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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. Depletion rate governs how fast availability decreases (you will see the rate drop off over time). Combine this with the threshold (forgot the exact parm, but it's on the stock mini-drill) to control the lower bound of the cutoff. The resolution of the depletion nodes vary based on the size of the body - on Kerbin I recall it was a few hundred meters in diameter.
  2. Also some trivia... Mulch is like 90% waste water.
  3. It should - it's reflected in the VAB, and also (if they are enabled) in flight.
  4. The answer is 'don't do that' because you will run out of mulch storage.
  5. Before I accidentally pull in something that makes things go south, could you two please coordinate and close/update the PRs? I don't use CLS so I'd be going blind, and I'd hate to mess things up.
  6. Oh, then odds are you will see it next release (Remember I handle about 400 parts across over a dozen mods with a lot of contributors )
  7. Eventually they will be normalized with comparable stock parts. Insufficient info.
  8. Github issue please Not at the moment, but if someone tosses a PR I'll be happy to add it
  9. It will go from most specific (biome) to least specific (planet). And will take the most optimistic result.
  10. Well we can agree to disagree on handling planet packs at least as far as what I officially bundle. You can always include additional configs in your mod, similar to how folks can always add extra resources (and of course all configs are additive).
  11. Stock supports depletable resources but it's set on the part, not on the resource definition (to prevent mods fighting over depletion).
  12. Converters are not included in that equation at the moment - a good (rough) rule of thumb is that your fertilizer->supply style converters extends supplies at roughly a 10:1 ratio. So if 1,000 supplies is giving you 90 days, if you make that 1,000 fertilizer you have something like 900 or so. No reason to stop what you're working on... the existence of TAC-LS did not stop me making USI-LS, nor has USI-LS's existence stopped other folks making new mods in the same space. Choice is a good thing
  13. Good question RE planet packs. There are fallbacks for stock and such, and of course stock resources are pretty good about combining packs. In the case of CRP, I would say that any planetary overrides other than stock planets should be the domain of the planet pack owner - so RSS in the case of Earth (which I assume would be @NathanKell or someone else on the RSS team). That leaves planetary composition of CRP resources squarely in the domain of the folks that are maintaining said planet pack.
  14. Sure, go for it - tho things do start getting a bit weird the larger it gets. And you're welcome!
  15. FYI may want to move this discussion to the KPBS thread (and the relevant UKS stuff to the UKS thread).
  16. Would make sense to include the mass there, as that's a big part of the equation.
  17. Yup, lots of choices - but you get the idea
  18. The larger industrial modules are 2.5t dry with zero functionality, and require 2000t of machinery to operate at peak - so a wet weight of 10.06 tons, and about 80 cubic meters of space. the gameplay reason being that large scale manufacturing / refining takes a significant amount of physical space. A way to get around the size requirement would be to leverage required efficiency parts and build it out via composition, or figure out a balance similar to how I handle the smaller scale 'Ranger' parts (generally I do this with other constraints/limitations, then turn the smaller part into an efficiency part for it's big brother to keep it from being too limited in use). And by requirement I don't mean that anyone is under any obligation to release balanced parts - but if you're asking how to balance them with regular UKS bits, there ya go.
  19. I'll write something up, have to do it for my own new parts anyway. Just bear in mind the upper tier manufacturing bits are generally 3.75's, so I'd need to noodle how that could be compressed (realistically) into a smaller form factor without unbalancing everything (i.e. the form factor for that last tier is part of the balance). (a small edit after sleeping on it) Tho this is better for the UKS thread. The reason why balance RE form factor/volume/mass is important and why I am not sure linear scale balances is because even if efficiency is plummeted, and output is drastically curtailed, you can just timewarp your way to whatever you need (and effectively bypass a major gameplay element of UKS... at which point, you don't have UKS... you have something else). I think the only way to sort it without a weird unbalancing would be to somehow split the functionality across multiple parts through some really creative use of efficiency and mandatory efficiency parts so that it landed in the same space. i.e. you could (in theory) create a smaller fabricator that required X number of additional modules on the base to function, and construct the subcomponents on site. I may have the tools to do this in the next major cut of OKS/MKS with the new tundra modules, but those are still pretty WIP.
  20. For the Mk3's be sure to consider how massive those are in UKS - so probably either something larger, or lower output
  21. No reason not to worry about posting them, tbh. The issue had nothing to do with patches.
  22. Nope, I concur. This horse has been beaten so much, it's not only dead, but has passed onto it's future life as glue sticks.
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