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Everything posted by cantab

  1. Except that on a lot of the engines it's not - there's the much-maligned "tankbutt", then a boxy section that we can imagine has the combustion chamber and turbopumps, and then the nozzle. The aerospike doesn't obviously have that, and while chances are the machinery would be in a casing flush with the rest of the rocket, perhaps that casing should be part of the aerospike model. It's a bigger problem for the new Shuttle engine, which really does look like a nozzle stuck on the ship with no engine.As for the shape, well professional sources call it an aerospike http://web.csulb.edu/colleges/coe/ae/rockets/aerospike/ft-1/flight-1.htm http://www.dfrc.nasa.gov/Gallery/Photo/Aerospike_Rocket/HTML/EC04-0113-146.html
  2. The original idea seems pretty sound. I would expect currently that if your ship has no pilots in command modules and a probe core, and the electricity runs out, then you lose SAS. Extending the same behaviour when radio contact is lost would be logical.
  3. I didn't think KSP lets you bind a control to a combination of keys. How do you do that?
  4. If you're using FAR, check the dang Flight Assistance isn't left on.
  5. Ferram Aerospace Research. There are your curves, your stability derivatives, and even a dynamic stability simulation tool.
  6. Cheats! Rigged! THE FORUM BLOCKS ALL CAPS! ILLUMINATI CONSPIRACY! Seriously, play the game how you like. The biggest thing that annoys me about Tweakscale is when I see someone else using it it totally messes with my sense of size. Am I looking at a cute baby orange tank in a standard sized cargo bay, or a regular orange tank in a giant bay?
  7. There's a known bug with the floating point origin being set wrong. However that looks more like a corrugated effect on Kerbin normally.
  8. Try ScanSAT, it can export maps.
  9. You pluses are just adding to this forum's problems -24
  10. We don't need no education, We don't need no plus control -31
  11. Maths control to Major Tom, Maths control to Major Tom, Make your forum post and subtract another one. -28
  12. It's like the opposite of the universal answer -24
  13. That alliance's presence is ... negative. -22
  14. War. Because the only way I can see this happening is if America faces such a threat that the USAF feels the need for NASA's knowledge and technology to be subsumed for military purposes.
  15. Yeah, I've found that sometimes in the VAB a part can appear to connect somewhere, but actually be attached to a different parent part I wasn't expected. When you hover over any part it and its children will be highlighted, and you can use that to check your craft's "topology".
  16. The previous version is listed as a "Beta" in Steam, find that section of the game properties. Now I'm not sure what version is currently considered previous.
  17. It's not that hard, you just need to watch out for the lack of sunlight at Jool. You can spam RTGs, spam Gigantors, use fuel cells, or just accept even less thrust. My Xena made an impromptu trip to Bop a while back on the way back from Moho. Though I suppose technically it doesn't qualify because I landed on Moho in a separate chemical-engine lander, and on Gilly and Bop by jetpack.
  18. Now if you want to make a real mockery of the new aerodynamics, put any nosecone on the boosters, then turn it with the rotation gizmo so it faces backwards and is clipped into the booster. See how fast you get.
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