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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. There are at least six people I know of working on the game, and I don't know every single person in MX, so I am limiting that list to the ones I do know. Three of those include myself, Trigger, and Nightingale. You can extend that list even further since some of the QA guys have some crossover, and do things like fix scenarios/tutorials, part configs, etc. (so technically a 'Dev' activity, but we get spare sets of hands sometimes) And maybe take a step back and consider how it would feel to see your work life dissected and be unable to respond (hint: Some of your facts are blatantly false, but I'd break NDA to tell you which ones), while watching your professional life and a company you work for and respect be publicly torched. Watch as every single answer is either deemed a 'corporate lie' or 'not enough!' because people simply won't accept simple truths and want conspiracy theories, and handing soap boxes to disgruntled people with axes to grind is so much more entertaining. Oh.. and I know some of the 'Shill' jokes were meant in jest... but yeah, it's getting a bit hurtful. So add that in, knowing that there are a thousand things you could say because everyone is so wildly off base, but you're restricted by NDA, a good dose of professionalism, and a bit of common courtesy. Then consider what value tearing apart and dissecting it and trying to turn it a hundred ways has. Now imagine if it was your personal or professional life under a public microscope. And while doing that, consider that I had to spend my time typing this instead of (a) being with my family, or (b) working on KSP. That's completely incorrect. There are at least four. (For clarity because there are too many armchair lawyers in this thread). Chris is counted among the recent departures. He is not a developer, but he makes pretty things for the game. Although one could consider work on things like PBR, LOD, etc. development. If you follow that definition, then you're at (at least) six. If you limit to C#, more like (at least) four. If you include anyone who checks things into source control in support of the game, whether it's code or other assets, you are up to at least eight.
  2. United States. Tho this is pretty public knowledge.Also the repeated assertion that there are only two devs left is incorrect. You do realize that not every dev is a member of the forums? And given the witch hunt, I don't really blame them.
  3. Probably because when people asked for confirmation of horrible working conditions, but instead got an honest accounting of my interactions, it did not fit the torches and pitchforks narrative. I work reasonable hours. I get reasonable, agreed to compensation for that time. I have been doing dev a long time, not the first rodeo. I find the management reasonable, and they have repeatedly expressed that we were not to work ridiculous hours or weekends, etc. and have been reasonable when adjusting priorities, offering additional time as needed and only dictating the order of the business needs. i.e. rational, reasonable stuff that I would expect from an employer. I have seen teams flee from horrible employers. I have seen teams move from reasonable ones for better opportunities. I've lost engineers because the fit was not right, and I've walked away from jobs that were handing me sacks of cash with dollar signs on them. People move on, and they usually do so in waves. I've been the leader on more than one of those waves myself (one company lost their entire IT and engineering staff in less than three months... they rehired, and are fine now), and have had to mitigate damage from mutinies and make sure the business was solid because one guy got grouchy and took half a dozen buddies with him to a new job. But one common thread in all of that - I respected the wishes of my coworkers and employer, and respected people's privacy. I am speaking for myself, so take that how you will. Though the implication that I am some kind of 'puppet' is kinda nuts. I do this because it's fun and I enjoy the folks I work with (by the way, there are more than two developers left, so that fact is incorrect). And I respect the folks that moved on to other things (or back to modding). I also respect that their views and experiences may be very different than mine. Or exactly the same, but their great grand uncle left them all a sack of solid gold ingots. Or that what I find reasonable they find unreasonable. Or any number of reasons that they alone know. But given how much grief I've gotten today (being called a liar and worse), I don't blame them one bit for sitting this one out.
  4. English only, though I can curse in a few others.
  5. Sorry, only that it was getting downvoted into oblivion and folks might actually want to see the response there.
  6. Feel free to upvote the response, gang. https://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/561euh/information_about_recent_events_at_squad_response/
  7. That one is totally false. Which kinda shows that the OP is talking nonsense, and just looking to stir the pot (and waste my time in the process).
  8. It was done for balance reasons Also the large ISRU already had a monopoly on monoprop, so the small one got some love
  9. It's all good folks Still ironing out some bugs / etc. anyway, and obviously have some divided attentions at the moment
  10. What do you mean by ISRU integration?
  11. Actually... one of the things I sorted in 1.2 is how catch-up mechanics handle multi-step production chains So this is something you might see go away in 1.2
  12. I have no deflector shield in this mod??
  13. @Fat D - that craft has some weirdness - was it done with merged vessels, etc.? If you are building stuff to be constructed, best to set them up as discreet vessels, and make sure you're not in a situation where one of the ports becomes the root part.
  14. You could in theory add the module via MM I'll take a peek. In the interim, F5 for safety, see if port selection makes a difference. Draw me a better picture And yeah the intent is to make base construction a lot more interactive and interesting. Totally doable Thanks!
  15. Glad you dig it - enjoy, let me know if you have any questions or hit any bugs
  16. Introducing Konstruction! Konstruction adds new parts and game mechanics to KSP centered around base and orbital construction! Features: Weldable, configurable construction ports, with auto-rotation and configurable parameters on the fly. Once connected, these can be removed, resulting in a permanent joint between the parent parts of the two ports. Design your assembly in the VAB, cut it up and add construction ports, reassemble in-situ. Great for large bases and stations, or building larger vessels in orbit! Konstruction also includes an array of parts that can be used to create forklifts, cranes, magnetic couplers, stabilizers, etc. - ideal for building vehicles to help with in-situ assembly. If Module Manager is installed (not included till an official 1.2 version drops), the claw will have a magnetic grappler added to it automatically. Lastly, Konstruction includes the absolutely adorable Akita Rover. Small enough to fit in a Karibou cargo bay, great as a little runabout for your base. And now the important bits! Download Link https://github.com/UmbraSpaceIndustries/Konstruction/releases Donation Info! If you like what you see, and want to help out (or just buy me a beer!), please consider donating, either via PayPal or Patreon. License Information Configuration files and code are licensed under the GPL v3 license (see attached). Assets, including Models (*.mu) and Textures *.png/*.dds) are All Rights Reserved. If you wish to use any of these assets in your project, just ask nicely
  17. Tool Bar and part categorization are two very very different things. You probably have duplicate DLLs somewhere
  18. Actually.. even that changed a bit. Efficiency got simplified, and the flat 100% bonus is gone (it is now based on relative mass).
  19. It's automatic. If you have Toolbar, it uses that. Otherwise it uses stock.
  20. USI already swaps to stock v. toolbar if present - and I thought @taniwha was adding optional stock support as well.
  21. Pretty similar to how I did it for the MKS Konstruction bits we streamed over the summer
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