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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. They extend your hab timers, and for a heftier cost, expand at an accelerated rate the expired timers of tourists to get them back to work again. I accomplish my stuff via a different mechanic. For the rest, best bit is to log feedback, due to NDA RE current/future dev.
  2. Probably not suitable for this mod. Life support should be predictable and plannable.
  3. Speaking of which.... Made a rescue frigate using the new medical facilities options for USI-LS/MKS 20 year mission time, medical facilities for 12 Kerbals, 6K DV, crew of six.
  4. It's a bug in one of the supporting DLLs - or rather, something that changed in between prerelease versions. There will be a new version out later today.
  5. Just finished this for 1.2 (had to change some code due to krakensbane changes). Good news is that I upped the max speed by a factor of four.
  6. Well some of those are surface attach, so those could not be used anyway Could probably do it one section at a time, autostrut the last one that would not have a port.
  7. This is not something I am considering. There's really no point since the use case for a multiport dock (joint strength, and alignment) are already covered. Too vague, need more info.
  8. KAS already has pylons... they seem to work just fine
  9. Then that would be an MM issue it sounds like, which given we're in pre... no surprise there
  10. And two good bits... Integrates with all things USI (of which there's a whole constellation), and you can be pretty sure they will always be updated
  11. If you clicked the icon then yes. Click it again to turn it off. huh then something really weird is going on, because that message just is not normal. Try with no other mods on a clean save?
  12. Yes, you would need to delete every single ship containing MKS parts. USI-LS also changed... not sure on that one's effect. Tanks are fine, but it's the other bits (which there are very few of) that would be a problem - i.e. the nom o matics are completely replaced.
  13. I've been a bit busy the past 24 hours That being said - I fundamentally disagree with 100% recycling in a package that small. At that point, just uninstall life support. I have balance guidelines. A 100% EC-based recycler for two Kerbals - no crew capacity, no resource storage... literally, just that single module... would balance at 18.7 tons, and be 90.725 M3. (or, a 2.5 stack about 18.5 meters long). the only reason I even include such things is for ark ships. i.e. the new hab ring, if it were to be configured as a 100% recycler, could support up to 11 crew, but at that point would be mostly machinery and stuff to do the processing, and weigh in at a whopping 102.8 tons. Configured as simply a greenhouse extension or hab, that particular part is about 60 tons as I recall.
  14. I like this With MKS 0.50.0 I moved to effects, so once that's out feel free to chat and we can make sure your colonists are good to go for MKS bases
  15. Thank you That was the original intent - but wheels for now are either deployed or not due to the current wheel code (i.e. it is not particularly happy about moving transforms around). Oh, make sure you grab CRP (I forgot to bundle it). It works on 1.2 Sorry not following, can you clarify? These threads move pretty quick
  16. ummm.... you just deleted part of survivability pack... the airbags So may want to advise what KSP version you are using? If it is 1.2, this mod is not compatible yet.
  17. Given that 1.2 releases Tuesday... no sense in making a 1.1.3 version. Right... because this is 1.2 Sorry guys, to be perfectly, clear, a 1.1.3 version is *NOT HAPPENING*. Every single part - including that hab ring. Just put your save in another folder, and wait to start a new save on 1.2 when you are ready. No big deal. This will remain separate since a lot of folks asked for it
  18. The op is in error (its boilerplate). This mod is not on CKAN nor will it be a till I decide to make metadata.
  19. Not required for MKS - just means you have pretty parts
  20. ... I'm just going to drop the mic right here.
  21. You know, while I am not sure why I am even arguing with you... you are wrong About something so ridiculously basic.
  22. You do realize that for devs to directly interact with the community is NOT the norm yes? And reading all of these threads... do you really blame them?
  23. Which they have... to the extent allowed by legal and ethical reasons. People move on. Development will continue. Heck, they went a bit above and beyond by clarifying compensation practices and workplace policies. They also clarified that development is continuing, and shared some future plans. It would be ridiculously unethical to air out private personnel issues. Consider for a second. Think back to every time you left a job, or had someone leave a job you worked at. If every detail of that departure was on the front page of reddit and analyzed to death by armchair experts. And every one of your future employers could take a peek at all of it while you were in the interview chair. And you might understand why private things are private for a reason.
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