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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. Use the smaller bombs for yours 250's are ample for that vessel.. 2500's will blow it up. 250's can be used from the launchpad. Copied constellation from the zip or from your old save? Also turn CKAN off when you do this. I would do this (in case CKAN had it's way with your install). -CKAN off. - Install KSP from Steam in a clean location. -Manually unzip that constellation folder again into GameData - only use that 12/31 zip. -Run KSP and start a new sandbox game - Create your pod - use all defaults for the orion parts (it starts at 250's), plunk it on the launchpad, then throttle to full, then hit space. Should just work.
  2. Then I am officially at a loss - there's something being missed here and I have absolutely no idea what it is. You are using a default KSP install - meaning no settings either correct?
  3. To be 100% clear. New KSP install. New save. Constellation Zip only. No touching any of it's contents. No CKAN involvement whatsoever. Because I am seeing absolutely no reason why that vessel should not work.
  4. Show me your GameData folder please. You likely have a mod conflict or you are missing something.
  5. Behold the Karimute. With two EVA'd Kerbals.
  6. Rule number one.... please don't do videos in the dark, I can't see the parts Second - in your video you're moving all over the place with your fuel - you start with NPU-2500's (big bombs!) but your fuel cartridge is for NPU-250's (little bombs!) Your fuel has to match the engine unless there's a fuel tank I can't see. Even with that mismatch, I still got my Orion to go boom (a simple three part ship - pod, NPU-250 cartridge, and an Orion engine) once I had the right fuel. BUT... you also have stuff in your PAW I do not. That's suspicious. It means something is messing with the parts - and I have spent a chunk of this week dealing with invasive mods. So I would also suggest getting a clean KSP install, dropping in that constellation zip, and giving it a go. If it suddenly works, then we can figure out what's conflicting.
  7. Pretty easy. Slap on the engine. Include a pack of the cartridges. Launch, and enjoy. Note that it's an on-or-off thing, all you can really do is vary the charge size. It's not going to be good for fine control, so what I tend to do is toss an Orion as brute force propulsion, but run NTRs to handle the small adjustment burns. I used the ship below for a crewed Jool-5 mission.
  8. So I'll be expanding this mod a bit - specifically, adding a new cadre of NTR's. including 0.625m, 1.25m short, 1.875m, 2.5m, and 3.75m along with some variants. NERV included in the pic for a size comparison.
  9. Can KSPI-E please not change the fuel of the USI reactors? Thanks. (Probably a blanket statement not to override USI stuff in general please, so I can avoid support issues).
  10. Also to solve some of the mystery on stock converters. As you warp things will move in chunks - the max being about a four hour chunk in a single game tick. So as long as you have enough storage to handle the ins and outs of all of your resource chains to accommodate that, the resource converter system is pretty solid
  11. Just to be clear, CRP makes no provision of what you do with a resource, merely establishes it's existence. There are even handy game configs to reduce your resource multipliers. So 'Dirt' 'Rock' 'Ore' etc. by their nature are not OP - that's purely the domain of the bits that use them. And the bits that use them should be free to make reasonable assumptions. The original design concept of how stock resources were built, and what CRP builds on, are that all configurations are additive, and it will always gun for the most optimistic, with priorities starting at the biome, then body, then global level. The idea being that it's better to have too much of something (since there are ways to scale that in the mod or config or planetary/biome overrides) than have things vanish unexpectedly.
  12. Yes I personally use CTT, but if someone wants to do a PR for KTT I would happily take it. tbh, that approach of killing resources so fundamentally goes against how I built stock (and against how CRP is meant to work) that it's downright shameful.
  13. So the current plan is to move the big nukes out of FTT and move them to the Nuclear Rockets pack (which right now is just the Orion and Medusa). But as part of the move, they get a model rework and a few friends (the stock NERV is shown in the lineup for size comparison)
  14. They copy the stock NERV as far as stats... but that may be changing soon as they are getting a revamp along with some nuke engine friends (that I will likely be modeling on Twitch). Either works as the conversion is lossless in stock per design.
  15. PlanLog nope - OrbLog yes. Though these will (eventually) be deprecated. And there should be an easy ore->fuel option in WOLF.
  16. The problem is that WOLF has zero temporal coupling. So anything related to time is basically a no-go. It really depends on what part of the tech tree you gun for in your career. WOLF Is really one of those capstone things you do as you get into multiple colonies, etc. because once you're in WOLF land - the real question becomes 'what's next?' There's not much space left in the colonization space after that.
  17. For orbit, you would actually need the transport module to make credits
  18. Yep - since you can do ground routes with electric rovers, it's easy to get some initial zero-cost transport routes.
  19. They make a reappearance in the next release (as noted, one that's not public yet - but one I am playing through to test things).
  20. Because they are a permanent resource for that resource chain. For example, 'maintenance' includes mechanics, engineers, matkits, etc. to keep everything operational. WOLF is not automation (except for a couple of low efficiency automated harvesters), it's an abstraction layer over the 'plumbing'. You still have the quartermasters, pilots, mechanics, medics, farmers, biologists, etc. that make everything run smoothly.
  21. Yeah I need to give you guys a variant that does not have the bottom nub of the Atlas bits. Oh... and here's my current career vessel for my manned Jool-5 science mission (Crew of three, with two in the freezer most of the time). Single stage to orbit with the Orion
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