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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. Nice suggestion, not possible with the current wheel mechanics. The stowed position is locked by design. If you are using a ramp, use mini wheels
  2. No, the timers are correct - a second is a second I assume they are busting out O2 candles, foregoing showers, drinking their own urine, and slowly starving.
  3. There's your answer - the 15 days is 15 Kerbin days (6 hours). So 15 Kerbin days = 3.75 earth days. And for minmus, even 15 Kerbin days is a stretch - that's usually the point you need supplies.
  4. Show me your configuration screen as well. Also are you using 24 hour or 6 hour days?
  5. @brusura - cutoff is relative, uses the stock system. No idea how you are getting two definitions... @FreeThinker - send the config as a pull request.
  6. Supplies != just food. Most of it is water for food prep, drinking, and hygeine
  7. I had it cap at 100 years
  8. Good feedback Fair point. And what the heck do you have there for EC???
  9. Given how many mods I run, you will need to narrow it down a lot further, as this is an issue I have not seen.
  10. The number you see should still be based on total EC capacity (except of course if you leave them unfocused)
  11. Here's the full version: Although my thoughts at this point are to bundle the Akita with my construction pack because those bits make use of that nifty cab
  12. Small heads up. I'd like to get a couple of volunteer testers - there's a new USI-LS version that includes two major changes. 1. EC can now be configured with it's own timeout - so you can have EC kill your kerbals in a few hours or the default 15 days. 2. EC is now part of the UI - and the UI no longer shows negatives - the countdown to zero includes your 'grace' period. You can grab a replacement DLL at this link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/t9govyfau1uv3no/USILifeSupport.dll?dl=0 Please post any issues or (better yet) confirmation that it all works!
  13. With ten Kerbals, five radials, and one science lab: 5 x (1 / 10 * 60%) = 30% 1 x (5 / 10 * 70%) = 35% Total = 65%
  14. tbh it's not something I have a use for in USI Core as it's a resource none of my mods use, so I'd say just do a MM file to share. (also by convention stuff is in either one or the other - this is to keep the number of clicks down).
  15. Odd... can you toss a screenshot of the craft and your resource panel along with the context menu of the nom o matic?
  16. Would depend on what aspect of the Karibou you're asking about compatibility with.
  17. Either one is fine And most CRP stuff is 1L so you can just copy the volume for another 1L resource
  18. tbh, I would have the Orion as one of your first nuclear engines within CTT.
  19. It will be a very long wait. CKAN is a low priority. And IMO KSP-AVC is more reliable, CKAN is more than a bit flaky, and folks should understand how to install mods.
  20. Yup, it's not on CKAN yet. You can install it from the link in the OP. That's one creative use of the nom o matics btw - feel free to toss a PR for that supply update.
  21. heh, well I need something suitable for hauling around 3.75 and 5m bits
  22. Oh I'd agree, the Karibou would not make sense for a garage due to it's size (nor will the larger construction rover on my to-do list)
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