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Everything posted by cantab

  1. 7/10. The ship is smaller than a whale, that's a bit underwhelming.
  2. In the real world I doubt higher elements are stable over geological timescales. If they were surely they would be made naturally and observed. As far as KSP goes, I don't find the idea of a core of super-heavy conventional elements appealing. Such elements, even if stable and naturally formed, ought to be rare. I would suggest that the gravitational constant G is different in the Kerbal universe, but that requires that the in-game stated masses be ignored and I believe the game's code uses the IRL value for G. That leaves the hypothesis of an exotic form of highly dense matter in the planetary cores. Such matter could plausibly be common in the Kerbol system. The big problem I have is what are candidates for something stable, slow moving, and that won't affect the regular matter around it? Degenerate matter isn't stable unless under extreme pressure. I'm not sure dark matter would clump compactly enough, given it would fly straight through the forming planet and out the other side. And wouldn't a black hole just slowly consume the planet around it?
  3. I never seem to get much out of flaps, at best I can drop my landing speed by maybe 5-10 m/s. Is that normal or am I missing something. And relatedly, any tips for making a spaceplane with a low landing speed, other than using vertical thrust? I'm trying to make one to do Kerbin>Serran in the New Horizons mod and I found the landing speeds there are somewhat higher than on Kerbin. The Ghost 3 is what I just tried and it touched down at 90-100 m/s, too fast for safety.
  4. sal_vager's method is pretty neat actually, it's a much shorter roll from the launchpad compared to having to trundle the whole length of the runway into the ocean.
  5. I landed a spaceplane on Serran for the first time. Well, "landed"
  6. The sensible thing to do would be to read Physics.cfg and PartDatabase.cfg from the directory the KSP executable is in, the same as it does for everything else it uses. If for some bizarre reason this isn't possible, the next best options when Physics.cfg is not found are to either generate a correct Physics.cfg or throw an error. Silently creating an incorrect file and proceeding to give incorrect behaviour in the program is something I can only consider a blatant bug.
  7. Congratulations CommanderSpock and all. We did it! Turned over a 60 point deficit and left our opposition ... nonplussed.
  8. Bug with the latest NH and the latest Kerbol Plus, Eeloo and Minmus end up orbiting inside the Sun. Kerbol Plus is trying to make Eeloo orbit Sarvin now (like OPM does with Sarnus), that's probably behind the muckup somehow, I've yet to poke into the configs.
  9. Is futile voltage divided by current. -93 (-)
  10. A quick check confirms that 233 Kerbin years is about equal to 68 Earth years. So that matches up with what was said.
  11. I've got plenty of positivity. Positivity we'll get to -100 -89 (-)
  12. A hundred years is definitely fine. I remember hearing the game's interface having issues after a large but reachable time. Everything still runs fine though, it's just the date displayed gets messed up. Probably means that big time value is being converted into another format with a smaller range. If the UT is a double, then I'd expect issues when the precision of that double becomes comparable to the framerate. That will happen around 10-100 trillion seconds - a few hundred thousand to a few million years. Unlikely to ever be a problem in KSP.
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