'm exaggerating. I dunno, I'm sure I'm not alone in that I have put the game down due to it being really annoying to play. and this hotfix has taken what? Like its 38 days as of today. Like can we call it a coldfix at least? This is ridiculous, especially for the cost of the game.
  23. Let's keep in mind this is over 11 months from EA release. These devs don't understand priority. OR they do and the publisher doesn't. Either way, for the price, they could toss us some QOL features. Edit: I haven't commented in the UI thread because everybody already knows what is wrong with the game. They should maybe probably get their stuff together. 0.2.1 over a month after 0.2.0? Someone needs to tell the devs what a hotfix is. Yeah, holidays...its January 27th. Get real.
  24. You can tell these people are professionals who know how to prioritize, lol. We have seen their track record. If they have anything, they post a wall of text. Yeah...something tells me its inherent in how they programmed the game or they would be able to remove it easily.
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