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Technical Ben

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Everything posted by Technical Ben

  1. Saying there might be life at the bottom of Titan, is similar to saying there might be gold under there. We know how to find both, and we know the probability of both based on current observations (mass/gravity/surface/composition etc).
  2. Mathematically I have have both one apple, zero apples and negative apples. But in reality, it's rather hard to make "negative apple sauce". Thus, negative energies and such like, while mathematically possible, are still theoretic impossibilities or improbabilities until realised or proven impossible.
  3. We don't know the motion of all those stars (but perhaps the general arms). So just rotate the picture by enough. Else it's only 100,000 light years across. Look at geology as an example, that time-scale is not much, and you might get bigger mountains, smaller rivers or some change in sea level. But most of the interesting locat stuff is unpredictable (collapses, super dam floods, like in the Mediterranean sea etc).
  4. The smaller the fragment, the larger the wild claims can be. I've seen tiny teeth or claws found, and "extrapolated" to creatures double the size of anything found before (for the same group etc). Until more is found, I always assume hubub on the "theories". EG: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/7104421.stm It's very possible, it's a giant claw on a small sized creature. Or it could be a tiny claw on a humungus creature. Without the whole specimen, it's really hard to guess (see Dogs for an example ).
  5. I'm failing at fixing this bug. Is it possible to just delete the roster? Or do I have to add a specific Kerbal to it to fix? I've checked through the save and cannot see any missing Kerbals from my roster. But as soon as I try to save/replay the game in 0.90 it gets stuck.
  6. (Batts are physicsless, well side mounted anyhow AFAIK, so range should be the same. However, the main problem is the number of solar panels, 5 is required, 6 is balanced for full throttle.)
  7. What kind of craft? I find the Clusters more stable and great TWR and liquid fuel more manageable than solids. But that's only for massive craft. The KD25ks should be better for smaller launches.
  8. I suppose it's doing a "out of control" as it looses power to the core (control unit! ). Making it clear control was lost would help, as it would at least show it's a "lost probe" in most instances. However a better way for the game to respond would be to kill the engine first, then the core. That way the solar panels would bring the core back to life and you could decide if it's best to turn the engine back on. Currently, instead the engine comes on first, and then kills the core almost before we have time to turn the engine back off. If I've read the details correctly.
  9. Let's just say that it's happened at least once in general practice. So I'd possibly write it on myself should I ever got for an op! (Also remember a few instances where "reconstruction surgery" and "removal surgery" got swapped on the patients forms in error. )
  10. Life changes the things around it. We see land and seas streaming with life. We see trees and algae, we see the greens and other colours. Life is not hard to find. The absence of the observation of life, suggests the absence of life. If we found life? Our outlook would probably change as much as it did when we rediscovered the new continents (America/Australia etc). IE, very little.
  11. That and a percentage of funds for accuracy of contract instead of a fail/success method. Why? If you miss the target by 1m, you still get funds, just 99% instead of 100% and no need to spam reload.
  12. Wait.. we avoid salt water because it's corrosive, but on Venus we would have no worries because it's all corrosive? (spinning and confused eyes smiley)
  13. Add to that tracking options. Nothing worse than trying to play without action groups and zero tracking options. Is there not a way to better implement transitional ability than "we are taking away ALL your toys" option which the current building upgrade route gives? (Just found out no tracking on career at start, so really really confused in playing right now, spoilt career IMO ).
  14. Fixed now. I managed to manually copy the craft over to a new save. That will suffice to keep the save running. Thanks all.
  15. Knowledge is used of information. Sadly not everyone uses the information they learn.
  16. Ah, sorry, my mistake I read the post as "craft self destructs when lowering gear".
  17. I have no experience with FAR but it does by design destroy poorly made aerodynamics IIRC. So parts sticking out, like landing gears or mechanical parts will be ripped off by the air (similar to real life) if opened or put in the wrong place.
  18. Thanks for the great info in this subforum. It's been great help and I'm amazed to get 0.90 working with mods, however even with Vanilla KSP, I'm having trouble getting a 0.25 save to load in KSP 0.90. I got it working once, but it died again on save/load the second time. I get a frozen screen zoomed in on the facilities on load, so I'm assuming it's the bugged Kerbal Achievements bug, but having problems resolving it. Only have/had KAC and Mechjeb installed, but I can take those mods off if needed as they are not vital (though will of cause need the mechjeb part to prevent ship deletion). Any idea on where or what lines I need to delete or change? Save is: benart.www.idnet.com/persistentTB.zip KSP 0.90 32bit. MechJeb as mod or part. Was old 0.25 save.
  19. Wait, how do you get those gfx cards and systems working together? Oh, and it's about 1 new Mac. Or a bit more than a 4k TV... but still cool!
  20. I... I don't remember! (RPS website?)
  21. This I know. The comment was not on KSP, but on Sci-Fi aesthetics. Which generally assumes space flight will use craft the same size as trucks and/or aircraft, with boats being the largest for a minimal requirement. IRL it's very different.
  22. The largest tank launcher I have puts a 4 tank refilling craft into orbit. I'm using them to refuel stuff at jool (should take bout 2 + 1/2 tank of fuel to Laythe orbit). [edit] Did I say 4? I just realised I have a specialist refueler that puts 14 tanks into orbit! Might see if I can get 8 of those to Jool before burning through them. If they reach Jool, I'll have plenty of fuel to go for another star!
  23. It's a little niggle, but my heart skips ever so slightly in KSP as it's not made obvious if autosave is time based or based on the quit to menu button. As far as I can see, it does save when I quit to menu, but nowhere does it state this, so it's a bit strange. Is it helpful for it to say "Save and Quit" on the button now instead?
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