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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. Sounds like you are installing it wrong. Show me a picture of your GameData folder and your UmbraSpaceIndustries folder.
  2. Toss me a link on it and I will take a look. Plan on this is updates as there are things I want to add / change on it
  3. Point stands tho. It is not a CRP concern. It is an interop concern.
  4. But again... that's not the scope of CRP. That's a Mod Interop question. For example. KSPI completely unbalances power in USI. That too is not a CRP concern, that's an interop concern. What you are describing in your quote above is the rationalization for your mod. And as a resource curator, feel free to set price, etc. But also understand that CRP will not prevent someone else from adding a supplementary resource distribution config if it suits the needs of the mod (stock fully supports this), nor will it prevent people from creating whatever resource generation process, etc. they want. I mean, I see your point, and it is good that @Nertea and you are hashing it out, my only dog in the fight is making sure we do not assume CRP's role is to mandate use vs. simply curate.
  5. But that's your opinion. For someone else, it may make perfect sense. And that is my point. CRP does not, nor should it, dictate how modders use the resources in it. Full stop. It is up to modders to decide what level of interop they want. CRP just provides the list of spices on the rack, it does not dictate the recipe.
  6. I would say given the name of this mod, and given the pattern on that plane, we have our answer
  7. RE reality, I would say that that's not within the scope of CRP, that's up to whoever is curating the resource. And there is a diff between the density of water (we can assume water is... well.. water?) and assuming Duna is Mars.
  8. Incorrect. Dirt is used by MKS for a variety of things, as well as other mods. CRP dictates the resources (so we don't conflict and break mods). It does not dictate what you do with them. Stock harvesting works optimistically. I assumed that if someone wanted something there, it was for a good reason (versus taking away things). If someone wants a mod that makes HE3 100% abundant in Eve's oceans... all the more power to them. CRP will not stop that, nor will it advocate one vs. the other, other than allowing the original curator to include some configs. Also, you might want to revisit small quantity conversions in 1.2 given the number of optimizations and rework of some of the resource code, as the original point may be moot. Lastly... I don't necessarily agree with tying stuff to earth analogues as Kerbin != earth. But that's up to whoever is using the resource. Just noting it as I think it's generally a bad direction, and limits planet packs, etc. where there simply are no analogues (and why CRP tends to have global defaults for resources). I also disagree with enforcing any kind of resource chain - that's simply not what CRP is for. That's a mod interop discussion (which looks like it is underway). Heck, if someone wants to make a harvester that makes EnrichedUranium drop out of the sky, go for it. Whether that mod will work well with others is a whole different discussion. Heck, I guarantee I am misusing a few KSPI and RF resources, because I needed stuff. But also make sure my stuff is reasonably balanced with stock and Nertea's goodies. I really have no dog in this fight, but wanted to make sure we keep clear of making CRP something it is not. Ultimately, someone will give me a PR tho, and it does need to be the person who curates those resources.
  9. Actually, I've been around doing stock stuff since just after 0.90 released You also have NathanKell, TriggerAu, TheClaw, Sarbian, Roy, and very likely some others that I am forgetting.
  10. Have not been able to repro this one. All asteroids or specific ones?
  11. @Nertea - fine by me, just need to see if we can get @FreeThinker to chime in By the way, now is probably a really good time if any of you want to get any other resources added. Feel free to toss in appropriate PRs.
  12. Probably need more details than that, sorry. i.e. where are you doing this (orbit altitude)? etc.
  13. Ahh - so USI-LS style recyclers then It's proven to be a nice mechanic.
  14. 7.4.0 Pre is now available for download. This is compatible with the KSP 1.2 Pre-release, and is there for modders to get a head start on converting their bits over
  15. If any modders need a 1.2 firespitter, I should have something up today
  16. The landing gear was removed because multiple wheel colliders are not supported by the new wheel modules. You're more than welcome to have it back, if you don't mind your plane catapulting into the air and instantly exploding
  17. Probably fixed in the next update, I patched a similar issue.
  18. Start with BaseConverter and work out from there (ModuleResourceConverter inherits from that).
  19. I don't change anything while the craft is unloaded - it all catches up once the vessel is loaded.
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