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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. Disabled due to explodey issues It's in an interim state until I can convert some of the FS Wheel/Steering bits to not blow up with the new wheel code (i.e. we can no longer do anything that directly moves/changes transforms or horrible things happen).
  2. For what it's worth, i've had no issue with the biplane and skid in early career, despite no turning of said skid. Bear in mind 1.1 absolutely broke a ton of parts, hence the repeated warning that it's an ongoing effort.
  3. Not necessarily. Guides are there for relative balance
  4. Look at the Lif support config file - it has comments in it. Hab ring is low because it's an inflatable - i.e. not very durable. A rigid structural ring, while harder to launch, would be more massive and have more durability.
  5. Tail draggers are not steerable, and it's not a wheel. Works fine for me with the biplane so not sure why you're having an issue. Same github link on OP - latest release is 1.1.2 compatible, but a LOT of parts need to be reworked.
  6. @panarchist - that's it's bonus. It already gets a separate bonus for crew capacity. Also - there are really clear balance guidelines included with USI-LS
  7. Yup, they are compatible, feel free to mix and match (Edit) Realized this was in the USI-LS thread. Only bit I can't speak to is what KPBS does with USI-LS and how that differs from UKS. So things might get a bit odd if it does fertilizer generation. Tho I'll be adding some standards for that in the next USI-LS update that balances the Gypsum->Fertilzier path of UKS with an Ore->Fertilizer path for stock.
  8. No worries, one of the reasons I hopped in the thread The only bad thing about maintaining a mod for years that also evolves and expands at a pretty brisk pace is folks forget some of the bits I have included in it
  9. Actually, UKS has bits ranging from early game inflatables through end game manufacturing (the idea being to let folks get their feet wet with the small, easy stuff). And the small bits end up being the efficiency extenders for the large bits, and are just as easy to go space camping with as the Pathfinder bits This kinda leads into into @Storywalker4 's question RE differences. UKS has a lot of progression built in, as well as oodles of reward mechanics - both in terms of funds/science/rep, but also in multiplers the longer you stay on a planet - i.e. your little Kerbals get better at mining, farming, and long term habitation (if you use USI-LS - TAC-LS does not have an analogue for habitation). Also fun bits like shared planetary resources, different power/resource transmission mechanics (tho I believe Angel added something like UKS's resource sharing in a recent Pathfinder update), EVA activities like maintenance and refueling, etc. I'm not aware of any core mechanic Pathfinder has that UKS lacks, tho I could be mistaken (edit) Oh! And Pathfinder lets you change the module functions. UKS does not (currently) do that, although that may change. (edit) I will say the major issue has been documentation, but @sirreality is leading a pretty massive update effort at the moment, and I expect most of it is caught up
  10. Not quite. Only if you have your wear amount > 0. It's off by default. And the repair mechanic is actually part of core, not UKS. I leave it off by default tho because there is no way to create new MaterialKits in USI-LS by itself, but you can if you have UKS, MKS-Lite, OSE Workshop, etc. No science, just a greenhouse. Exactly the same as the large Nom O Matic, just a different aesthetic.
  11. I may know something about this UKS Is primarily a gameplay mod - i.e. you could delete all of the parts, replace them with white cylinders, and it would still stand on it's own. And yes, it's hard if you want to get to 100% self sufficiency. But then (IMO) , building colonies on other worlds is not something you should be able to do in a single launch or a single evening. UKS is less about the base, and more about the infrastructure, logistics, and planning it takes to pull it all off - and usually with several bases before finishing off It also encourages doing things in degrees... start with little single-launch short-term outposts, then expand and grow as you learn all of the bits and walk the tech tree. It's also the oldest - I've been developing it and releasing versions for over two years (the next major update centers around a bunch of parts for base construction... EVA > IVA and all that jazz). TAC-LS is supported, tho since TAC-LS lacks an analogue to habitation/homesickness that USI-LS has, some of the parts are less useful (tho IMO having to deal with early career crew rotations is an interesting consideration). There's also MKS-Lite, which is the simpler version of UKS - less parts, fewer mechanics, and more of a stepping stone.
  12. Log github issues - no guarantees. If it ends up being something I want in my own save, you might see it one day
  13. Correct, they are for inline cargo (0.625/1.25)
  14. Yep, as noted, easy to tweak the hab modifier
  15. Making more IVA work for me I see? I've not seen this - screenshot?
  16. Neither is a config fix. For the small ones - use less wheels, or use more rover.
  17. CKAN eventually. Tech tree placement is by design, same place a lot of other rovers have. Karibou is more of a construction platform.
  18. Everything 'supports' RPM, but unless someone sends me a pull request for a non-laggy RPM cockpit, it will not be included as I don't use RPM.
  19. Both. It's stable (lots of folks use it in their careers) but like everything I write, it's always being improved.
  20. Thanks, but as you can see by our discussion, that would fundamentally go against what the mod does, and would cause some ridiculous amounts of weirdness in UKS, hence it's something I would not consider.
  21. (addendum) This is also where I gently remind folks that I did not make USI-LS for you folks... I made it for me, and the way I play KSP. If folks happen to enjoy it, that's awesome (and by all accounts, quite a few people seem to). If it's not your cup of tea, there are a ton of options out there, but I have no intention of changing it unless it happens to be a change in a direction that makes my own save games more enjoyable. Our social contract (and its a fair one) is that I will share stuff in exchange for testing and pull requests Nope, no can do (that would be silly, as we both agree). Hence the very best recycler (which is really a water purifier) requires water, and caps at the percentage of supplies that would be water (i.e. about 90%).
  22. Same point as above. Supplies != food. Regarding your specific example, this is a bit incorrect - I specifically designed it to allow your scenario - i.e. grab a bunch of water from an asteroid to effectively extend my mission duration. So yes, you can absolutely send drinking water to your ships and with the right recycler on board (which is effectively a water purifier in this case) you land in the same place. It would be pretty trivial to do a similar abstraction to handle oxygen, although in my experience, this takes up so little mass as to almost not be worth it. The first bit is to kinda get past the whole 'supplies are food' bit. It's an abstraction, but as noted, in cases where I want to take advantage of one resource (water in this case), I can land in the same place with a lot fewer resources. Bear in mind the reason I went to fewer resources (two down from six) is because in actuality, 99% of the time we just managed to the shortest resource in TAC-LS, and fiddled with stuff to get everything to line up with 'x number of days'.
  23. hm... should have worked. Toss me your persistence file and I will take a look (you can PM a dropbox link), be sure to let me know the name of the craft in question.
  24. Supplies != food. That's the first misconception. Food is just one component (well, and oxygen). The vast majority of supplies are taken up by water for drinking, hygeine, etc. Having access to water can reduce consumption (from, say, 16L per day to about 1.6L per day). To actually make more supplies, you need access to water and substrate, as well as fertilizer (which can also be generated).
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