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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. Everything is included in the download. Just unzip it, and put the contents of 'GameData' in the 'GameData' folder below your KSP installation. That's it It will not be available via CKAN, but it's always good to know how to install mods (it's pretty simple really).
  2. Tweak was provided to avoid late game grind, provide better testing options, and to put it in-line with some of the other resource costs. So you can now either choose to pay for your Karborundum in time, or pay for it in effort.
  3. Use the ALT key to node attach. Retracting is a known issue.
  4. @Angel-125 - the hook was more to do with re-enabling the crew transfer dialog when we change crew capacities without a lot of hackiness
  5. We can agree to disagree then, no worries. CKAN is no longer supported by me. If they want that to change, the policy needs to change. Pretty simple, really. Short, sweet, and to the point.
  6. And in my opinion, there's nothing wrong with reserving the right to de-index a mod that you have created. Case in point, I had to pull teeth to get some ancient, deprecated mods de-listed. If they change their policy, I'll put my stuff back up. And continue to maintain my own metadata. And if in the future there's a reason for me to pull one down (retirement, a rework, consolidation, whatever) I want to know that I (and other modders) have that right. All of the modders. Regardless of what license they use. I do not consider that disingenuous.
  7. TBH all they have to do is change that to be as simple as 'we will de-index at the request of the mod author'. Done. Right now, the ONLY option on the table is to move to an ARR license. FYI - I am adding this to my various threads, as I am officially deprecating all CKAN support until this is sorted. I would encourage like minded modders to do the same. Note: Installation via CKAN is not supported. If you wish to see this change, encourage the CKAN project to revise their de-indexing process, and allow modders to choose if they want in (or out) of CKAN without having to resort to restrictive licensing. (edit) Note that by deprecating support I mean requesting de-listing of all of my mods as they have ARR components and should be de-indexed per the current CKAN policy, no questions asked.
  8. Yup - I love KSP-AVC, and have huge respect for @cybutek. Thinking tho... it may not actually be that bad to make a modder-friendly CKAN. If I can find a collaborator or two, it's something that would very likely be doable - especially since there would be no metadata grooming (which is likely a big chunk of the CKAN workload).
  9. Agreed. @Kobymaru - apologies, now that you've clarified the context I get your point (and looks like you got mine). It read differently given the context on the first pass. Speaking of which. My note RE just doing something else was not said to be mean, bur rather that there's a place for a system that allows modders to better redistribute their stuff, and where they retain both the responsibility as well as the creative control (i.e. what CKAN probably should have been, and what KSP-AVC succeeds at). It would of course have less content, but at least the stuff in it would be either (a) 100% accurate, or (b) accepted by the content creator and submitter that they are the ones that have to support and fix any metadata issues. Very similar to how I have had to fix my own (messed up on occassion) KSP-AVC files. If I had time, I would probably do this. (Addendum) I'd also say that the very wise words of the Philosoraptor are very appropriate here RE what someone can do vs. should do. Just because a tomato is a fruit, does not mean you should put it in a fruit salad.
  10. Or better yet, if CKAN continues with these draconian policies, just make your stuff ARR (or place it in a place CKAN can't index) and not support it altogether. Then you just have to say 'Nope. Not on CKAN... and here's why. Spread the word'. I'll be logging a ticket later today to remove all of my mods from CKAN. Done. https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/NetKAN/issues/4277
  11. @Kobymaru - First. The implication that I provide no support in my thread was not only false, but incredibly rude and uncalled for (and I notice how carefully you cherry picked quotes... as opposed to the massive bombshells that CKAN used to drop on me). But I guess that did not fit your narrative. Bottom line. CKAN support issues waste time, clog the thread, and dramatically increase the signal to noise. It's a nuisance. I maintain my own metadata for the sake of survival - which also means I still have to support it and maintain it. But it's better than all of the problems I had when 'random guy from the internet' would do it. @politas - thank you for showing that de-listing policy. What a horrible and modder-hostile policy that is. And it pretty much guarantees you are going to push more and more modders to ARR. And when they depart KSP, the mods will die. Because of the obstinance of the CKAN team. By being so draconian in your de-listing process, you are doing a huge disservice to the community, and are actively crushing the open source spirit that seems to be so important to CKAN. News flash. From the outside, it seems it has nothing to do with 'open source' spirit, and everything to do with 'market share'. Imagine for a second if Curse or SpaceDock decided to re-distribute every open licensed mod out there by culling the forums, github, etc. and what a hue and cry that would cause. Same thing. And funny, how community opt-in sites like KerbalStuff and SpaceDock were able to succeed without such draconian measures. In a nutshell. If the only way to prevent your work from being perpetually redistributed through an application that has massive visibility and implicit support due to it's being a sticky is to move to a restrictive license... you will use a restrictive license. CKAN's position clearly states this. And that's a shame, because when we look back a few years from now, with mods that can no longer be maintained because of their licenses, it will have CKAN's fingers all over it. Heck. If I were not so swamped with other work (but apparently not support issues according to @Kobymaru ), I'd probably say screw it, and do an opt-in only version of CKAN myself.
  12. I'd agree. If a mod author does not want to do their own metadata, but still wishes to participate, release it to the CKAN volunteers. That's pretty reasonable. And if they later decide it's becoming a hassle, let them opt out. Again, reasonable.
  13. Looks like a bug - a gitHub issue would be appreciated if one is not there already
  14. @blowfish - and you know who would know best? The content creator Hence the push for CKAN to default to an opt-in process (though I expect that policy will never change).
  15. That was some pretty impressive mental gymnastics there. Me modding in no way affects you - you're free to do what you will, include deal with having to manually install some of my mods (since they will not be available on CKAN). Not my problem... you're coming to me to partake of something I happen to let other people use. Until such time as you start wasting my time. Let's be clear. Your time is completely irrelevant to me - it holds zero value. You are exchanging, for some free content... nothing. Nada. Zip. You have zero skin in this transaction. Heck, you're not even needed for the transaction... because ultimately, I make things for my own game... things I happen to release sometimes (and I don't even bother releasing everything I make). Yet despite this, there's a gentleman's agreement. If you are nice, don't cause me extra work, help with documentation and supporting other foks, and add in testing or the occassional PR for a bug fix, I'll invite you over and share my stuff with you. It's a pretty good gig... we both get something. Provided we keep to the terms of said gentleman's agreement. And when folks can't seem to do that, then things get locked down, or just not distributed in the first place. So keep pushing with that entitled attitude, but don't look surprised when there's less content out there, and what's left is released under ever increasingly restrictive licensing. @Teslamax - if the mission of CKAN was to make it easier for modders by offering us a framework we could choose to use to manage our mod distribution and installation, that would be great. Heck, it's what I thought it was for when it first came out... then things kinda went south. The core issue is not the product. The issue core issue is it's policies, and how it willfully drives those who want to opt out into very restrictive licensing or changing to private hosting. Change that, and you'll see, in time, a lot more goodwill. You would think something who's entire existence relies on free content would show a bit more respect to the people making said content *shrug*
  16. This is incorrect. I had a new mod listed that was ARR, and had to request it be removed. The default behavior should change.
  17. And we're already heading in that direction.
  18. ahh ok if it is for existing ships then we'll have to just let it ride unfortunately
  19. Wow. Then don't use my mods. Seriously. I have pretty much zero time for people who act that entitled towards the labors of other people. Sorry, but my time as a content creator is significantly more valuable in relation to mods that I create and maintain than your time as a guy who wants to use some free stuff I provide. Especially since you - and I mean you personallly - wasted my time in the middle of an update night by tossing one of my mods up on CKAN. We all keep saying the same thing here... but nobody seems interested in listening. I will try again. Make inclusion of a mod opt in only. Let modders remove whatever they want from CKAN whenever they want. No questions asked. Unless we either say 'sure, go ahead and list it' or do it ourselves. Do not list it. That's it. Without that being sorted, this thread is going to go nowhere.
  20. If you have re-installed Kolonization after deleting the old Kolonization folder and it is still hanging, see if it repros without TAC-LS (I assume you are using TAC-LS?)
  21. Thanks - can you log a github issue? Does it replicate on new tanks?
  22. @blowfish - the right answer (and by right I mean the answer that is neighborly, and respects the wishes of content creators) is that the mod is then de-listed if the owner does not wish it listed. Better yet, the mod is not listed in the first place unless the owner wished it to be listed. And no, I did not threaten to break CKAN... but if I were so inclined, it's pretty trivial to ensure a mod is not listable against my wishes.
  23. Not de-listed, broken metadata issue. But at least it's something I can sort on my end (and folks can install manually in the interim).
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