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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. Undecided - tho the Karibou has the model in place
  2. Yeah Regolith was deprecated when it became stock with 1.0
  3. Already updated just not released yet
  4. Yep, once I am 100% sure I am happy with it. Which means not on day zero.
  5. Pretty much Technically everything is done other than final MKS configs (working on the Tundra parts now) and because of some of the tweaks I did to the balance guide I use (to balance all things!) I have to go back and tweek the USI-LS bits as well.
  6. Signal strength is calculated as follows. 1. Take the square root of the product of both power levels. So a 5M antenna pointing at a 5K antenna has a MAX range of about 158km SQRT(5,000,000 * 5,000) = 158,113 2. Look at the actual distance and figure out what percentage this is of our max range. So if you were at 100Km, this percentage would be about 36% 1 - (100,000 / 158,113) = 0.367 3. Run that number (0.36) through the float curve in your antenna config. The default float curve a simple 0-1 curve, so your signal strength in this case would be 36% if this was a direct shot. If it bounces via relays, gather up all of the signal strengths and multiply them out. So if you had a 36% hop then a 50% hop, your final signal strength would be 18%.
  7. Odds are they are not producing mulch... so you need to send them some supplies.
  8. I did a lot of tests with the engines and the HB does fly like a dream.
  9. Thanks, and sure, log a github issue. The HB is due for a refresh of its own. Fixed in the 1.2 release Yup, a rework is on the list (but it is a long list) and thanks! Thanks! It was a fun part The new MKS bits go perfectly with this. They are also in the 2.5/3.75 form factor.
  10. It's actually a lot closer to the sun last I checked. But does take some poking around to find the band.
  11. I disagree, given there are already exampled in CRP that do this. Again, CRP makes no assumptions WRT intermediary resources, etc. - that is a mod interop issue, not a CRP one. FYI... people in the USI constellation have no problem grasping that there are resources that can be harvested direct as well as harvested via an intermediary, since it provides more options in case a biome is dry. But that mechanic is still a mod concern. Linking of resources is simply not something I would be interested in dictating or trying to drive via CRP as that gets too much into telling people how to make their mods.
  12. Then by all means, illuminate that point (whatever it is), yes?
  13. Just the stuff in the zip file
  14. Not in your screenshot tho...
  15. Just to clarify - this is not how stock works. If one mod has a higher concentration than another for a given resource, the best concentration is always taken. There's actually a good chunk of code that managed this, and provides the most optimistic result possible. So you would never have a case where a player expects something, but then finds significantly less due to mod interaction.
  16. Yup. 1.2 version is already done just getting the last mod of mine (MKS) ready then I can launch all of this stuff
  17. Also where is USI Tools? That's why you have no categories. It needs to be in GameData as well. Along with anything else I bundled with this (i.e. Firespitter, CRP, etc.)
  18. @ShotgunNinja Sorry, that's actually incorrect. PresenceChance is simply the odds of it being present in any given biome. Yes, a noise map is generated, and used as a baseline. Dispersal determines how much noise there is. Low dispersal maps have more gradual transitions, high dispersal maps have lots of little pockets. Variance affects the upper and lower bounds (expressed as a percentage) at any given point. 0% means no adjustments are made, 100% means that it can vary from 0%-200% of the original value. This makes stuff more 'spikey'. For exospheric and atmospheric, Altitude Min/Max determine the centerpoint of a resource band. Range determines how wide it is. In both cases the actual values are from the RNG, and based on your global seed.
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