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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. This may soon be a moot point as ModuleManager was just de-indexed.
  2. And right now, CKAN has no motivation to sort this because they lock everyone - whether you like it or not - in a perpetual, irevoccable, opt-in. Unless you take a nuclear option and lock down your mod (which not all modders can do) into ARR. If you feel you have to use force to lock people into your product - the same people with which your product would not exist, you should really question it's value.
  3. Yep, that's the problem with CKAN metadata. It is not reliable, and it causes support issues. Despite handling my own data. Other modders would agree. And some of us would prefer not to be forced to opt into a broken process. Regarding how my mod's presence or lack therof on CKAN (or curse.. or spacedock... or whatever) makes it effectively not available. I've been abundantly clear in the past regarding my position on that. And the folks who wish to use it and be engaged with it and other users of the mod have many clear avenues to obtain it. Anyhoo, this horse has been beaten into the ground. We'll see what the CKAN folks have to say.
  4. Incorrect. There are many avenues for mod distribution... forums, CKAN, Curse, SpaceDock, etc. - I like being able to control how these are distributed, and the contents of those distributions. And this keeps support to a reasonable level. But I respect that you have your opinion. And I have mine.
  5. "To be honest, I feel like that is a mistake on their part. They should not discriminate between ARR and FOSS licensed works, WRT delisting mods. They should simply not delist mods at all." Sure, then we just host elsewhere, stop modding, or take other actions that block CKAN (I mean, most of us are software engineers and it's not exactly hard), and good times are had by all, when a simple conversation and a bit of respect for content creators would have solved all of this.
  6. I don't even understand how this comparison makes sense... But if the only request CKAN respects is in the form of a restrictive license (and i'm not sure they are going to budge on that), then that's what they will get, and I expect more modders to follow suit. So the ball is in their court at this point.
  7. We'll see. As it stands, the only way to opt out of CKAN is to move forward with an ARR license as that's the only circumstance in which they will de-index on request. Let's see if they are willing to change that in the interest of goodwill.
  8. You might want to review some of my current licenses then. GPLv3 to make PRs from oodles of contributors easier, some supporting dll's and art assets ARR. Tho when people ask nicely (which they generally do), I share. So really, it's a moot point. (addendum) And if I get hit by a bus, I generally have an out clause that releases everything. Because I actually would prefer not to leave users in a lurch. That's just being a decent human being. But since not everyone can play nice, restrictive licenses (or from my point of view... ask nicely first licenses) end up being the answer.
  9. I have no idea what guarantee you speak of. The mods flat out did not work, could not be made to work, and had no value other than causing me a support headache, and causing confusion (since in some cases, they were moved to other packages and the old ones were completely invalid). Normally, folks 'get this'. When they do not, and just say 'tough, you chose your license', then we just move onto new licenses, simple as that.
  10. What I posted WRT this discussion on the CKAN github (and one that I think plugs the holes). 1. Before adding a mod, ask. If no response, list away. (gives modders a chance to say 'no thanks'. I have done this in the past). 2. If a modder ever comes back and says 'please remove this from the index' - regardless of reason - respect that. Case in point, my own mods that I have deprecated (yet had some zombie CKAN data for a very long time). Anther case may be where a modder sees a spike of issues, and they want out of the index till it can get sorted (like when @Angel-125 occassionally got clobbered with bad dependencies). 3. Add a dev/staging repo and make sure the stuff is vetted first. This may take longer to implement, but coupled with some automated tools, can help mitigate issues. Note that all of these are modder centric. As noted, 'market share' and 'exposure' are nowhere on my list of considerations. Optimizing my enjoyment/annoyance ratio is.
  11. Actually, respecting a modder's wish to be de-indexed, regardless of license, no questions asked, would be a huge step in the right direction. It's what most of us have been asking for.
  12. I agree with you re a KSP-AVC Plus. And opt-in, etc. could be handled via the version file that is already there. Then a simple out of game executable that parses the version files, etc. and can even dump the mod and version list (which I find invaluable for troubleshooting). May not be a bad idea to ping Cybutek or toss him a PR or two. I might at least knock out an out of game version checker, since that's one of the larger complaints.
  13. No worries at all and nothing to apologize for - we were all new once
  14. Actually you can change any Kerbal you want via the config to have alternate (vet) effects
  15. They also fit pretty well in a fairing as a vertical stack, add engines on the nose and tail VTOL style, and a probe core on the top to aid in control.
  16. No worries - if you folks find it out of whack, let me know. The 4K was a starting yardstick
  17. The hurdle of figuring out how to store food in space is the big one. Making bigger cans, not so much. Tho I can see a case for moving them around a bit
  18. Sure. Right now, Plutonium is actually one of the top resources cost wise (and it should of course be more expensive than enriched uranium). Given it's power, it's a decent balancing factor, and makes people still have to question whether they want to foot the bill, or just go mine it.
  19. With the new version of USI-LS you can get to 100% by converting a lot of ore into more fertilizer and using that to make supplies, so 100% self sufficiency on the ground is possible with just USI-LS, but not in space. Habitation is a huge part of this mod, yes. And MKS is not that scary - it doesn't bite
  20. Ok thanks. They are fine as is, they just have the extra capability of being able to allow a kerbal pilot to use them as the computational core of a new control point.
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