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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. Wait a couple of weeks and USI-LS will have it's own
  2. USI-LS includes this. And UKS/MKS-Lite have the corresponding parts
  3. @Tandoori - as soon as someone can get me a save with it happening I can troubleshoot it. All I need to see is the issue manifesting on a station/base that just has USI parts on it, and I can load it up and do some debugging. If you have one, attach it to an issue on Github and let me know please
  4. Glad it's working out for you
  5. The two have nothing to do with each other. If there's something you would like to see in the game, best bet is the suggestions forum.
  6. Yeah... every single thing I include in these mods is there for a really good reason. Don't remove them, move them, etc. or stuff will not work.
  7. Odds are they are just out of date - old mod I do take PRs if someone wants to volunteer to fix that
  8. Good deal! You are missing USI Tools. That's mandatory... without it this modwill not work at all It is bundled with the mod. Install manually if CKAN is being silly. Glad you got it sorted
  9. Thing is - that version file is ridiculously out of date. I pushed a new version to see if it can knock it back to where it needs to be. What should happen RE the converter is it will catch up once you return to focus. So the UI will be a bit out of whack
  10. Did an update, hopefully CKAN will reindex in the relatively near future
  11. Looks like it may be SpaceDock, so I did a push to use GitHub's versioning.
  12. Sure, the rub being I own all of the dependencies and in this case, CRP which itself has no dependencies is not being listed. I'm going to just version everything up in case CKAN is having hiccups
  13. I'm curious as well hopefully a ckan person can let me know what's up. For now you can install manually and use ksp-avc for the version checking.
  14. @FletcherDragon - Sounds like a bad install. Install KSP-AVC, show me this screen here, or use Copy to Clipboard and paste the result.
  15. Welp. My version files are all up to date, and KSP-AVC (which works just fine) is happy. The files themselves are fine since they have to be well formed JSON to make it through my automated deploys. But it looks like something has gotten borked on the CKAN side. So, I'd recommend installing KSP-AVC and sticking with manual installs. It's rock solid, reliable, notifies of updates instantly (no indexing) and has caused me zero support issues (I ping'd one of the CKAN people, will see if I can get a reply).
  16. All of my mods are CKAN indexed, as I handle the metadata myself. So if they are not appearing, I'd ask the CKAN people what's up (I've heard of no issues, but expect it will take some people squawking for them to check things on their end).
  17. Nope, they do not Fertilizer is what lets you convert mulch back into supplies. About 90% mulch to 10% fertilizer. Making new fertilizer (currently) is a mod-land thing, but I'll be releasing a 'Farm-Core' mod for USI-LS that adds a bunch of basic parts, so you can either play with it as is, play with it and farm-core and make stock bases, or work with parts packs that don't add extra processes (like Lack and Nertea's stuff), or use it to extend and add part variety to other mods that use USI-LS (i.e. MKS/OKS/MKS-Lite/etc.)
  18. You might want to read a couple of posts above yours... No idea, sorry Oh... and have a picture
  19. Yep, all things USI - especially MKS/OKS (which is all about colonization end game stuff) or MKS-Lite if you want something a bit lighter weight.
  20. Well aware of this, see note above RE 'having to redo all wheels'. Same shader, different texture
  21. More specificity please. Resources should absolutely be used during warp... What does the UI show? 1. You're missing something EC is on the same timer. That being said, it should be going down. 2. I don't understand, more specificity please. 3. Sure, log a github issue. 4. Yes, it's a lot gentler by default until you install something like UKS, etc. that have more hab parts. 5. Log an issue, but new UI work is a low priority at the moment - lots of fish to fry Nice - let me know if you have any issues It's just you More details please, also be sure to use the 1.1.2 version on KSP 1.1.2 Log a github issue, given I don't use RSS, I don't generally account for it.
  22. If someone can toss me a PR I can happily deprecate these (or at least log a github issue)
  23. Ok - we have a 1.1.2 compatible version up. Enjoy. Yes, I have to redo a ton of parts This is mostly for the core plugin compatibility.
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