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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. You can convert a number of resources into fertilizer - the 'how' depends on what other mods you are using.
  2. No, you need a recycler. The science lab acts as one for example, and drops your consumption by 70%.
  3. @Mr Shifty - yep, the 15 day grace period was built to give folks a leg up on getting to the mun, but it's a bit snug for minmus. A 3 day timer definitely makes things interesting
  4. I'm spending my Squad vacation making mods
  5. Pretty stuff @DMagic Semi-related, I've been fiddling with a new set of construction parts for NASA-style base construction. Stabilizers, wheels, etc. for toting around 2.5/3.75m parts with ease.
  6. Awesome, glad you have it working the way you want
  7. Nope, indie rock Had a fun show this weekend
  8. I sleep four hours per day, have a full time job, work with squad, play in a rock band, do some mods, and am also playing single dad to two boys till the wife gets back from her army deployment. So yeah... a bit busy
  9. Actually, with the right scales, you quickly end up there anyway. That being said, there will be provisions in the future for turning any calculated value past a certain threshold effectively 'home'. Depends. Bottom line is that unless you can get the hab vessel for each individual kerbal past that five year mark, you're kinda toast. Because the home timer is based on when you left Kerbin, and it's starting point is never reset. About the best you could do is do a LOT of shuffling and give each of your Kerbals the complete individual run of the ship long enough to reset the timer. And that I am ok with, given the amount of gymnastics involved (and you're still a slave to the short term timer). No, the two go together, because if you turned off the home timer you could effectively last forever just by hopping from ship to ship, even if they were all tiny capsules, which I consider an exploit.
  10. Sounds like a stock bug or something else is affecting it (parachutes sometimes do this).
  11. FYI CRP Netkan has been updated, so you should be sorted once they reindex
  12. Be careful. Switching does not actually reset anything, it just changes one of the timers (the one based on your current vessel). Consider the case of a Duna base with 10 years of hab, a transit vessel with 2 years of hab, and a rover on the surface of Duna with 15 days of hab. The crew embarks from Kerbin in the transit vessel. Their Hab timer is 2 years, and their Home timer is 2 years. Two years in, they land at the base and move into the base. Their Hab timer is now 10 years, and their Home timer is now 8 years (10 - 2). They take a jaunt in the Rover. Their hab timer drops to 15 days, their home timer stays at 8 years. i.e. they can't live inside that rover... They go back to the base and stay for five years. Their hab timer is now 5 (10 - 5), and their home timer is 3 (8 - 5). They have now been away from Kerbin for seven years. The transit vessel returns, and they board it for the return trip home. Once they board the transit vessel, their hab timer resets to 2, and their home timer remains at 3. Provided they can get to Kerbin in the 2 year window, they are good to go. Not sure what 'Radicolous' means - best guess is that it's shorthand for 'properly balanced since USI-LS does not assume any recyclers by default, and also accounts for the sizeable amount of water lost due to hygeine, etc.?' Kidding aside. This mod is not TAC-LS. If you dramatically lower those numbers, things are going to get really weird when recyclers kick on and drop them a further 70%-90% down the road. Odds are you have multiple configs lying around, because USI-LS takes the most pessimistic view when it sees multiple config choices.
  13. The deployable panels already work ship wide, the piping is inferred. And the static ones are limited by design
  14. Sounds good, I'll remove the flag when I am on something other than a mobile device (gig in brooklyn tonight)
  15. Sure, log a github issue and I can move some of those bits over.
  16. Yep, I'll be doing a lot of OP updating through attrition
  17. Ok, yes, supplies need to be present for the EC to kick in - the two go together, tho that may change.
  18. Yep, got this one fixed for the next release - thanks! hmm.. will take a peek. EC usage scales in stock due to battery starvation under warp. This is by design. Yup, if any of those three numbers go red, bad things happen. Will take a peek, be patient You need to have a Kerbal using life support for the EC to drop. You should have life support on all pods tho if you're using USI-LS.
  19. The only rub at the moment tho is that Kerbalism has some compatibility issues.
  20. @ibanix Logs not so much to be honest. For this one the very best thing is a save file with the issue happening. Then I can solve it in pretty short order.
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