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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. Please remove the Malemute Rover from CKAN, as I had no intention of putting that up at this time, it's not my metadata, and what you have there is going to break with the next patch and cause me a hefty pile of support issues. This mod is manually installed for now. And in the future, please do not list any of my mods unless the PR is from me - I will explicitly send you metadata if I wish a mod to be on CKAN.
  2. And hooray. Just found another case where 'random people from the interenet' added my stuff to CKAN. Stuff that I can pretty much guarantee will break due to bad CKAN metadata in my next patch. Found it at random. No communication, just support issue spawning. This folks is why CKAN is bad.
  3. Thanks - then sounds like you have an install issue. Show me your GameData folder and your UmbraSpaceIndustries folder please.
  4. Yep, same per Kerbal but note the addition of the Hitchhiker as the command module (I didn't even bother adding the lander). Note that the OP was trying to do an RSS lunar mission in what is essentially a Mercury capsule. Which makes sense.
  5. Except for the fact that when CKAN falls over... it falls over horribly. My worst install support cases have been and continue to be CKAN users. And if anything, support for installs has increased with the advent of CKAN because while it is a nice idea in theory (minus all of the nasty opt-in bits), it lacks in execution. Watch the forums after any release for a live example of this. For the OP. Learn to install mods. It's trivially easy. Do not use CKAN.
  6. Replace with 'Delete old version first then copy' and you've hit the 99.9% use case. Use KSP-AVC, and you're at 100%. Regarding de-listing, etc. - this is still a very active topic, and one that I believe CKAN continues to step wrongly in. Take this little tidbit from the current CKAN thread from a member of the CKAN project. "It's worth remembering also that not selecting the CKAN option on Spacedock does not mean that the mod won't be listed on CKAN. If a CKAN user asks for a given mod to be listed, we will generally do so, barring some legal block. Since you have licensed Larinax under CC-BY-SA-NC, you've given us irrevocable permission to distribute it." This is not neighborly. It encourages restrictive licenses, and ultimately pushes more modders into actively opposing CKAN.
  7. Yeah... I don't think we would have gone to the moon in a Mercury capsule
  8. Then add more habitation - a hitchhiker would be ideal. I have no idea what your current travel time, Kerbal count, and vessel look like. Point of reference... and Apollo style mission with a Mk1-2 capsule and a Hitchhiker (to serve as the command module) and a three Kerbal crew gives me a hab time of over two years... (Well, those are six hour days - but even with 24 hour days we're still in the 6+ month range)
  9. No, it only sets the defaults once based on a compilation of all of the default configs. Add a recycler, or add in some supplies. There are no supplies built into the pod.
  10. Can you please be specific on what part you are not seeing? (i.e. a screenshot or specific part name from sandbox would help)
  11. Given that this was never an official stock feature (and not part of the QA plan, just something that came over with the original implementation) I would certainly not in any way blame the QA team.
  12. Yet you just said you use KSP-AVC. And yes it's important - because your install is messed up, and you are making it really hard for me to help you. Also. Seriously, install KSP-AVC. It's going to point you directly to the component you need to upgrade.
  13. @Jim Starluck - see above RE the wiki (thanks for the reminder @Merkov . And look at your actual USI-LS settings in the space center view. The configs are only defaults.
  14. As noted... if it is hab they are running over, they need more space (there's no other way to bump this up at this time, tho I have plans for that). And @DStaal - you haven't seen some of my orbits
  15. If you are running out of hab... get him home. Supplies will not solve this.
  16. Since you are using KSP-AVC, show me your addon list. Because I suspect you are leaving out something. Also where the heck are you getting those two different files? (Specifically, this screen here:)
  17. I support my own metadata as a necessary evil and out of self defense. And it still has issues. Updates are not instantaneous, there is no opt-in for partial updates, it totally messes things up if you mix manual and CKAN installs, you have 'random people on the internet' changing mods, etc. Where CKAN completely (and I mean completely) dropped the ball was in how they chose to go about adoption. Rather than have it opt-in, they allowed the players, not the mod author, to force your mod into CKAN and you got to deal with the headaches. And at least in the case of Ferram, totally refused to de-list, even at the modder's request. Heck, they've refused to delete several dead mods of mine despite asking nicely a couple of times (I've pretty much given up). Yes. CKAN is geared towards the user as their customer, to the detriment of the modders. Which sounds fine if you're just a consumer of content. But IMO is the wrong approach. Content consumers need content creators (modders), not the other way around (i.e. without other users, we'd just enjoy our content and perhaps share it with a couple of friends). Systems that annoy / discourage content creators tend to be counterproductive. Personally, I recommend KSP-AVC. It's 100% opt in, rock solid (any issue I have ever had has been my own fault), does not force upgrades, and makes troubleshooting installs a breeze. @cybutek took the right approach with that one, and it shows.
  18. Install KSP-AVC, it will show you which dependencies need updates.
  19. The existing constraint is by design
  20. No, it's not ignored, but you go into the land of ever diminishing returns. So I would pair it as a lower bound.
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